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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

As people lay dead and injured, our Capitol desecrated, Trump tweeted at 6:01 pm:   “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away...”   Trump was knowing, willful, and remorseless. —

Posted Feb. 12, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

The release of Saudi women's rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul is an important, but long overdue, development.   Loujain’s torture and three-year imprisonment was an outrage, and she should be freed from restrictions on her speech and travel by Saudi authorities. —

The New York Times @nytimes

Loujain al-Hathloul, an activist who fought for Saudi women's freedoms and the right to drive, has been released fr…

Posted Feb. 11, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

In his choice of date, time, and place, Trump knew exactly what he was doing. Trump directed his mob at the Capitol, Vice President Pence, and the Joint Session of Congress. We can only hope that Senators have their eyes open. But we know that the nation is watching. —

Posted Feb. 11, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

One cannot watch the powerful evidence assembled, and not acknowledge a simple truth: Trump incited a mob to attack the peaceful transfer of power. We lived through it. And now all Americans are seeing the chilling details. Senators dare not look away or fail to do their duty. —

Posted Feb. 10, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

There are worse things than losing an election. Not upholding our duty to the Constitution. Failing to show courage, and regretting it. We know Trump will continue to lie and cheat. He can put this country through hell again. Senators have the power to stop that. Use it. —

Posted Feb. 10, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

The defense case was weak and convoluted, to say the least. Yet 44 Republican Senators still voted to avoid a trial, rather than confront the facts. But there is no hiding from our Constitutional duty. If we condone, excuse or shield Trump’s misconduct, we invite it again. —

Posted Feb. 9, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

The House Managers’ opening statement was flawless and irrefutable.   A seamless weaving of powerful video, Constitutional arguments, and history.   @RepRaskin’s emotional appeal moved anyone not made of stone.   Hard to imagine a more perfect presentation. —

Posted Feb. 9, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Trump spent months telling lies about the election and trying to overturn the results.  When all else failed, he called his supporters to DC and incited them to attack the Capitol. They did. Trump is responsible for the most serious attack on our democracy in American history. —

Posted Feb. 9, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

It’s just common sense: Presidents must be accountable for their offenses, whether they occur on the first day of their term or the last. Our Founders agreed. The history of the impeachment power agrees. There’s no “January exemption.” Trump must be convicted. —

Posted Feb. 9, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

But enough about Britain. In 1876, the U.S. Secretary of War William Belknap was impeached for accepting a bribe. He was impeached *while* he was in office. He faced trial *after* he left office. The Senate voted 37-29 that former officials could be tried. Sound familiar? —

Posted Feb. 9, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

The Founders accepted this view of impeachment, and adopted it when drafting our Constitution. They also recognized that impeachment had to have “teeth,” so no one could escape accountability by leaving office. Disqualification from future office was always essential! —

Posted Feb. 9, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Parliament impeached the former Lord Chancellor in 1725 for acts of bribery during his term. And in 1787, while America's Founders met to draft our Constitution, Warren Hastings of Britain was impeached for abuses he committed while Governor-General of Bengal. —

Posted Feb. 9, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Our Founders didn’t invent impeachment from scratch. Oh no. According to Hamilton, they looked to Britain which provided “the model from which the idea of this institution has been borrowed.” In the 18th Century, British Parliament impeached two men – both *former* officials. —

Posted Feb. 9, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

You're going to hear a lot of bad faith arguments about impeachment. Trump’s team will argue you can’t convict former officials or presidents. But history shows otherwise! And the Founders disagreed, too. Let's turn to 18th Century Britain. (Stay with me, folks) 🚨🚨🚨THREAD: —

Posted Feb. 9, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

If you threaten members with violence, spread dangerous conspiracies or heckle school shooting survivors, you should be expelled from your committees. That's a principle both parties can stand by. But @GOPLeader places little value on principle, when weighed against ambition. —

Posted Feb. 7, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Trump lost. Refused to accept the result. Spread lies. And then incited a violent mob to attack the Capitol. If this is not impeachable, nothing is. If he is not disqualified from future office and runs again, he will put the country through hell. Again. He must be convicted. —

Posted Feb. 7, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Donald Trump politicized and abused intelligence while he was in office. Donald Trump cannot be trusted with America’s secrets. Not then, and certainly not now. Americans can sleep better at night knowing he will not receive classified briefings as an ex-president. —

