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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

What we are witnessing is the absolute absurdity of our profit-driven, employer-based, private health care system. Health care can no longer be an employee benefit—we must make it a human right, through Medicare for All. —

The New York Times @nytimes

Breaking News: About 5.4 million Americans lost health insurance in the pandemic, more than have ever lost coverage…

Posted July 14, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

More than 30% of American families could not pay their July rent and 28 million people could become homeless if we don't act. What are the Republicans' priorities during this economic crisis? Passing a $135 billion tax break for their millionaire donors. —

Posted July 13, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The pandemic has been an economic nightmare for the working class. Millions have lost their jobs and their health care—now they may lose their homes. Not acceptable. We need government of the people, by the people, for the people. Congress must act boldly. —

Posted July 12, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

In the midst of a pandemic, an economic meltdown, systemic racism and climate change, Republicans and Democrats want to pass a record-breaking $740 billion military budget. My amendment cuts military spending by 10% and uses the savings to help the poor. —

Posted July 12, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @repmarkpocan: Glad to have @SenSchumer join @SenSanders, @RepBarbaraLee & I to demand a 10% cut from this year's bloated defense budget… —

Posted July 10, 2020 Retweet Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

And let me also thank @SenSchumer for securing a vote on my amendment during the week of July 20th. If there was ever a time to fundamentally change our national priorities, now is that time. Let's cut the Pentagon budget and invest in healthcare and housing here at home. —

Posted July 10, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Let me thank @SenSchumer for his support for my amendment to cut the bloated $740 billion Pentagon budget by 10% and invest $74 billion in communities that have been ravaged by extreme poverty and mass incarceration. This amendment will begin to change our national priorities. —

Chuck Schumer @SenSchumer

Proud I fought alongside @SenSanders to ensure we vote in July on his amendment to cut $740B defense budget by 10%…

Posted July 10, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Remdesivir costs less than $10 to manufacture. @GileadSciences is charging $3,100 for it. Taxpayers spent $70 million to develop this drug. Coronavirus has killed 130,000 Americans. It's time to take control of this patent and provide remdesivir to all who need it. —

STAT @statnews

Opinion: U.S. government scientists helped invent remdesivir, and HHS has a legal and moral duty to ensure access t…

Posted July 10, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The richest 1% owe 70% of all unpaid taxes. With the money from these tax cheats, we could do all this: 👩🏽‍🎓Tuition-free college 👩‍👦‍👦End child hunger 🚰Clean water for all 🏡Build 500,000 affordable homes 😷Masks and PPE for all 📬Fully fund the Post Office —

Posted July 9, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

No national testing program. No adequate production of protective gear. No commitment to a free vaccine. As almost every major country sees the spread of coronavirus decline, America's infections are spiking. Trump's incompetence is killing people. —

Posted July 7, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

You don't need a Ph.D in economics to know this, but it can't hurt: We need direct, monthly cash payments for everybody in America until this crisis is over. —

Reuters @Reuters

Economists call for more direct cash payments tied to the health of the economy

Posted July 7, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Evictions must be banned for the entirety of this crisis. This is a matter of racial and economic justice that Congress cannot ignore. —

Posted July 7, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The cruelty of this White House knows no bounds. Foreign students are being threatened with a choice: risk your life going to class in-person or get deported. We must stand up to Trump's bigotry. We must keep all our students safe. —

Posted July 6, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

If Target just did it, you can be damn sure @Walmart, owned by the wealthiest family in America, can raise its starting wage to $15 an hour. —

Posted July 6, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

American taxpayers are already funding the development of a coronavirus vaccine. When it is ready, we must put it in the public domain and ensure that it's available to all. No more privatizing, monopolizing and profiteering by Big Pharma. —

Posted July 6, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and millions of others who fought against the Dakota Access Pipeline showed us the power of standing together against injustice. We can create a future where a clean environment and indigenous rights matter more than Big Oil’s profits. —

Indian Country Today @IndianCountry

BREAKING NEWS. Court orders a shut down and removal of oil from the Dakota Access Pipeline. Order says Dakota Acces…

Posted July 6, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The Trump administration is focused on making it harder for homeless trans people to get safe shelter during this pandemic. That is outrageous. As a society, we can—and we must—end homelessness and housing discrimination against trans people. —

Posted July 6, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

This is a major victory for the millions-strong climate justice movement, which fought for years to stop this pipeline. Together, we will secure clean air and good jobs building a renewable-energy economy that protects the only planet we have. —

Posted July 6, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

As a pandemic rages, public health departments across America are being starved and are on the verge of collapse. Meanwhile, billionaires have seen their wealth grow by $565 billion. That is what oligarchy looks like. —

Posted July 5, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The minimum wage is worth less than it was 50 years ago. If wages had gone up with productivity, today it would be three times higher. Corporate America has been waging a war on workers for decades. It's about time working people stand up and fight back. —

Posted July 5, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Throughout our history, demagogues have always tried to demonize different people to divide us up. We will not let Trump succeed. We will break down the irrational hatred he is fomenting. We are going to build a politics of love, compassion, and unity. —

The New York Times @nytimes

Breaking News: President Trump delivered a dark and divisive speech at Mount Rushmore, leaning into the culture war…

Posted July 4, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

This holiday weekend, let us reflect on the disturbing reality behind every plate of food—workers are being exploited and put at risk every day. They don’t need more lip service, they need justice: Hazard pay, sick leave, $15 an hour and a safe workplace. —

Posted July 4, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Jane and I wish you and your loved ones a very happy Independence Day. Together, we can and will create the kind of nation based on love and justice that we know we can become. —

Posted July 4, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

I believe that right now, the American people want real transformation. They want us to invest in health care, jobs and education for all, so that they can live their lives with dignity and security. They want a government which represents all of us, not the 1%. —

Posted July 3, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

No, Mr. Trump, coronavirus will not just “disappear.” We need to pass legislation to fight this pandemic and protect the American people. That means: 😷 Masks for all 🧪 Free testing for all 💊 Health care for all 👨‍👩‍👧 Economic security for all —

Posted July 3, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @RepChuyGarcia: Proud to work with @SenatorDurbin, @SenSanders and others on this bicameral effort to ensure that all countries have the… —

Posted July 2, 2020 Retweet Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

I am proud to join @SenatorDurbin on this legislation to have the IMF provide financial support to the developing world, at no cost to U.S. taxpayers. It is the very least we can do to prevent unimaginable increases in poverty, hunger, and disease that threaten the world's poor. —

Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin

The world has lost more than 500,000 people to #COVID19. The virus has brought global economies to a halt. Today…

Posted July 2, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @SenJeffMerkley: .@AmericanAir: how many Americans will die bc you fill middle seats, w/ your customers shoulder to shoulder, hour after… —

Posted July 2, 2020 Retweet Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

How on earth can airlines—in the middle of pandemic—fly their planes at full capacity? I am demanding federal action to require social distancing, mask-wearing, and disinfection in planes and airports. We must put the safety of passengers and workers ahead of corporate profits. —

Posted July 2, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

No one is above the law. @SenMarkey, @SenWarren, and I introduced a bill to abolish “qualified immunity" so police officers can be held fully accountable for abuses they commit, just like everybody else. —

Posted July 2, 2020 Hibernated