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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Dismal #JobsReport today. U.S. job growth fell to the slowest pace of the year. There are millions of job openings, but Americans are leaving the workforce in staggering numbers. Dem promises of tax hikes & “free everything” isn’t helping job growth or rising inflation. —

Posted Oct. 8, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Appreciate Deanna Larson, CEO of Avel eCare, traveling from Sioux Falls to testify at a @SenateCommerce subcommittee hearing on the importance of telehealth services. She shared great insight about how telehealth can help improve care for patients in SD and across the country. —

Posted Oct. 7, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

There's no way to make a $3.5 TRILLION bill cost $0. Even if you try to "pay for it" by taxing Americans’ hard-earned money, the price tag doesn’t change. Even if you spy on Americans' bank accounts to squeeze every last dime out of them, the price tag doesn’t change. —

Posted Oct. 6, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Dems plan to pay for their socialist agenda by snooping on your bank account. If your account activity exceeds $600 in a YEAR, your financial info will be reported to the federal gov't. The IRS will know every time you dine out, buy a jacket, or rent a movie. Insane overreach. —

Posted Oct. 6, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Members of the @SD_Guard are headed to the southern border to bring some order to the Biden border crisis. Border conditions were deteriorating when I visited in March – SEVEN months ago. The crisis has been getting worse every day since. Pres. Biden must take action immediately. —

Posted Oct. 6, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Beyond the recklessly high price tag of over $3.5 TRILLION, Democrats' tax-and-spending spree makes it clear that farmers & ranchers aren't high on their priority list. —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Facebook users should be given more transparency & power over what info they're fed on FB. Users need to be empowered to make their own decisions about the content they want to see. —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Social Media algorithms force users into information bubbles where they're not hearing anything else. All to keep people glued on their platform and make more $$. Consumers deserve transparency & power over how their content is being filtered. @SenateCommerce, let's get to work. —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Growing up with two educators as parents, I have a deep appreciation for teachers. These men and women are public servants through and through, & we owe them a big thank you for dedicating their careers to educating the next generation. #WorldTeachersDay —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

RT @bopinion: Sen. John Thune got to the heart of one of Haugen’s biggest messages, that “engagement based ranking” itself is harmful. Thes… —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021 Retweet
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

We should encourage employees in the tech sector to speak up about questionable practices of Big Tech companies so we can ensure Americans are fully aware of how social media platforms are using artificial intelligence & opaque algorithms to keep them hooked on the platform. —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

I’ve been demanding more transparency from Big Tech for years. These are hugely influential companies. Their practices can’t continue to be shrouded in secrecy. —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

I look forward to questioning the Facebook whistleblower tomorrow. Social media companies are hugely influential and must be held accountable. —

60 Minutes @60Minutes

Despite Facebook’s massive reach, former employee turned whistleblower Frances Haugen told 60 Minutes the company d…

Posted Oct. 4, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

RT @SenJohnThune: Algorithms used by big tech to promote, suppress, & filter content are shrouded in secrecy. Consumers should have the opt… —

Posted Oct. 4, 2021 Retweet
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Honored to be part of today’s activation ceremony for the @SD_Guard 1742nd Transportation Company. It’s humbling to see so many brave South Dakotans answering the call to duty, & I’m proud to be from a state with a deep respect for military service. —

Posted Oct. 3, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Toured the new NSU Dacotah Bank Stadium. Wow! Really impressive facility & an amazing place to win football games. —

Posted Oct. 2, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

In Aberdeen today to say thank you to the men and women of the @USArmyReserve’s 452nd Ordnance Company. These are the best of the best who are leaving loved ones behind to serve our country. We can’t thank them enough and will be praying for their safe return. —

Posted Oct. 2, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Spirits were high at @NorthernStateU #GypsyDays Parade today. #WolvesNation was out in full force to enjoy the great weather and support their teams. Go Wolves! —

Posted Oct. 2, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Kimberley and I were blessed to join so many tireless advocates this evening at the 50th Annual South Dakota Right to Life Convention. We look forward to the day when every child, born or unborn, is protected under the law. —

Posted Oct. 2, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Algorithms used by big tech to promote, suppress, & filter content are shrouded in secrecy. Consumers should have the option to engage with these sites w/o being manipulated by opaque algorithms. I’m working on 2 bipartisan bills to increase transparency & hold tech accountable. —

Posted Oct. 1, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

In August CBP encountered 208,887 people attempting to cross our southern border. 208,887 people *in a single month.* That’s more than the population of Sioux Falls – the largest city in South Dakota. —

Posted Oct. 1, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Crisis after crisis, including the one at the southern border, is unfolding before our eyes. And the Democrat response? Essentially sticking their fingers in their ears and humming. —

Posted Oct. 1, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Just voted against Tracy Stone-Manning’s nomination to lead the @BLMNational. I won’t support someone with known ties to eco-terrorism and extremist environmental views to oversee our public lands. —

Posted Sept. 30, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

RT @agripulse: Washington Week in Review: Sept. 30, 2021: @SenJohnThune on reconciliation, conservation, MCOOL http… —

Posted Sept. 30, 2021 Retweet
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

The Biden border crisis is endangering communities across the country. I spoke with SD sheriffs, & they’re seeing the effects in our state. Butte County Sheriff Fred Lamphere said the problem with drugs is worse than he's ever seen from meth & fentanyl pouring across the border. —

Posted Sept. 30, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Rather than addressing our border crisis or our inflation problem, Democrats are right now attempting to tee up a reckless, massive tax-and-spending spree to vastly expand the reach of government into Americans’ lives. —

Posted Sept. 30, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

1. There’s no way Ds can make $3.5 TRILLION cost "zero" (except by raising taxes even more than they’ve already admitted) 2. This IS about vision. Republicans will never support Ds’ vision of a socialist state overseeing/controlling every aspect of Americans’ lives —

Posted Sept. 29, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

Reminder: Dems control the House, Senate, & White House right now. There’s no question who's to blame for this chaos – it’s all on Dems. As long as Ds continue to steamroll anyone blocking their path to socialism – even members of their own party – their disarray will continue. —

Posted Sept. 29, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

It’s no secret Democrats are pushing for higher taxes, but their proposal also includes a new requirement that financial institutions hand Americans’ financial information over to the IRS. I led my colleagues in a letter outlining our staunch opposition.👇🏻 —

Posted Sept. 29, 2021
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Senator John Thune @SenJohnThune

If Democrats are going to ram through $3.5 trillion in spending with just 51 partisan votes, they can raise the debt limit without Republicans. We don't support this reckless agenda, and we’re not going to help write them a blank check to fund it. —

Posted Sept. 29, 2021