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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Lowering the Medicare eligibility age is not just the right thing to do, it's what the American people want. According to a recent Gallup poll: – 65% want to reduce the Medicare age to 60 – 60% want to expand Medicare to all Health care is a human right, not a privilege. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
In the richest country on earth it's absurd that 75% of seniors who need hearing aids don't have one, 65% of seniors don't have dental insurance & eyeglass frames manufactured for as little as $10 cost over $230. We must expand Medicare to cover hearing, vision & dental care. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Maybe it's a radical idea in Washington, but no. I do not believe that the billionaire class should pay a lower effective tax rate than the middle class. A profitable corporation like Zoom should not be able to pay nothing in federal income taxes when its profits go up by 4,000%. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Life expectancy for low-income Americans is right now about 15 years lower than for the wealthy. Poverty in the richest country in the history of the world is a death sentence. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Since 1985, the average Wall Street bonus has gone up 1,217%. If the federal minimum wage had increased at the same rate as Wall Street bonuses, it would be $44/hour. Instead, it's remained stuck at $7.25 an hour for 12 years. We must raise the minimum wage to at least $15/hour. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
There are millions of seniors who cannot afford dental care, hearing aids or eyeglasses. In the richest country on earth that is unacceptable. That is why Medicare must negotiate drug prices and use the savings to expand Medicare to cover these basic health care needs. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
The United States cannot prosper and remain a vigorous democracy when so few have so much and so many have so little. We must address the crisis of income and wealth inequality now. —
Guardian US Opinion @GdnUSopinion
The rich-poor gap in America is obscene. So let's fix it – here's how | Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
The time is now to address the enormous crisis facing seniors who are unable to get the dental care, the hearing aids, and the optical care that they need. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Our current health care system is totally absurd. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Does anyone out there honestly believe that the answer to growing income and wealth inequality is to give more tax breaks to billionaires? That is absurd. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
No. We will not allow Trump's handpicked Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to slow down mail delivery, cut hours at post offices and sabotage the Postal Service. We will expand and strengthen it. It is way past time to fire Mr. DeJoy. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Let's be clear. The legislation passed in Georgia is voter suppression. The Senate must quickly take up the voting rights bills passed by the House of Representatives. If we are serious about calling ourselves a democracy, we must make it easier for people to vote – not harder. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
At a time of massive wealth inequality, the GOP estate tax repeal bill would give a $1.7 trillion tax cut to the top 0.1% & NOTHING for the 99.9%. It provides: $88B to the Walton family $71B to the Bezos family $64B to the Musk family Just what we need. Totally insane. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Drug prices in 🇺🇸 vs. 🇨🇦 Entocourt for Crohn's Disease: 🇺🇸 $830 🇨🇦 $80 Flovent Diskus for Asthma: 🇺🇸 $242 🇨🇦 $28 Crestor for Cholesterol: 🇺🇸 $332 🇨🇦 $67 Januvia for Diabetes: 🇺🇸 $585 🇨🇦 $126 2 EpiPens: 🇺🇸 $686 🇨🇦 $278 We must end this greed & collusion & lower drug prices —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
The GOP bill to repeal the estate tax would give the Walton family, the richest family in America and the owners of Walmart, a tax break of up to $88 billion. Does anyone really believe that we should be providing an $88 billion tax break to the wealthiest family in the country? —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
What do my Republican colleagues want to do to address the crises facing working families today? They want to give tax breaks to the wealthiest people in the country. That is obscene. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Vermont just got a HUGE investment in our community health centers. Nearly one-in-three Vermonters rely on them, and $33 million is an enormous amount of money. It represents a huge leap forward for Vermonters’ health care. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
LIVE: The Senate Budget Committee is holding a hearing on why we need to end a rigged and corrupt tax code that gives trillions of dollars in tax breaks to the wealthy and huge corporations. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Louis DeJoy, a top campaign contributor of Donald Trump, is the worst Postmaster General in American history. He should have been fired or removed from office a long time ago. We need a Postmaster General who will protect and strengthen the Postal Service, not sabotage it. —
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy announced plans to slow mail delivery standards and reduce hours at some post office…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Women on average make just 82 cents for every dollar a man is paid, and that pay gap is even larger for women of color and tipped workers. Equal pay for equal work is not a radical idea. It's an issue of basic justice. —
NBC News @NBCNews
Equal Pay Day, which falls on March 24 this year, denotes how far into the new year women must work to be paid what…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
“Why does the U.S. pay the highest price in the world for prescription drugs? It is simply because of greed.” - Elia Spates of Derby, Vermont. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Why does the U.S. pay the highest price in the world for prescription drugs? It is simply because of greed. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
How many people need to die before Congress takes on the greed of the pharmaceutical industry? —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
RT @onefairwage: "In the wealthiest country on the earth, no one should be working for starvation wages. Doesn't get any less complicated t… —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
This is the 7th mass shooting in 7 days, less than a week after the attacks in Atlanta. We cannot stand by as these tragedies happen again and again. Congress must take on the corrupting influence of the NRA, and pass the common sense gun safety legislation Americans want. —
Ten people, including a police officer, were killed Monday after a gunman opened fire in a grocery store in Boulder…
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
LIVE: I’m holding a Senate hearing on why Americans pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. The time is NOW for Congress to stand up to the greed of the pharmaceutical industry. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Last year, one-in-five Americans couldn’t afford to buy the medicine prescribed by their doctor. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies made billions in profits and spent hundreds of millions on CEO compensation. We must end their greed. —
CNN Politics @CNNPolitics
Sen. Bernie Sanders is making plans to push prescription drug reforms through reconciliation
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Find out the answer LIVE tomorrow at 10 a.m. during our Senate hearing on the cost of prescription drugs. You can watch on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Find out the answer LIVE at 10 a.m. during our Senate hearing on the cost of prescription drugs. You can watch on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. —
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Why do Americans pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs? Could it have anything to do with the fact that last year 9 large pharmaceutical companies made over $58 billion in profits? —