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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Recognition of the Armenian genocide is long overdue, and I applaud President Biden for this announcement. It is important for all of us to look honestly at history to make sure such atrocities never happen again. —

The New York Times @nytimes

Breaking News: President Joe Biden said the U.S. views the killing of 1.5 million Armenians over 100 years ago as a…

Posted April 24, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Congratulations to the Delaware State Senate for voting to increase the state minimum wage to $15 an hour. Hopefully, Delaware's two U.S. senators will pay attention and help us raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. Americans can no longer work for starvation wages. —

Posted April 23, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

I am once again asking President Biden to support a WTO waiver that would enable the sharing of life-saving vaccine technology with poorer countries. Join me LIVE now: —

Posted April 23, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @PCGTW: What does @SenSanders have in common with 60% of US voters and 170+ former heads of state & Nobel laureates? They all support… —

Posted April 23, 2021 Retweet
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Today with this historic vote and every day we stand in solidarity with the Asian-American community all over this country. We reject the hate and racism that’s led to an increase in anti-Asian violence, particularly against women, older people, and workers. —

Senator Mazie Hirono @maziehirono

PASSED: Today, the US Senate rejects anti-Asian hate. This historic, bipartisan vote on the COVID-19 Hate Crimes A…

Posted April 22, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Unless we take bold action to transform our energy system away from fossil fuels and take on the climate crisis, our children and grandchildren are going to look back on this period in history and ask a very simple question: "Where were they?” —

Posted April 22, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Fossil fuel profits are not more important than our planet. —

Posted April 22, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @NydiaVelazquez: I'm proud to partner with @SenSanders to introduce the Territorial Equity Act of 2021. This bill takes bold action ne… —

Posted April 21, 2021 Retweet
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @CNN: By demanding that the wealthiest people and most profitable corporations in the US begin to pay their fair share of taxes, we can… —

Posted April 21, 2021 Retweet
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @RepJayapal: Excited to introduce College for All alongside my friend @SenSanders. This bill will make community colleges and trade scho… —

Posted April 21, 2021 Retweet
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

In the 21st century, a free public education system that goes from kindergarten through high school is no longer good enough. The time is long overdue to make public colleges and universities tuition-free and debt-free for working families. —

Posted April 21, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

It is absolutely unacceptable that hundreds of thousands of bright young Americans do not get a higher education each year, not because they are unqualified, but because their family does not have enough money. —

Posted April 21, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

In the wealthiest country in the history of the world, a higher education should be a right for all, not a privilege for the few. If we are going to have the kind of standard of living that the American people deserve, we need to have the best educated workforce in the world. —

HuffPost @HuffPost

The senator and Rep. Pramila Jayapal are introducing legislation modeled after President Biden’s campaign proposals.

Posted April 21, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Our struggle now is about justice—not justice on paper, but real justice in which all Americans live their lives free of oppression. We must boldly root out the cancer of systemic racism and police violence against people of color. —

Posted April 20, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The trauma and tragedy of George Floyd’s murder must never leave us. It was a manifestation of a system that callously devalues the lives of Black people. —

Posted April 20, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The jury's verdict delivers accountability for Derek Chauvin, but not justice for George Floyd. Real justice for him and too many others can only happen when we build a nation that fundamentally respects the human dignity of every person. —

The Associated Press @AP

Former Minneapolis Officer Derek Chauvin convicted of murder and manslaughter charges in the death of George Floyd.…

Posted April 20, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Wealthy campaign contributors gave $3.4 billion – with a "b" – to candidates and causes since 2009. That's what holds in place our rigged, corrupt economic and political systems. The time is now to get big money out of politics, and move to the public funding of elections. —

The New York Times @nytimes

A new study illustrates the increasing role of the super rich in American politics since the Supreme Court loosened…

Posted April 20, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @onefairwage: Tomorrow! We'll be joined by @BernieSanders @RepLawrence @repmarkpocan @Andy_Levin and more at 3:15pm ET!! Join us: https:… —

Posted April 20, 2021 Retweet
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @RepBowman: Proud to join @SenSherrodBrown, @SenSanders, and @SenWarren in calling for expanding and improving Supplemental Security Inc… —

Posted April 20, 2021 Retweet
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Justice for George Floyd, Adam Toledo, Daunte Wright and too many before them must include a national transformation that brings accountability for all officers who murder, including firings, criminal and civil penalties. —

Posted April 19, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The Green New Deal for Public Housing addresses our climate and affordable housing crises together in a way that transforms our energy system, rebuilds public housing, and creates hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs in low-income and working-class communities. —

Posted April 19, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

It is unacceptable that our nation’s public housing is in a state of chronic disrepair and energy inefficiency after generations of government neglect. —

Posted April 19, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

It is unacceptable that for so many working people it is incredibly hard to find affordable housing. —

Posted April 19, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

It is unacceptable that over half a million people in America, the richest country on Earth, are homeless. —

Posted April 19, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

At this time of unprecedented crisis, we must move forward to boldly address the systemic and existential threats facing us today and that includes combating climate change and making sure that every American has a safe and decent place to live. —

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @RepAOC

The Green New Deal for Public Housing would: ✅Improve living conditions for nearly 2 million ✅Lower utility costs…

Posted April 19, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Make no mistake about what is happening here: activist Aleksei Navalny is being murdered in front of the world by Vladimir Putin for the crime of exposing Putin’s vast corruption. Navalny’s doctors must be allowed to see him immediately. —

New York Times Opinion @nytopinion

Family and supporters of Aleksei Navalny, the incarcerated Kremlin critic, are demanding that his own doctors be i…

Posted April 18, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

If we do not get our act together on climate change, our entire planet will face irreparable harm. —

Posted April 16, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @Ilhan: Taxpayers spend $15B/year in direct federal subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. We shouldn't provide giveaways to the very… —

Posted April 15, 2021 Retweet
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Bringing troops home from Afghanistan is a courageous decision by President Biden. There is more to be done to end the forever wars. @RepRoKhanna and I write about the next steps. —

Posted April 15, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

I stand in solidarity with the University of Vermont staff who are organizing to form a union. When workers unionize and collectively bargain, they gain a strong voice to fight for better employment conditions that benefit us all. —

Posted April 15, 2021