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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @TakeOnWallSt: .@SenSanders: "It is very expensive to be poor, if you are poor you end up paying higher interest rates than anybody else… —

Posted Sept. 17, 2020 Retweet Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

While big banks and large corporations are able to borrow money for virtually no interest, it is absolutely unacceptable that low-income Americans are being charged 400% interest on a $375 payday loan. We need to put predatory lenders out of business and move to postal banking. —

Common Dreams @commondreams

To Provide Public Alternative to 'Predatory' Wall Street Banks, @SenSanders and @SenGillibrand Unveil Postal Bankin…

Posted Sept. 17, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Join me and @GillibrandNY as we introduce the Postal Banking Act. Together, we will guarantee basic banking services to all—no outrageous fees or interest rates—all at your local post office. —

Posted Sept. 17, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

$4.7 billion a day. $32 billion a week. $141 billion a month. $845 billion over 6 months. That's how much 643 billionaires in America made during the pandemic, while 30 million Americans don't have enough food to eat. Yes. It's time for austerity for the billionaire class. —

Posted Sept. 17, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

What would it mean for you to get a bank account, a small loan, a debit card or check cashing—all at your local post office? At 2:30PM ET, @SenGillibrand and I will discuss our Postal Banking Act to provide all Americans with basic banking services. Ask us your questions below. —

Posted Sept. 17, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @gillibrandny: I’m joining @SenSanders to announce The Postal Banking Act with a live discussion and Q&A tomorrow (9/17) at 2:30PM ET.… —

Posted Sept. 16, 2020 Retweet Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Amount of federal government subsidies given to the fossil fuel industry every year: $15 billion. The amount it should be, immediately: $0. It's time to end fossil fuel subsidies and enact the Green New Deal. —

Posted Sept. 16, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

If we can afford to give $740 billion to the Pentagon, please don’t tell me we can’t afford to eliminate homelessness in America and cancel the rent during a pandemic. Instead of more bombs and more missiles, we need more jobs, more rent relief and more affordable housing. —

Posted Sept. 16, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @SenSchumer: Nothing is more fundamental to democracy than the integrity of our elections Conspiracy theories can't be allowed to under… —

Posted Sept. 16, 2020 Retweet Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

We cannot stand by as conspiracy theories about mail-in ballots and disinformation about Election Day results undermine public trust in the voting process. The Senate must act immediately to ensure the security of our elections. —

Posted Sept. 16, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

We must reassure the American people that vote-by-mail is safe, every ballot will be counted, and our election will be free and fair. @SenSchumer and I are calling on Sen. McConnell to act in a bipartisan way to restore public confidence in our democracy. —

Posted Sept. 16, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Wealth and income inequality is now so extreme that the top 1% is literally taking $2.5 trillion away from the bottom 90% each and every year. It's time to end trickle-down economics, raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour and create an economy that works for all, not just the 1%. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

30 million Americans don't have enough food to eat. 40 million tenants are struggling to pay the rent. 150 million Americans face serious financial problems. And the Republican Senate continues to do nothing except confirm more right wing judges. That is a national disgrace. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

At a time of massive wealth and income inequality, not only do we need to repeal all of the Trump tax breaks for the top 1% and large corporations, we need to tax the obscene wealth gains billionaires have made during the pandemic and expand Medicare to all. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The West Coast is on fire, the color of the sky turned red, the air in many parts of the U.S. is dangerous to breathe, there are 5 simultaneous tropical cyclones in the Atlantic, an 800-mile derecho destroyed Iowa towns. And yet they ask: How can we afford the Green New Deal? —

Posted Sept. 15, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Paid Family and Medical Leave by Country: 43 weeks: Germany 36 weeks: Japan 35 weeks: Sweden 27 weeks: Canada 25 weeks: Italy 25 weeks: South Korea 18 weeks: France 12 weeks: UK 0: United States Our job: Guarantee at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was right when he said: “We must recognize that we can’t solve our problem now until there is a radical redistribution of economic and political power" in America. Our society cannot sustain itself when so few have so much while so many have so little. —


The top 1% of Americans have taken $50 trillion from the bottom 90%—and that's made the U.S. less secure

Posted Sept. 14, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Make no mistake about it. The Green New Deal is far less expensive than losing our planet to the greed of the fossil fuel industry. Medicare for All is far less expensive than the status quo that leaves 92 million uninsured or under-insured. The fight for justice goes on. —

Posted Sept. 13, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

A half million people in Oregon evacuate as wildfires rage. Over 3 million acres in California burned. The western sky is red. An 800-mile derecho destroyed towns in Iowa. The Arctic topped 100 degrees. The Green New Deal has been called "expensive." Compared to what? —

Posted Sept. 11, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Today we remember the nearly 3,000 lives lost on 9/11 and the brave people who risked their lives to help that day. Those selfless acts of sacrifice show the very best of us as a nation, and we can honor that sacrifice by working to build a world of security and dignity for all. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Instead of providing more corporate welfare to billionaires and large corporations, we need to provide more financial relief to the tens of millions of Americans who are hurting like they have never hurt before. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

While Amazon raised prices by up to 1,000% on masks, soap & toilet paper, Jeff Bezos became $88 billion richer and continues to deny workers paid sick leave & hazard pay. That is morally obscene. Billionaires should not be profiteering off a pandemic. #TaxTheRich —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The 2nd, 3rd & 4th largest wildfires in California's history continue to rage. The sky on the West Coast turned red & orange. Please don't tell me the Green New Deal is radical. What's radical is having a president in office who rejects science and calls climate change a hoax. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

After taking a vacation for over a month, Senate Republicans released a "skinny relief" bill that provides $0 for working families, $0 for the uninsured, $0 for food, $0 for rent and $0 for mortgages. But they were able to find $740 billion for the Pentagon in July. Disgraceful. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

How pathetic. While Senate Republicans tell us we can't afford to give $2,000 a month to the working class during the economic crisis, the COVID-19 "relief" bill they just released provides $161 million in corporate welfare to the coal industry during a climate emergency. —

Posted Sept. 8, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

This Labor Day, we celebrate workers and the tireless work of the trade union movement for equal rights and economic justice. Together, we will continue the fight to expand workers’ rights and build an economy based on human needs, not greed. —

Posted Sept. 7, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The "radical idea" of universal health care is a reality in: Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile Czech Rep. Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Israel Italy Japan Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal S. Korea Spain Sweden Switz. Turkey U.K. —

Posted Sept. 5, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @SenSchumer: This is important: I’m standing side-by-side with @SenSanders to make sure we have a plan if President Trump refuses to lea… —

Posted Sept. 5, 2020 Retweet Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

How in the world are people supposed to stay home safely during a pandemic when utility companies are shutting their water off? We must restore service to families who've been disconnected, forgive all utility debt, and freeze future disconnections until this crisis ends. —

Mary Grant @MaryGrant_Water

In the last 2 weeks, Charleston, SC, shut off water to 3,137 homes that couldn't pay their water bills. The city…

Posted Sept. 4, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

3.4 million permanent job losses. Nearly 30 million Americans are going hungry. Meanwhile, 3 members of the Walton family grew their wealth by $3.7 billion in a single day. Mitch McConnell and the do-nothing Republican Senate refuse to help the working class. Pathetic. —

Heather Long @byHeatherLong

Here's the most alarming part of the August jobs report: Permanent job losses are rising. They hit 3.4 million in…

Posted Sept. 4, 2020 Hibernated