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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

The entire federal budget was less than $4.5 trillion in 2019. Democrats want to spend $3.5T on one bill. This reckless spending isn’t meant to address the crises piling up under Pres. Biden’s watch. It’s the express lane to socialism liberals have been dreaming of for years. —

Posted Sept. 22, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Democrats always seem to forget that most Americans are employed by businesses. When you raise taxes on businesses, ordinary Americans feel the consequences. If Dems succeed in passing their $2 trillion tax hike, American workers are going to pay the price. —

Posted Sept. 22, 2021 Deleted after 4 minutes
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Inflation is near a 13-year high, Americans are worrying about if their paychecks can stretch to cover the higher prices they’re facing, and Democrats want to spend $3.5 trillion more … Dumping that much money into the economy is pretty much guaranteed to fuel higher inflation. —

Posted Sept. 22, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

I’m noticing a distinct pattern of Democrats trying to force Republican-governed states to bend the knee to their radical agenda. We are not going to allow Democrats to rewrite election laws in South Dakota, or any other state. Period. —

Posted Sept. 22, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Enjoyed meeting with the Impacted Schools of South Dakota and hearing about the continued importance of the Impact Aid Program to schools across South Dakota. I’ll continue to support this essential program & the schools that depend on it. —

Posted Sept. 21, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

RT @RepDustyJohnson: When thousands of migrants can cross a shallow river to illegally enter the U.S., you know you have a problem. Preside… —

Posted Sept. 20, 2021 Retweet
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

RT @SenatorTimScott: The crisis at our southern border gets worse every day. President Biden and Vice President Harris are responsible for… —

Posted Sept. 20, 2021 Retweet
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Hard to believe our oldest granddaughter, Henley, is turning 5 years old. Grateful to be able to celebrate with her. #grandkidsrock #luckyguy —

Posted Sept. 20, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Great Plains Family Restaurant today. I share many of your concerns about the Biden admin: the border crisis, Afghanistan disaster, federal vaccine mandate, spending, tax hikes - I'm against it all. We need solutions, not more problems. —

Posted Sept. 17, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

What a great afternoon at the Selby Area School homecoming. This community was out in full force to celebrate their students. Good luck at the game tonight. Fall Friday nights are meant for high school football. —

Posted Sept. 17, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

RT @NorthernStateU: It's Constitution Day! Constitution Day commemorates the Sept. 17, 1787, signing of the United States Constitution. Le… —

Posted Sept. 17, 2021 Retweet
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Enjoyed the great conversation at my #CommunityCoffee in Herreid today. Thanks to everyone who took the time to come by and chat. Your feedback guides all my work in Washington. I’ll be at Great Plains Family Restaurant in Mobridge at 2PM, stop by! —

Posted Sept. 17, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Going once, going twice… Had a good discussion at the Herreid Livestock Auction. South Dakota cattle producers raise the best beef in the world. I’m fighting to get them answers on potential market manipulation by the meatpackers. Producers deserve a fair & transparent market. —

Posted Sept. 17, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

TOMORROW: I’m hosting community coffees in Herreid and Mobridge to chat with folks in the area. Please join us if you’re available. Look forward to catching up. —

Posted Sept. 16, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Grocery store beef that’s labeled “Made in the USA” may actually come from cattle raised in a foreign country like Mexico. This label is dishonest to consumers & unfair to American cattle producers who actually raise U.S. beef. I have a bill to help fix this. —

Posted Sept. 16, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Simple economic concept at work here: If you flood the economy with government spending, the price of goods goes up. For all their talk about helping hardworking Americans, Dems’ economic policies are making these workers’ lives more difficult. —

The Wall Street Journal @WSJ

“I’m making more money...But I don’t see it because I’m paying more money for stuff now.” Low-wage workers are gett…

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

South Dakotans are shocked at the level of incompetence from this admin as crisis after crisis has piled up under P… —

Posted Sept. 14, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

The disastrous, hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan is a stain on our nation’s history and a betrayal of the men and… —

Posted Sept. 14, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Americans deserve to know where their tax dollars went – plain and simple. There was a huge amount of fraud in COVID-19 unemployment insurance programs. I dropped a bill today that would bolster efforts to crack down on fraudulent payments & hold criminals responsible. —

Posted Sept. 14, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Caught up w/ John Rounds who recently started his own physical therapy practice in Pierre. He is providing an important service to folks in his community and surrounding areas. He even mentioned that he has some patients from Murdo. Not me… yet. —

Posted Sept. 14, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

The Biden admin must be held accountable for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. They left American citizens beh… —

Posted Sept. 13, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Pres. Biden’s disastrous #DoubleDeathTax has been taken out of Dems’ reckless tax-&-spending spree (for now). I’ve… —

Posted Sept. 13, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

It was a special moment to be with members of the @SD_guard & their families on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. We ca… —

Posted Sept. 11, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Three days after the 9/11 attacks, I warned the terrorists that they had messed with the wrong country. For the past 20 years, our brave men & women in uniform have proven how true that was. From the rubble, America picked itself up & took the fight to the bad guys. #NeverForget —

Posted Sept. 11, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

In the 20 years since the #September11 attacks, the U.S. military has sent a clear message to terrorists around the world: don’t mess with the USA. We can never thank them enough for their service and for keeping our homeland safe all these years. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

.@NorthernStateU officially has a brand new, state-of-the-art regional sports complex. Congrats to the university and students on this exciting addition. The new Dacotah Bank Stadium looks impressive! #GoWolves —

Posted Sept. 10, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Every life lost to suicide is a tremendous tragedy that affects American families & communities across the country. If you are struggling, please know that support is available. #WorldSuicidePreventionDay 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 (press 1) —

Posted Sept. 10, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Lemmon Fire Hall this afternoon. I enjoyed catching up with folks and hearing what’s on their minds. It’s always valuable feedback. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Always interesting to check out the historic National Fish Hatchery & Archives in Spearfish. The @DCBoothHatchery is a great place to learn about the rich history of American fisheries. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Spoke at the Stockgrowers convention in Spearfish about my new bill to reinstate mandatory country of origin labeling on beef products, & I updated folks on my fight against Dems’ disastrous double death tax, which would make it harder for family operations to be passed down. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2021