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Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Folks have been waiting for this for decades and as a result of the federal funding we secured, we’re now seeing major steps toward completion of the flood control project. Comite is part of our larger efforts to improve flood protection and lower flood insurance rates. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
A $20 million contract to excavate the channel between Cypress Bayou & Bayou Baton Rouge - this is a major milestone that will advance the Comite Flood Control Project. This is an example of real investment in real infrastructure priorities. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
More here about the potential defunding of critical flood control, hurricane protection, coastal restoration, and river dredging projects in Louisiana by the Biden Administration. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
More here about how the U.S. Department of Transportation moved forward in giving nearly $1 billion in grants to transportation and infrastructure projects with subjective criteria, objectives, and goals. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
We have started floor debate on the infrastructure bill. From the reinvention of criteria for DOT grants to the Corps defunding flood protection, they are politically manipulating the dollars. We need to focus on real infrastructure & real priorities. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Louisianians are expecting to see consistent rate increases for decades, and FEMA is not being transparent about it. —
David J Mitchell @NewsieDave
New flood insurance rate hikes in Louisiana higher than FEMA estimates; politicians push for delay…
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
More here: —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
We're calling for the U.S. Department of Commerce to immediately declare a “Fishery Disaster Determination” due to…
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
The declared disaster would provide targeted relief to one of the most impacted sectors of Louisiana’s economy. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
This complements the billions in funding we've secured for regional flood control projects in progress such as the Comite Flood Protection Project, the five-bayous project, and clearing and snagging of waterways. These solutions will help protect homes and families. —
LivingstonParishNews @LPNews1898
More than $1.7 million in grant funding will be made available to elevate 51 properties at risk of flooding in Livi…
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
We have to improve the air travel experience. And we have to look at this not just from the perspective of the airlines and airline employees, but from the passenger perspective as well - a holistic approach. —
T&I Committee Republicans @TransportGOP
✈️ WATCH: @RepGarretGraves opens today's Aviation hearing on the surge in air rage and its effects on workers, airl…
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
RT @theadvocatebr: U.S. Rep. Garret Graves announced $1.7 million in federal money to help cover the cost of elevating 51 properties at ris… —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
The Blue Roof Program is moving way too slow. With tens of thousands of damaged roofs across south LA during storm season, the Corps has to expedite getting these homes protected otherwise damages will be exacerbated. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
In addition to the billions of dollars we’ve secured for regional flood control projects such as the Comite Flood Protection Project, the five-bayous project, clearing and snagging of waterways, this is another complementary tool to help protect homes and families. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Announced grant funding to elevate 51 properties at risk of flooding in Livingston Parish. A lot of people think the solution to flooding is just charging higher flood insurance rates. We believe the solution is preventing people from ever flooding. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
From the projects in the Capital Region, the West Shore project and the Morganza Project, to the Comite Diversion, Five-Bayous Projects or efforts around the Amite River and Bayou Manchac – these will all help provide better protection and lower risk. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Rather than fighting over who floods, we’ve made it clear that our goal is to get the water out so no one floods. We are continuing to gather stakeholders and fund projects across south Louisiana to build more resilient communities. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
The 2016 Flood, the May rain bomb this year, Hurricane Ida and other disasters prove that destruction doesn’t stop at a parish line and that regional flood protection requires a regional solution. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
The recommendation to improve drainage along Bayou Manchac at the border of EBR and Ascension will be introduced today. We first convened stakeholders in July to discuss regional solutions in the Bayou Manchac Watershed. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
We still need to bring aid to the fishing industry and even restaurants due to Hurricane Ida to help offset losses, but this will help bring some short-term comfort to folks that are looking for any angle to keep their business afloat. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
We’ve made it a point to fully equip the Gulf States with more science and independent data to improve the management of this species, so we don't lose ground on the success we've made in conservation efforts. Some more recent background here: —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
The best science showed that there is triple the Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico, yet the amount of fishing days…
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Background: According to LDWF’s near real-time landings data collection program (LA Creel), it is estimated that 587,801 pounds or 70% of LA's 2021 annual private recreational allocation of 832,493 pounds have been harvested during the 2021 red snapper season. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Incredible news for Louisiana’s anglers. LDWF just increased the red snapper bag limit to four per person, per day, and extended the season to seven days per week until further notice. This is the first four bag limit, a result of legislation we passed. —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
We will continue the bipartisan effort to put a moratorium on the implementation of the flood rate hikes. (4/4) —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Joining @BillPascrell and dozens of members of Congress in a bipartisan effort to block efforts by FEMA to implemen…
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
A delay in implementing Risk Rating 2.0 is needed to allow Congress time to work on a comprehensive long-term reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program. (3/4) —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Just yesterday – we introduced an amendment to the government funding bill to delay the FEMA NFIP rate surges. This amendment was blocked by Democrat procedural maneuvers. (2/4) —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
Hurricane Ida victims just had their home damaged or destroyed, our communities are without electricity or internet, and you are going to spike them with a with an extra bill for $4,000 annually? Risk Rating 2.0 implementation needs to be delayed. (1/4) —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
We introduced several amendments in Rules Committee including: •Stop the Risk Rating 2.0 implementation •Prohibit enforcement actions against a Duplication of Benefits victim •Remove debris and sediment resulting from a natural disaster (6/6) —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
However, the bill lacks some key provisions, including the delay of FEMA National Flood Insurance Program rate surges and thinly spreads assistance for victims of Hurricanes Laura, Delta and Zeta to all 50 states. (5/6) —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
...disaster funding for our fishing community, a program to remove obstacles in our waterways, Hurricane Ida recovery funds to rebuild homes, and other recovery priorities. (4/6) —
Rep. Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves
The hurricane recovery bill includes a number of priorities we pushed, including funding for the Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Protection project, funding for the Upper Barataria levee, other flood control and resilience priorities... (3/6) —