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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Today, we say to the prison industrial complex: Yes. We're going to enact real criminal justice reform. And we start by ending private prisons and private detention centers. No more profiteering from locking people up. —

Posted Nov. 10, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

We won't have a moral or sustainable economy when so few have so much and so many have so little. It's unacceptable that the 50 richest people in the U.S. own more wealth than the bottom half—160 million. In the richest country on Earth let's create an economy that works for all. —

Posted Nov. 8, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

If you paid $14 a month for the Netflix standard plan, you paid more than Netflix paid in federal income taxes a year after Trump's tax plan became law - while making an $845 million profit and giving its CEO a $302 million compensation package. End oligarchy. #TaxTheRich —

Posted Nov. 1, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Since Trump has been in office, he's provided $425 billion in federal contracts to companies that have shipped over 200,000 jobs overseas. No, Mr. President. You're not standing up for working families when you give America's largest outsourcers billions in corporate welfare. —

Posted Nov. 1, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Here's how rigged the tax code is: If you make less than $25,000 a year you are nine times more likely to be audited by the IRS than a CEO who makes $30 million. Meanwhile, the top 1% is responsible for 70% of the $381 billion in taxes that go unpaid each year. #TaxTheRich —

Posted Oct. 31, 2020 Deleted Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Here's how rigged the tax code is: If you make less than $25,000 a year you are 9 times more likely to be audited by the IRS than a CEO who makes $30 million. Meanwhile, the top 1% is responsible for 70% of the $381 billion in taxes that go unpaid each year. #TaxTheRich —

Posted Oct. 31, 2020 Hibernated Just a Typo
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple made over $54 billion in profits last quarter. During the pandemic, the founding families of these companies got $280 billion richer while 20% of small businesses shut down. It's time to break up big tech and tax their obscene gains in wealth. —

Posted Oct. 30, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

While 12 million Americans recently lost their health insurance, the private health insurance companies are making record profits during this horrific pandemic. Healthcare must no longer be a privilege or an employee benefit in America. It must be a human right. #MedicareForAll —

Posted Oct. 30, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Taiwan has been coronavirus-free for 200 days. It has had only 550 COVID-19 cases and 7 deaths. How'd they do it? They believe in science. Testing, contact tracing, quarantining, distributing masks and guaranteeing health care to all. We should do the same. #MedicareForAll —

Posted Oct. 29, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Latina women must have equal pay for equal work: the whole dollar, not 55 cents on the dollar of what white men make. #LatinaEqualPayDay —

Posted Oct. 29, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Donald Trump has gotten: -$885 million in subsidies for his real estate empire -$287 million of his debt canceled -A $72.9 million IRS tax refund -Free health care at a 100% government run hospital Yes. Trump l-o-v-e-s socialism for himself, rugged individualism for the rest. —

Posted Oct. 29, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

2019 monthly cost of: Humira for Arthritis: United States: $3,400 Canada: $1,200 Norway: $900 Januvia for Diabetes: United States: $331 Canada: $68 Norway: $34 Advair for Asthma: United States: $310 Canada: $74 France: $35 Norway: $24 Is that what Trump means by America 1st? —

Posted Oct. 28, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

If Trump could get $287 million of his debt canceled for his bogus real estate deals, please don't tell me we can't cancel the student debt of 45 million Americans who committed the "crime" of getting a college education. —

Posted Oct. 28, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Absentee ballots counted after election day do not ‘flip the results of an election,’ as Justice Kavanaugh claimed. They are the results of the election. Period. —

Posted Oct. 28, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

464 days ago the House passed a $15 minimum wage. The GOP Senate refused to consider it. Since then, the 4 richest Americans increased their wealth by $189 billion & are now worth $522 billion. If there's going to be class war in America it's about time the working class won. —

Posted Oct. 27, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Cost of a standard unit of insulin: United States: $98.70 Japan: $14.40 Canada: $12.00 Germany: $11.00 France: $9.08 United Kingdom: $7.52 Here's what the price of a standard unit of insulin would cost if my Prescription Drug Price Relief Act passed: $10.80. Let's get it done. —

