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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Today, I will ask that the Senate vote yes or no on two bills: 1. The House passed $2,000 survival checks 2. Mitch McConnell’s alternative bill What objection could he possibly have to voting on his own bill? Let the Senate vote on $2,000 checks, Mitch! —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
I’m delighted that Mitch McConnell suddenly decided to care about “socialism for the rich”! That means the huge tax breaks for billionaires that he helped pass—not the $2,000 direct payments that America’s struggling working-class families desperately need. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Mitch McConnell says $2,000 checks are "socialism for the rich." Ha! Here are the tax rebate checks corporations received from Trump's tax plan: Amazon: $129 million Delta: $187 million Chevron: $181 million GM: $104 million IBM: $342 million That's socialism for the rich! —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
I am once again asking for a yes-or-no vote on $2,000 survival checks. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
All of a sudden, Mitch McConnell is "worried" about giving a $2,000 check to someone who "doesn't need it." That's funny. He had no problem giving a $560 million tax break to Sheldon Adelson who is worth $34.3 billion. Total hypocrisy! Let the Senate vote on $2,000 now, Mitch! —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
I'm trying to figure out what the problem is with voting up or down on $2,000 direct payments to working people. Senate Republicans can't seem to give me a clear answer. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
The American people deserve to know: Does their Senator support or oppose providing a $2,000 direct payment to the working class? Mitch McConnell has the right to vote against this legislation. But he should not have the right to block a vote. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Bring the $2,000 checks up for a vote, Mitch. That's what democracy is about. That's what the American people want. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
RT @MSNBC: "If we want to restore faith in our government, now is the time to address the pain, and the anxiety and the fear that so many o… —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
We are at a historic moment. Do we turn our backs on working families who are hurting like they have never hurt before? Or do we provide them with the help they need? Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are turning their backs. Enough! Let the Senate vote on $2,000 checks! —
Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1
BREAKING: Mitch McConnell just blocked a proposal from Bernie Sanders for a vote on the House bill on direct payments for $2,000.
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
We are coming to the close of one of the most tragic years in our history. The American people are hurting. They need help. The House overwhelmingly passed $2,000 direct checks. Mitch McConnell: We cannot turn our backs on working families. Let the Senate vote on $2,000 checks. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Today @SenMarkey and I demanded a vote on $2,000 for working people. It’s simple—no vote, no new year's break for Senators. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Today, I will be going to the floor of the Senate to demand that the Senate pass a $2,000 direct payment to every working class American in this country. What would a $2,000 direct payment mean to you? —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Two-thirds of the House voted to provide $2,000 in direct payments to the working class. Now it’s the Senate’s turn to do that—no excuses. Unless McConnell agrees to a vote on $2,000 relief checks, Congress will be spending New Year’s Eve in the Capitol. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
84% of Democrats want the Senate to pass a $2,000 direct payment 73% of Republicans want the Senate to pass a $2,000 direct payment 74% of Independents want the Senate to pass a $2,000 direct payment The House approved a $2,000 direct payment Let the Senate vote, Mitch! —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
The House passed a $2,000 direct payment for working people. Now it's the Senate's turn. If McConnell doesn't agree to an up or down vote to provide the working people of our country a $2,000 direct payment, Congress will not be going home for New Year's Eve. Let's do our job. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Finally. Now, Trump must get Mitch McConnell and his Republican friends in the Senate to pass legislation to provide $2,000 in direct payments to the working class— legislation I introduced with @SenKamalaHarris and @SenMarkey 7 months ago. —
Kaitlan Collins @kaitlancollins
Trump has signed the coronavirus relief bill.
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
If Trump refuses to sign the COVID-relief bill: -14 million will lose unemployment benefits -The government will shutdown on Tuesday -The eviction moratorium will end on New Year's Eve Mr. President: Sign this bill NOW & get the Republican Senate to pass $2,000 in direct relief —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Let's be clear: The top 1% & large corporations did NOT need a $1 trillion tax break. The U.S. did NOT need to spend $6 trillion on endless wars. The billionaire class does NOT need to pay a lower tax rate than the bottom 90%. The working class NEEDS a $2,000 survival check. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
14 million Americans will lose their unemployment benefits if Trump does not sign Covid relief legislation today. Mr. President: Stop playing golf and sign this bill NOW! And tell Mitch McConnell to pass legislation to provide $2,000 direct payments to the working class. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Jane and I wish you a safe and merry Christmas, and happy holidays. This has been an enormously difficult year for far too many. As we head into the new year, let us rededicate ourselves to building a world of peace, justice and compassion for all. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
People who deserve pardons: 450,000 non-violent drug offenders. People who don't deserve pardons: Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Charles Kushner, Duncan Hunter, Joe Arpaio & the Blackwater guards who massacred civilians in Iraq. Yes. Trump is the most corrupt president in history. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Republicans in Washington are happy to cheer on Trump's bogus conspiracy theories on non-existent election fraud, but refuse to support him when it comes to providing a $2,000 direct payment to working class Americans facing economic desperation. Pathetic. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Hey, Senator McConnell. The ball's in your court. Schumer, Pelosi and Trump all want us to pass a $2,000 direct payment for working-class Americans who are facing more economic desperation than at any time since the Great Depression. Leader McConnell, let the Senate vote! —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest man alive, became $83 billion richer over the past 9 months while Amazon made record profits. Meanwhile, Amazon workers are risking their lives to fill holiday orders and are denied paid sick leave and hazard pay. This ugly corporate greed must end. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
JPMorgan Chase illegally charged 170,000 of their customers with bogus overdraft fees and regulators let them off the hook— no fine, no sanctions, no nothing. No. The government does not regulate Wall Street. The truth is Wall Street regulates the government. That must change. —
ProPublica @propublica
Since 2017, the OCC has found at least six banks wrongly charged overdrafts and related fees, but in each case, the…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
That's funny. I didn't hear Sen. Paul worry about the deficit when he voted to give $1 trillion in tax breaks to the top 1% & large corporations. Yes. We should provide the working class with $2,000 a month during the pandemic like Canada did & repeal the tax breaks for the rich. —
The Hill @thehill
Sen. Rand Paul: "If free money were the answer, if money really grew on trees, why not give more free money? Why no…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Over the last few weeks, I have worked very hard to provide direct payments to working families across America. While we did not get as much as we wanted, the average family of four will receive a direct payment of $2400. In this horrific crisis, we must fight for more relief. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
While the GOP prevented adequate financial relief to working families, they did get: -$120 billion tax break for business owners in the 1% -$6.3 billion tax break for a 3-martini lunch -$4.2 billion tax break for offshore tax scams -$2 billion for the space force Pathetic. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
This Covid relief bill is a step forward. The average family of four will receive $2400 under this bill. Will that help? Yes, it will. Is it enough? No, it is not. Under the Biden administration, we will continue to work hard and see our people through this crisis. —