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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

During impeachment, Republicans argued that, although Trump may be guilty, the voters should decide. Well, voters decided. Overwhelmingly. And now Trump is trying to overturn the will of voters. Republicans’ new ideology? Never mind the Constitution. Just do what Trump wants. —

Posted Nov. 21, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

RT @MittRomney: —

Posted Nov. 20, 2020 Retweet
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

We’re at a crossroads in our fight against coronavirus. The virus is spreading as rapidly as it was in the spring. I know it’s tough. But now is the time to make sacrifices so we can save lives. Mask. Social distance. Limit travel and gatherings. Stay safe, Californians. —

Gavin Newsom @GavinNewsom

Due to the rise in #COVID19 cases, CA is issuing a limited Stay at Home Order. Non-essential work and gatherings m…

Posted Nov. 20, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Countless public servants have tried to determine how to ethically serve a deeply unethical president.   Many have failed, but some have stood up when it mattered.   @GSAEmily can still stand up to protect our democracy. Because waiting could cost lives.   Do the right thing. —

Jeremy Herb @jeremyherb

NEW: People who have spoken to GSA Admin Emily Murphy say she's struggling with the weight of the election on her…

Posted Nov. 18, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Trump only knows how to put his own interests first. He can't understand Chris Krebs or others, like our brave service members, who put duty and service to the country above all else. Trump doesn't understand patriotism. And he never will. —

Posted Nov. 18, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Director Krebs worked diligently to safeguard our elections from interference and misinformation. He protected our democracy. And spoke truth to power. That’s why Trump retaliated and fired him. It’s pathetic and predictable from a president who views truth as his enemy. —

Posted Nov. 18, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Joe Biden can cancel student debt on day 1. He doesn't need to wait for Congress. And millions of Americans saddled with debt can't wait, either.   It's good policy, too — and will stimulate the economy quickly.   We need to think big to build a better, fairer economy for all. —

Posted Nov. 17, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

You count every vote. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. It’s the essence of our democracy. Unless you’re Trump’s GOP. Then you either win, or cry fraud and try to get legal votes thrown out. Biden won. The only question now is how much damage Trump will do on his way out. —

Amy Gardner @AmyEGardner

SCOOP: Ga. SoS Raffensperger says Sen. Lindsey Graham pressured him to toss legal ballots.

Posted Nov. 17, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Spreading misinformation. Undermining our standing abroad. Delaying critical national security preparedness.   Trump seems determined to burn down the house on his way out the door. We must not let him succeed. —

Posted Nov. 13, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Trump always puts his personal interests first. He doesn't care what it means for the country. If he can sabotage the Biden Administration, he'll do it. If he can punish his enemies, he'll do it. If he can stay in power, he'll do it. But he will not succeed. —

Posted Nov. 13, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

A tragic milestone: California now has 1 million cases of COVID-19. It didn’t have to be this way. But we’re not powerless against this virus. Be as cautious, if not more, as you were in March. Wear a mask. Limit travel. Social distance. We can save lives. But we have to act. —

The Associated Press @AP

California has become the second state in the U.S. to record 1 million confirmed coronavirus infections, according…

Posted Nov. 13, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

RT @MaddowBlog: "The president couldn't be doing all this, he couldn't have broken down so many of our norms and democratic institutions ov… —

Posted Nov. 12, 2020 Retweet
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Imagine if this happened in another country: A leader refusing to concede, alleging fraud without evidence, resisting a peaceful transition of power. We would condemn it. It’s no different here. Trump lost. Biden won. America cherishes her democracy. It’s time we show it. —

Posted Nov. 11, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Trump fired the Secretary of Defense by tweet. He removed a top climate scientist from his post. And his Attorney General is doing Trump’s bidding, sowing doubt in the election. There will be more blood-letting before the end, as Trump lashes out. But a new day is coming. —

Posted Nov. 10, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Today, Trump is in the Supreme Court trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. Trump wants to end healthcare for millions — during a pandemic. It’s unconscionable.   Access to healthcare is a human right and we will fight not only to protect it, but to make it universal. —

Posted Nov. 10, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Some good news to start your week: Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine may be more than 90% effective. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, but the virus is still spreading. As scientists continue to work on a vaccine, we all have to do our part. Wear a mask. Social distance. Be safe. —

The New York Times @nytimes

Breaking News: Pfizer said early data showed its vaccine was more than 90 percent effective in preventing Covid-19,…

Posted Nov. 9, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Now, the work begins:   Getting this pandemic under control. Rebuilding our economy. Expanding health care. Fighting climate change. Protecting our democracy. Bolstering truth and accountability. Restoring our standing in the eyes of the world. —

Posted Nov. 8, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Over the last four years, our democracy was tested in ways we never imagined. At times it seemed to falter, the guardrails tumbling down. But in the end, our democracy proved resilient. Because truth mattered, right mattered, and decency mattered. Because of you. —

Posted Nov. 7, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Joe Biden’s story is one of loss, perseverance and human decency. His victory, and Kamala’s, shows that in America, those qualities still matter. That right still matters. Truth still matters. And decency still matters. Rebuilding won't be quick or easy. Let’s get to work. —

Posted Nov. 7, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

What we just saw was the most dishonest and anti-democratic moment in the history of the presidency. Donald Trump… —

Posted Nov. 6, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Let’s recap. Trump spent months spreading lies about vote by mail so his supporters wouldn’t use it. Then Republi… —

Posted Nov. 4, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Good morning.   The election isn't over until every vote is counted.   No matter what the President says.   Every v… —

Posted Nov. 4, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Once again, the President is lying to the American people and acting like a would-be despot. We will count every v… —

Posted Nov. 4, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

History will not be kind to Donald Trump. Because whenever we have departed from the values of our nation, we have… —

Posted Nov. 3, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

You know you can't trust this President to do what's right for this country. You can only trust he'll do what's ri… —

Posted Nov. 3, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

During the impeachment trial, I asked this rhetorical question to Republican Senators: How much damage can Trump d… —

Posted Nov. 3, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Here are three simple rules to follow for Election Day: Rule 1: If you haven’t voted already, do so. Now. Rule 2:… —

Posted Nov. 3, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Dr. Fauci’s loyalty is to truth, science, and the American people. Just as it should be. We could have saved tens of thousands of lives if Trump listened to him. We still can. But for Trump, truth isn’t truth, science is suspect, and personal interest comes before saving lives. —

CNN Politics @CNNPolitics

White House unleashes on Dr. Anthony Fauci after his criticism of Dr. Scott Atlas and President Trump's pandemic re…

Posted Nov. 1, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

No country has ever recorded 100,000 positive tests in a day. We’re about to.  Hospitalizations and deaths are rising too. Trump has given up fighting the virus. Even worse, he’s actively spreading it through his campaign rallies. It didn’t have to be this way. —

Posted Oct. 31, 2020
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Donald Trump, who has financial interests in Turkey, won’t stand up to Erdogan. Ever. He even interfered in a DOJ investigation of a Turkish bank suspected of funding Iran’s nuclear program. Trump cares only about his own interests, not America’s. —

Posted Oct. 29, 2020