Posted Oct. 27, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

I am going down to the Senate floor to vote AGAINST the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. We should not be voting on a Supreme Court justice—we should be voting on major COVID19 relief to protect working families. We will make this the top priority of a Democratic Senate. —

Posted Oct. 26, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

COVID-19 deaths: United States: 225,000 Population: 328.2 million COVID-19 deaths: Canada: 9,963 Japan: 1,716 Australia: 905 South Korea: 457 Vietnam: 35 New Zealand: 25 Taiwan: 7 Total deaths: 13,108 Total population: 364.6 million Donald Trump: "It is what it is." Pathetic. —

Posted Oct. 26, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Judge Barrett could not even say Medicare and Social Security are constitutional or that climate change is real. What a disgrace. Senate Republicans are carrying out an illegitimate power grab. Today is a shameful day for our democracy. I will vote NO on her confirmation. —

Posted Oct. 26, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Here's how absurd our healthcare system is: In the U.S., it costs $2,000 a month for Truvada, an HIV-prevention drug, but just $8 in Australia. The greed of the pharmaceutical industry is killing Americans. No American should pay more than $200 a year for prescription drugs. —

Posted Oct. 25, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Senate Republicans are ramming through Trump's far-right Supreme Court nominee just nine days before Election Day, as over 50 million Americans have already cast their ballots. The entire process to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court is illegitimate. —

Posted Oct. 25, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

It's an outrage that Senate Republicans are ramming through a radical Supreme Court nominee who will strip healthcare from 23 million Americans during a pandemic while doing nothing to provide economic relief to millions of working-class Americans who desperately need our help. —

Posted Oct. 24, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Maybe—just maybe—the most essential people in our economy are not hedge fund managers. If our farmworkers fall ill, we go hungry. We must put an end to their exploitation and provide free health care, paid sick leave, and good wages—regardless of immigration status. —

Posted Oct. 23, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The business model of the pharmaceutical industry is fraud. We pay the highest prices on Earth for prescription drugs because of collusion & price fixing. Purdue went a step further. Despite knowing OxyContin was addictive, it actively pushed it— killing thousands. Outrageous! —

The New York Times @nytimes

Breaking News: Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, will plead guilty to criminal charges and face $8.3 billion i…

Posted Oct. 22, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Amy Coney Barrett's nomination is not legitimate. It's less than 2 weeks from election day, but the election is already happening now. Over 40 million have already cast their ballots. It's dangerous, anti-democratic, and illegitimate to confirm a Supreme Court justice now. —

Demand Justice @WeDemandJustice

No Confirmation Until Inauguration Rally

Posted Oct. 22, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

While Trump paid just $750 in U.S. federal income taxes in 2017, he has paid:   - $188,561 in taxes to China - $156,824 in taxes to the Philippines - $145,400 in taxes to India - $15,598 in taxes to Panama And Trump wants us to believe he puts America first? What a hypocrite! —

Posted Oct. 21, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

This is what oligarchy looks like:   During the pandemic, while 12 million Americans lost health insurance and 54 million are food insecure, 644 billionaires became $931 billion richer and now own almost twice as much wealth as the bottom 50%. Yes. We need to tax extreme wealth. —

Posted Oct. 20, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

This week the Senate will be voting on the $2.2 trillion HEROES 2 Act to provide $600 a week to over 25 million unemployed Americans and $1,200 for the working-class. At a time when so many Americans are hurting, I hope that my Republican colleagues will vote to pass this bill. —

Posted Oct. 20, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

No, Mr. President. Dr. Fauci has not been a "disaster." He has been an extraordinary public servant. You have been a disaster. We will not solve the COVID crisis until we have a president who believes in science—not one who regurgitates right-wing conspiracy theories. —

The New York Times @nytimes

President Trump attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease specialist, as a “disaster,” an…

Posted Oct. 19, 2020 Hibernated
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Después de un año de lucha ardua por restaurar la democracia, el pueblo boliviano levantó su voz en las elecciones de ayer. Como ministro de economía, Luis Arce ayudó a reducir la pobreza y la desigualdad. Lo felicito por su victoria y le deseo mucho éxito. —

Posted Oct. 19, 2020 Hibernated