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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Today my colleagues and I sent a letter to @SecBlinken asking him to urge the Israeli government to make sure that all Palestinians in the occupied territories receive the COVID vaccine. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
In my view, we can no longer tolerate billionaires becoming obscenely rich at a time of unprecedented economic pain and suffering. The time has come to tax their wealth and break up tech giants and other huge conglomerates that have monopolized nearly every sector of our economy. —
Post Business @washpostbiz
The billionaire boom
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
I have invited Jeff Bezos to testify in the Budget Committee next week to explain to the American people why he thinks it's appropriate for him to spend a whole lot of money denying economic dignity to workers at Amazon, while he has become $78 billion richer during the pandemic. —
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Sanders brings Amazon union battle to D.C., calling Bezos and warehouse worker to testify
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
I'm LIVE with @GovPhilScott to discuss how the American Rescue Plan will help working Vermonters. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
With 400,000 children now at risk of starvation in Yemen, the U.S. must tell the Saudis in no uncertain terms: immediately end the blockade and let humanitarian aid in. #YemenCantWait —
The Lead CNN @TheLeadCNN
A CNN investigation finds the U.S.-backed Saudi blockade is leading to deadly fuel & food shortages in Yemen, where……
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
RT @uvmvermont: Sen. @BernieSanders is inviting #Vermont students to participate in a statewide virtual town hall meeting on March 15 to di… —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
I support the United States backing a TRIPS waiver at the WTO to ensure that life-saving COVID vaccine technology is available to all people, regardless of wealth. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
A new analysis out today shows that the American Rescue Plan will dramatically reduce poverty. That’s what happens when Congress writes legislation focused on the needs of the working class, not the wealthy and huge corporations. Not complicated! —
Urban Institute @urbaninstitute
New analysis: Combined, 4 elements in the American Rescue Plan Act would reduce the projected annual poverty rate f…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
What’s in the covid relief legislation? Here’s a quick summary. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Today, I am proud to join the global call for a People’s Vaccine. The United States must play a leading role in making sure a coronavirus vaccine is available to all people around the world. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
The Senate must now pass the PRO Act to strengthen unions and restore power to workers. It was the trade union movement that built the middle class, and it will be the trade union movement that will rebuild the middle class once again. —
AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct @AFLCIO
BREAKING: The House of Representatives just passed the LANDMARK #PROAct making it easier for EVERYONE to join a uni…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
As President, Lula did incredible work to lower poverty in Brazil and to stand up for workers. It is great news that his highly suspect conviction has been annulled. This is an important victory for democracy and justice in Brazil. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Republicans used the budget process to give $1.9 trillion in tax breaks mostly to the top 1% and tried to throw 30 million people off their health care. We are using it to address the crises facing working families. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Republicans used the budget process to give $1. 9 trillion in tax breaks mostly to the top 1% and tried to throw 30 million people off their health care. We are using it to address the crises facing working families. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Thank you to the Congressional Progressive Caucus for their extraordinary effort in passing the American Rescue Plan, which is the most significant legislation for working people in the modern history of this country. Without them, this bill is not possible. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
56 years after Bloody Sunday, we remember those who put everything on the line for democracy, equality and freedom. We must honor their legacy by passing legislation to protect and expand voting rights for generations to come. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Today, we are beginning to restore faith in our government amongst our people. They are hurting, and we are responding. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
The American people are hurting, and this comprehensive plan goes a long way to addressing the myriad crises that we face. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
This package, among many other things, increases direct payments by $1400, extends unemployment benefits, reduces child poverty by half, ensures we are vaccinating as many people as possible, and puts us on a path to safely reopen schools. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
As Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, I am proud that we passed the American Rescue Plan, which, in my view, is the most significant piece of legislation to benefit working families in the modern history of this country. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
It is not acceptable to me that half of our people are living paycheck to paycheck. We need an economy that works for all of us. To do that, we must increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour and give 32 million Americans a raise. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
The American people are reaching out to us. They are saying, "we are hurting." When people are hurting in a democratic society, government is supposed to respond to their pain. If we can't stand up for the working families that we represent, we don't deserve to be here. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
If any Senator believes this is the last time they will cast a vote on whether or not to give a raise to 32 million Americans, they are sorely mistaken. We’re going to keep bringing it up, and we’re going to get it done because it is what the American people demand and need. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
RT @SEIU: Thank you, @SenSanders for recognizing the hard work of SEIU members and leaders in the @fightfor15 & a Union, who have fought ti… —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
RT @civilrightsorg: .@SenSanders: It's supported "by groups like The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. They understand that… —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
In this moment of unprecedented crises, the Senate must respond through unprecedented action. We must put the needs of working families ahead of the needs of the wealthy and powerful. That is what this reconciliation bill is all about. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
This morning, there will be a vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. As I’ve said for years, it is time to end starvation wages in this country. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
It is time to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. The working class is demanding it. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
70 percent of tipped workers are women. They suffer from the highest rates of sexual harassment of workers in any industry. The time is NOW to end the tipped minimum wage of $2.13 an hour. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
This shows the contempt Republicans have for the needs of working class Americans. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
In the midst of the worst economic, healthcare and educational crises in the modern history of our country, when we…