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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Our 640,000 postal workers are heroes, toiling under very difficult conditions to provide lifesaving services for the people of this country. Our job right now is to protect, expand and strengthen the Post Office. That means coming together to block Trump's privatization scheme. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
30 million lost their jobs in six weeks. We are the only major country with millions unemployed and uninsured. It's time to reexamine our society's foundations and fight for a more just nation. This is the moment to make sure everyone has economic security and health care. —
CNN Breaking News @cnnbrk
Another 3.8 million Americans filed for first-time unemployment benefits last week, bringing the total claims since…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Let’s treat essential frontline workers as heroes, not just call them heroes. Cancel student debt now. —
The Intercept @theintercept
Almost 70% of all nurses — who staff the truest front line in this pandemic — graduate from training with $40,000…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
If the White House Gift Shop is going to produce $100 COVID-19 coins, Trump can sure as hell utilize the Defense Production Act to manufacture the gloves, gowns, and masks our medical workers desperately need. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Israeli annexation of occupied territory clearly violates international law. An outcome in which Palestinians are denied equality, freedom, and self-determination is an affront to our values and interests. It should not be supported by the United States. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
We have a president forcing hazardous meat plants to reopen, threatening workers' health. We have a Labor Department siding with corporations over workers' safety. Disgusting. Maybe this is too "radical," but we need a White House that protects public health during a pandemic. —
AJ+ @ajplus
President Trump ordered meat packing plants to stay open, after many closed because workers got sick. At least 20…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
RT @wendellpotter: Bernie Sanders is right. Subsidizing COBRA would lead to massive profits for insurers while leaving tens of millions uni… —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
We will not allow Donald Trump to: - Destroy 630,000 good-paying jobs - Eliminate thousands of post offices - Close hundreds of mail sorting plants - Privatize and dismantle the Postal Service If we can bail out Boeing, we can save the Post Office. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Pathetic. A payroll tax cut does nothing for the 26 million who lost their jobs. Rent is due on May 1st. We need to provide $2,000 a month to everyone until this crisis is over. If we can bail out corporations, we can make sure everyone has enough to pay for basic necessities. —
Jeffrey Stein @JStein_WaPo
Trump comes out AGAINST additional stimulus checks for millions of Americans Instead says, "I like the idea of pa…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Pathetic. A payroll tax cut does nothing for the 26 million who lost their jobs. With rent due on May 1, we need to provide $2,000 a month to everyone until this crisis is over. If we can bail out corporations, we can make sure everyone has enough to pay for basic necessities. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Amazon, Trader Joe’s and Berkshire Hathaway figured out a way to make this crisis even more horrific for workers: Union-busting. If there were ever a time to stand against corporate greed and with workers fighting for their rights, that time is now. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Trump wants to privatize the Postal Service over a personal grudge, using faulty data. Congress has got to stop him. We must fully fund the Postal Service so it can continue to deliver medication, mail-in ballots, and other necessities to all Americans. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Rather than subsidize the insurance industry's profits, we can pursue a simpler, cost-effective, and comprehensive solution for health care. For the duration of this pandemic, Medicare should cover all out-of-pocket expenses for all Americans. Here's how: —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Half a million people are sleeping on the streets. 15 million children live in poverty. ⅓ of Americans lack adequate health care. In my view, being a human being means you are entitled to a roof over your head, to a doctor and medicine, and to a dignified standard of living. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
The Trump Administration's failure to require everybody to wear masks in airports and airplanes will only lead to more sickness and death. Flight attendants and airline workers should not be forced to put their lives and health at risk. Enough is enough. —
Sara Nelson @FlyingWithSara
ENOUGH! This was TODAY on a four hour flight. This is not okay. Masks must be mandated by DOT/HHS in airports and o…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Doctors are getting fired as America faces the highest number of coronavirus deaths on Earth. Who can still defend a health care "system" dominated by profit and greed? It is time to do what the majority of our people want and establish a rational, Medicare-for-All program. —
Sarah Kliff @sarahkliff
A for-profit company purchased three hospitals in a rural part of West Virginia and Ohio. It fired doctors. Medica…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
How in the hell does Carnival, a cruise ship company that pays virtually no federal income taxes, receive a bailout, but the Postal Service, the most popular government agency in America, does not? The Post Office is essential. Cruise ships are not. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Mental health care is a human right—now more than ever. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
More than one out of every four doctors in America are immigrants. What an utter disgrace. —
The New York Times @nytimes
President Trump’s decision to suspend family-based immigration because of the coronavirus is the beginning of a bro…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
$282,000,000,000. That's by how much America’s billionaires increased their wealth in less than a month, while over 22 million lost their jobs. This system of unfettered greed is morally obscene. It’s time to put working families first—not billionaires. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Millions of families need federal help right now for the food, shelter, income, and health care they need. The absolute last thing Congress should be doing is shoveling money to boost the profits of arms manufacturers like Lockheed and Raytheon. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
It is disgusting that Trump would exploit this pandemic to bust postal unions and privatize the most popular government agency in America. If we can bail out large corporations, we can damn well save the Postal Service and protect these essential jobs. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
I find it reprehensible that Amazon is firing employees who speak out against unsafe working conditions during this horrific pandemic. These workers will not be silenced. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Leader McConnell: You cannot give $500 billion to bail out large corporations and then tell state governments to go bankrupt fighting this deadly pandemic. Whatever that is, it is certainly not the leadership the American people want. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Here's an idea for @JeffBezos: Instead of handing out t-shirts, maybe, as the richest man on Earth, you can provide all of your workers with paid sick leave, hazard pay, protective gear, and a safe and sanitary workplace. —
Michael Sainato @msainat1
Whole Foods is giving workers a new work uniform shirt with "hero" on the front and "hardcore" on the back as hundr…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Remember: we are still the only major country to not guarantee health care to all its people. We've got work to do. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Republicans tucked in a $170 billion tax break for 43,000 people making over $1 million into coronavirus relief. That's more than all aid for states and cities. @RepLloydDoggett and @SenWhitehouse are right: We have got to repeal this obscene giveaway. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
RT @KtreeThomas: “At a time when the coronavirus pandemic is threatening millions of lives across the country and causing huge spikes in un… —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Maybe—just maybe—the most essential people in our economy are not hedge fund managers. Could it be that they are doctors, nurses, EMTs, grocery store workers, workers in drug stores, farm workers, and truck drivers? Let us begin to rethink some of our priorities. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
More Black and Latino people are dying from coronavirus because air pollution is worse in their communities. That is unconscionable. It is not a radical idea that clean air and water should be the right of all Americans regardless of income and skin color. —