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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Second: Any legislation in the Senate to address the economic crisis must include a provision to guarantee 100 percent of the paychecks of workers up to $90,000 a year. This is what is being done successfully in many European countries and what should be done here. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
First: Instead of subsidizing COBRA — which would be a massive giveaway to the health insurance industry — I believe Medicare must be empowered to pay all of the health care bills of the uninsured and under-insured until this crisis is over. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Let me thank Speaker Pelosi for recognizing the enormity of the coronavirus crisis and coming up with a number of important proposals. In my view, the Senate must improve this bill to adequately address two urgent needs: health care and economic security. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
In just eight weeks, 36 million Americans lost their jobs. 27 million lost their health insurance. During the worst public-health crisis in a century, we cannot continue to tie health care to employment. Medicare must guarantee health care to all. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
It is a moral outrage that during a deadly pandemic, 1 in 7 essential workers are uninsured. Congress must empower Medicare to pay all health costs for every person in America during this crisis by passing the Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act. —
Sarah Kliff @sarahkliff
One in seven essential workers in the United States lack health insurance coverage.
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
300 global lawmakers, @Ilhan, and I believe we need unprecedented compassion, solidarity and cooperation right now. To prevent major increases in poverty and hunger, the World Bank and IMF must cancel debt and provide financial support to poorer nations. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Today, @NydiaVelazquez and I introduce legislation to say: Millions are going hungry during this pandemic. The people of Puerto Rico must receive same help from the federal government as any state—period. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
RT @Ilhan: Today, @SenSanders and I led a historic delegation of 300+ lawmakers from 6 continents calling for the cancellation of poor coun… —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Congratulations to the advocates fighting the Keystone XL pipeline! If we believe a clean environment and indigenous rights matter more than Big Oil’s short-term profits, then rejecting this disastrous project is a no-brainer. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
How does it happen that Europe is facing the same pandemic, but has an unemployment rate that's just a fraction of ours? It is time to adopt a simple, efficient, and cost-effective approach: Guarantee the paycheck of every worker in America. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
RT @CAPAction: Asked by @SenSanders if the U.S. coronavirus death count of 80,000 is accurate, Fauci's response: "I think you are correct… —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Who is suffering the most because of preconditions which laid them open to coronavirus—because they have not had the decent health care they’ve needed? Disproportionately Black and brown people. This systemic racism must be addressed and ended. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Pretty pathetic. Mr. Trump is a coward who tears down others to make himself feel powerful. —
Axios @axios
The final minute of Trump's news conference this evening
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
While the top 1% own twice as much wealth as the bottom 99% of humanity, 420 million people throughout the world are in danger of slipping into extreme poverty and 30 million children are at risk of dying from hunger. We cannot allow that to happen. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
How absurd is it that we have completely ignored the need to create an efficient unemployment system? The establishment's contempt for working-class people is a sickness. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Top oil and gas CEOs made $8,600 an hour in 2018—they got in *nine minutes* what ordinary Americans got as a one-time $1,200 coronavirus check. No, we do not need to bail out fossil fuel CEOs—we need sustained, economic protection for working families. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
"We hate local, state, and federal governments, but we love Wall Street and big money!" The crisis we face today is the result of 40 years of those kinds of attacks on government. It is time for all of us to reject that kind of thinking. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Happy Mother's Day to Jane and all the mothers of this country. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
With tens of thousands of Americans dying and millions losing their jobs, how sad it would be if we learned nothing from all that we have done wrong. We must reassess the foundational institutions of American society and determine how we go forward into a better future. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
America has lost Little Richard, one of the inventors of rock and roll. He was a brilliant performer who broke down barriers and inspired millions of people around the world. Rest in peace. —
Little Richard was an explosive performer who inspired generations of musicians from Otis Redding to The Beatles to…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
A $1,200 check ain't enough. We need $2,000 a month, per person, to make America's working families whole. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
20 million people lost their jobs last month. The American people do not want their health care tied to their employment. They want Medicare for All. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
.@RepPressley, @SenWarren and I call on Congress to act quickly to provide our country's Community Health Centers with the $77 billion in funding they need. CHCs are vital and irreplaceable, now more than ever. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Unemployment: 🇺🇸14.7% 🇩🇰4.9% McDonald's hourly wage: 🇺🇸$9 🇩🇰$22 Weeks of paid vacation: 🇺🇸0 🇩🇰5 COVID19 deaths per million: 🇺🇸231 🇩🇰87 COVID19 tests per 1,000: 🇺🇸24 🇩🇰49 Maybe Americans deserve the same safety and dignity that Denmark's people enjoy. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
RT @SenKamalaHarris: My new bill with @SenSanders and @SenMarkey will provide monthly $2,000 payments to help people get through this crisi… —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Millions of Americans don't know how they're going to pay for groceries, rent, utilities, or medicine. Our legislation with @SenKamalaHarris and @SenMarkey provides every working family with $2,000 a month, per person, until this crisis is over: —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
This is an unprecedented economic crisis. We must act right away to: —Keep every employee on their payroll and guarantee their wages —Provide $2,000 a month to every working-class man, woman and child in America —
The Associated Press @AP
BREAKING: Unemployment hits 14.7%, highest rate since the Depression, as U.S. shed 20 million jobs in April from vi…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
It is up to working people around the world to stand together to end the absurdity of spending trillions of dollars on war—while millions of children die from preventable diseases and billions of people live on pennies an hour. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
I congratulate the City Council of New Orleans for unanimously passing a resolution in support of Medicare for All! We must continue to build this grassroots energy at every level—in cities, counties and states across America—to finally guarantee health care to all our people. —
Public Citizen @Public_Citizen
BREAKING: The New Orleans City Council just unanimously voted to support Medicare for all. This is a huge moment f…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
If there has ever been a moment in American history when people understand the absurdity of tying health care to your job, now should be that moment. Whether you're employed or not, 3 years old or 93, health care must be a human right for every man, woman and child in America. —