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Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
RT @HouseGOP: “A typical driver is paying $16 more to fill up than this time last year,” according to a CBS News report on Biden’s energy c… —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
American energy independence is needed now more than ever. President Biden's war on domestic energy production will continue to cost American families at the gas pump. —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
Gas prices are rapidly on the rise in West Virginia and across the nation. The current average of gas in West Virginia is $3.89 for regular and $4.62 for Diesel. Last week, West Virginia was at a $3.34 average for regular and $3.92 for diesel. —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
Rugby has always been a passion of mine. I am proud to advocate for our great country and help bring the Rugby World Cup to the United States. #CongressionalRugbyCaucus #Rugby @USARugby @USRugbyWC —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
Under the Dems control, the Trump wall is not being built. #DemsFridayFails —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
As a former college rugby player at Dartmouth College, I continue to enjoy watching the sport as a member of the United States Congress. I look forward to advocating for America as a host site as we move forward with this important bid. —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
Honored to have Congressional Rugby Caucus members @RepRichHudson @RepCasten @RepGosar as co-sponsors. —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
I am pleased to join with my colleague @EleanorNorton to introduce a bipartisan resolution in support of @USARugby World Cup Bid. @USRugbyWC #Rugby #RugbyCaucus —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
Inflation is at the highest rate in 40 years and has gone up every month of the Biden presidency. It is not transitory. West Virginians are felling it every time they leave the house. The reckless spending in Washington is out of control. —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
"The most prominent concern noted among survey takers was the economy at 30 percent, and economic concerns were cited along with inflation as the most worrying for respondents." —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
RT @HouseGOP: President Biden and Democrat one-party rule has created: 🚨A border crisis 🚨An inflation crisis 🚨A crime crisis 🚨A national s… —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
Speaker Pelosi’s reaction every time President Biden proposed spending another trillion of your hard-earned dollars. #StopTheSpending #SOTUinCrisis #SOTU —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
In conclusion, the State of our Union sounds very expensive. #SOTUinCrisis #SOTU —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
RT @HouseGOP: In FY21, 11,201 pounds of fentanyl were seized by Customs and Border Protection, which is enough to kill every American nearl… —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
The opioid crisis is fueled by the open southern border. #SOTUinCrisis #SOTU —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
RT @GOPLeader: The guy who allowed 2,000,000 illegal border crossings last year is now lecturing America about the importance of border sec… —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
Secure our border. Enforce our laws. #BuildTheWall #SOTUinCrisis #SOTU —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
Democrats have been wanting to defund the police for the past few years. I support our police and #BackTheBlue #SOTUinCrisis #SOTU —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
RT @RepublicanStudy: How can you “stop seeing each other as enemies” if you smear school parents as domestic terrorists and call anyone tha… —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
The political science of COVID changed overnight. Never forget the unconstitutional mandates issued by this administration. ##SOTUinCrisis #SOTU —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
How is the President going to lower inflation? What actions does he propose to address the biggest issue facing Americans right now? #SOTUinCrisis #SOTU —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
RT @HouseGOP: Joe Biden wants to buy American except when it comes to oil and natural gas. #SOTUinCrisis —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
Seems President Biden has dropped the “Build Back Better” name and is working his liberal wish list $ection by $ection now. #SOTUinCrisis #SOTU —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
RT @RepJimBanks: Biden’s has no plan to lower inflation. #Bidenflation —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
At some point President Biden must take inflation seriously. Stop the spending. Inflation was never “transitory.” #Bidenflation #SOTU #SOTUinCrisis —
Kevin McCarthy @GOPLeader
Inflation is rising at the fastest rate in 40 years. You don't need a speech to know what the state of the union i…
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
💸💸💸💸💸 —
House Republicans @HouseGOP
Inflation has gone up every single month of Joe Biden's failed presidency because of his Far-Left agenda and out-of…
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
RT @RepJasonSmith: Hearing Biden talk about his Green New Deal Agenda – let’s remember his agenda gives $12,500 subsidy for families making… —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
Only fractions of President Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure package went to traditional infrastructure. Liberal priorities were thrown in at the cost of billions of taxpayer dollars. President Biden is happy to thank House Republicans that dragged it across the finish line. —
House Republicans @HouseGOP
Inflation is at the highest rate in 40 years. #SOTUinCrisis
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
President Biden’s claim that the 2018 tax cuts only benefited the top 1% is totally false. This administration is hyper focused on government spending and raising your taxes to pay for it all. #SOTUinCrisis #Sotu —
Rep. Alex Mooney @RepAlexMooney
RT @GOPLeader: Even before Russia invaded Ukraine, Biden's anti-American energy policies left Americans paying the highest gas prices in 8… —