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Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Every dollar put into the government’s broken project delivery system or toward expanding the definition of infrastructure is a dollar taken away from actually turning dirt and pouring concrete for new roads and bridges. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
A bill we are pushing would provide some flexibility for these $ to quickly turn dirt on projects - improving the efficiency & capacity of our airports at a faster pace. Unfinished projects don’t get planes, consumers, goods, or services moving on time. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Our bill to expedite airport infrastructure projects passed through the U.S. House. By incentivizing early complet…
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Throw in parking, luggage, waiting in lines, short-staffed airport businesses, delays, cancelations, and being cramped on planes, and you start to appreciate all that goes into taking a flight. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Airport infrastructure can make or break a trip, and the right investments help ensure a safe, efficient, and enjoyable travel experience. The funds will be provided through the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP). —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Over $4.2 is headed to @BTRairport to help fund construction of a service road. These funds will increase safety and flight options – helping us expand the airport that serves the Baton Rouge region. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
The STARTER Act we introduced would result in more roads and bridges being built because it addresses reforming the project delivery process. Read more here: —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
We have POTUS basically saying, “I get what I want, or nobody gets anything.” And if he does get his way, it will be hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on the expansion of failed social welfare programs & paying people to not work – instead of $ going to build roads & bridges —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
This “deal” ignores the first-order, project delivery problems that are the reason why the government is failing at infrastructure to begin with – and by simply putting good money on top of bad, all it will do is increase the number of bad outcomes we already have. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Nobody benefits from projects until they are done. Yet we often waste years, or decades, studying projects instead…
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
This supposed bipartisan infrastructure deal is a disaster. It’s a fundamental mistake to let President Biden hold infrastructure hostage with the veto threat contingent on he and the left getting their partisan “human infrastructure” spending package. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Joined @MariaBartiromo this morning on @MorningsMaria to discuss how we need to address the core needs of American infrastructure. We have to make major investments in areas such as roads, bridges, ports, waterways, airports and flood protection. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
I also want to say thank you Whip Steve Scalise, Congressman Troy Carter and former Congressman Cedric Richmond for their support and leadership on this bill as we look forward to it becoming law. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
This bill helps ensure we can rise to that challenge and continue the work needed to protect, preserve, and promote the health of Lake Pontchartrain and the success of this nationally important region. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
For example - the diversion of floodwaters into Lake Pontchartrain through the Bonnet Carre Spillway for a record-setting 5 times in 5 years. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Louisiana sits at the bottom of the funnel for the largest drainage system in North America and bears the brunt of flooding, water management and other challenges that the Mississippi River Watershed’s 32 states and 2 Canadian provinces send our way. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Our bill provides federal support for the important work of improving the ecological health of Lake Pontchartrain & surrounding lakes & waterways to preserve critical habitat for shrimp, blue crab, trout, flounder & other resources that the area provides for South LA & the nation —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Our bill to advance restoration of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin passed through the U.S. House. More than 1/3 of Louisianans live in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin – fishing its lakes, boating along its waterways, building businesses and growing their families with its resources. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
The Administration’s decision to cancel America's energy leasing will result in higher gas prices and less funding for hurricane protection, flood control and coastal restoration. We raised these concerns initially in January. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Today's ruling by Louisiana's U.S. District Court Judge affirmed what we knew would happen the moment the pen hit the paper on the moratoriums. Interior’s arbitrary decisions have had grave consequences and we thank the judge for realizing these impacts. —
The Advocate @theadvocatebr
BREAKING: The Biden administration’s suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal land and water was blocked Tue…
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Overall, this is a win-win for airports and taxpayers alike. I’m looking forward to seeing this bill result in more efficient use of taxpayer funds, better flight options, and improved aviation safety. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Our bill to expedite airport infrastructure projects passed through the U.S. House. By incentivizing early completion of airport projects, this bill will help ensure that airports have the tools necessary to avoid delayed service and get airport improvement projects done faster. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
That’s why @cathymcmorris, @RepAndyBarr, and I led 65 other House Republicans in sending a letter to @POTUS opposing his recent actions. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
The Keystone XL pipeline would’ve strengthened U.S. energy independence and created 11,000 good-paying American jobs. It’s hard to understand why the Biden Administration halted its construction yet waived sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 project. —
Joshua Siegel @SiegelScribe
SCOOP: Keystone XL developer to pull the plug on pipeline. TC Energy to officially announce it is canceling the pro…
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
This grant will allow the @TheH2OInstitute, the ports & other partners to identify areas that need dredging before they become a problem. This benefits the resiliency of the channel, jobs & our economy. This is a great example of how new technology can help to solve old problems. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
The Mississippi River is America’s Commerce Superhighway. Its capacity and importance to the U.S. economy is second to none. When the channel fills in and large ships are unable to safely transit the river, it sends ripple effects through Louisiana’s economy and impacts our jobs. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
The @TheH2OInstitute received a $1.6 million grant for the development of a Lower MS River SmartPort & Resilience Center (SmartPort). —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Some of the projects announced are crucial components to providing our communities, schools, homes and businesses the flood protection we need and deserve. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
I’m glad to see project announcements, but this process lacks the regional scale, urgency and transparency taxpayers deserve. A good bit of flooding from the May storm is preventable if we allocate the resources to the right projects with a greater sense of urgency. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
And money is an important part of the solution, but it doesn’t do any good sitting in the bank. We’re almost five years past the 2016 Flood, years after we secured the dollars and the money is slowly trickling out on localized projects. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Last week, Ascension, East Baton Rouge, Iberville and Lafourche parishes secured $22,709,500 - a result of these legislative efforts. —