Kaitlan Collins @kaitlancollins

Biden tells @CBSEveningNews he doesn't think Trump should receive intel briefings "because of his erratic behavior…

Posted Feb. 6, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Kevin McCarthy on QAnon: "I don't even know what it is." Donald Trump: "I don't know who Proud Boys are."   When your party is so beholden to violent fringe groups that your only defense is to play dumb, you are no longer a political party. You are nothing more than a cult. —

The Recount @therecount

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy defends Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Denouncing Q-on, I don't know if I say it ri…

Posted Feb. 4, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Voting a member off a committee is not something to take lightly.   But calling for the execution of elected officials and spouting violent and anti-Semitic conspiracies crosses every line. She hasn’t apologized. She's only fanned the flames. If @GOPLeader won’t act, we will. —

CBS News @CBSNews

House to vote on removing Marjorie Taylor Greene from committee assignments

Posted Feb. 4, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Sending a free mask to every American would equip millions with the tools to keep safe, and send an important message: Masks work. I've been pushing for this since last summer, and recently urged @POTUS to increase distribution of high-quality masks. Let's get it done. —

Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1

The Biden White House is considering sending masks directly to American households.

Posted Feb. 4, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

No matter what Trump claims, there’s no First Amendment right to incite an insurrection. Just because Trump vocalized his corrupt intent doesn't mean it's protected "free speech." There's no First Amendment defense to violating your Constitutional duty. He should be convicted. —

Posted Feb. 3, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

As new COVID-19 variants spread, evidence shows that higher quality masks provide much better protection. That's why @RepRoKhanna, @SenSanders, @SenBrianSchatz and I are urging @POTUS to increase the distribution and supply of higher filtration quality masks. Mask up, America. —

Posted Feb. 1, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Donald Trump must never receive another intelligence briefing. He has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted. He incited an insurrection, and has done more than enough damage to our country.  We know Trump will abuse any intel for his own gain. He must not be given the chance. —

Matt Viser @mviser

The current White House is reviewing whether or not to revoke President Trump’s access to the intelligence briefing…

Posted Feb. 1, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

It’s not enough to protect our democracy. We must make it stronger.   HR 1 will: 🗳Expand the right to vote 🔒Protect our elections 💸End dark money in politics ⚖️Root out corruption and hold elected officials accountable Our democracy belongs to the people. Let's act. —

Posted Feb. 1, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

When corporations and the wealthy want tax cuts, or when there's a vacancy on the Supreme Court, Senate Republicans move at the speed of light.   But when American families are in dire need of help, they ask, what’s the rush?   COVID relief is needed. Urgently. It’s time to act. —

Posted Jan. 30, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Maher Bitar is exceedingly smart, principled, insightful and strategic. These attacks on his religion and ethnicity are beyond the pale. NSC is fortunate to have people of his talent, just like we were. Our nation is more secure because of patriotic public servants like him. —

Emily Horne @emilyhorne46

We are appalled by recent spurious accusations against our staff. We welcome oversight and scrutiny, but there is n…

Posted Jan. 28, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Here's the risk if Trump isn’t convicted: A future president will try to overturn the election at the end of their term. If they succeed, they’re president for life. If they fail, and can’t be held to account, we can expect it to happen again. There must be consequences. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Some Republicans in Congress seem confused about what “unity” means. They seem to think that if you don’t give them what they want, you’re not for unity. That’s not unity, that’s my way or the highway. We're in a crisis and Americans need help.   Let’s unite around that. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

The Constitution and precedent are clear: Impeachment after a president leaves office is valid. And when a president incited an insurrection to thwart the transfer of power at the end of his term, It’s required. The Senate must uphold its oath to defend our democracy. —

Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1

Just five Republican senators voted to not dismiss the Senate impeachment trial: Sens. Collins, Murkowski, Romney,…

Posted Jan. 26, 2021
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Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

President Biden has his priorities in order: Speaking with our NATO allies before returning Putin’s call. Calling out Putin on the hack, election meddling, bounties, and poisoning, all while pushing a new START treaty. This is how a President asserts U.S. interests and values. —

Jonathan Lemire @JonLemire

NEWS: WASHINGTON (AP) — Officials: Biden has first call with Putin, presses Russian leader on Navalny arrest, hack…

Posted Jan. 26, 2021