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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

In the fight against climate change, we have a choice: protect the profits of the fossil fuel industry or protect the future of our children. —

Posted Sept. 16, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

We must end a rigged system that allowed the former CEO of Gilead to become a billionaire by charging $1,000 for a Hepatitis C drug that was developed by the VA, costs $1 to manufacture & can be purchased in India for $4. No more excuses. Congress must lower drug prices NOW. —

Posted Sept. 16, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

At a time of massive and growing income & wealth inequality and as the top 1% has more wealth than the bottom 92%, now is the time to demand that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share so that we can begin to address the long neglected needs of working families. —

Posted Sept. 16, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Now is the time for Congress to show courage and stand up to the greed of the pharmaceutical industry. The American people will not accept surrender.” —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Nonetheless, the American people are demanding that Congress stand up to them and finally lower the outrageous price of prescription drugs by requiring Medicare to negotiate with the pharmaceutical industry. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The pharmaceutical industry has spent over $4.5 billion on lobbying and campaign contributions over the past 20 years and has hired some 1,200 lobbyists to get Congress to do its bidding. They are the most powerful industry on Capitol Hill. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Meanwhile, one out of five Americans cannot afford the prescriptions their doctors write, and thousands die each year because they lack the money to buy the medicine they need. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Year after year, the pharmaceutical industry makes extraordinary profits and provides their CEOs with obscenely high compensation packages. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The good news is that the full Congress must and will do far better. At a time when the drug companies are charging us by far the highest prices in the world, Congress must demand that Medicare negotiate prices with this extremely greedy and powerful industry. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

I'm very disappointed in the vote today on prescription drugs by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. I get that the pharmaceutical industry owns the Republican Party and that no Republican voted for this bill, but there is no excuse for every Democrat not supporting it. —

POLITICO @politico

Three centrist House Dems threw their party's health care agenda into disarray today by blocking a plan that would…

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

If we can pass bold legislation NOW that invests in them, we can show the American people that government can work for all of us, and not just the wealthy few. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

This is what oligarchy looks like: The drug companies, the healthcare industry, fossil fuel interests and the very rich are spending millions to defeat our legislation to protect working families and create a progressive tax system. Enough is enough. Their greed must be defeated. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Here in Washington, when we go to war: there's endless amounts of money Tax breaks for billionaires: endless amounts of money But when we want to support working American families, suddenly we don't have enough money. Unacceptable. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Is demanding that the wealthiest people in the country and the largest corporations finally pay their fair share of… —

Posted Sept. 14, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Maybe, just maybe, at a time of massive income and wealthy inequality, when two people own more wealth than the bottom 40%, now is the time to address the needs of our people. —

Posted Sept. 14, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

What the data tells us is clear: when government responds to the needs of the working class, millions of families a… —

The Washington Post @washingtonpost

U.S. poverty fell overall in 2020 due to massive stimulus payments supporting Americans and economy during pandemic

Posted Sept. 14, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The American Rescue Plan showed what good and moral policy can do. For example, it helped reduce childhood poverty… —

Posted Sept. 14, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @NewsHour: "At the end of the day, do I think the Democratic caucus will turn its back on the needs of working families? Turn its back o… —

Posted Sept. 14, 2021 Retweet
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Whether you're a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent, Americans understand that right now, the richest people… —

Posted Sept. 13, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Oregon is burning. California is burning. Siberia is burning. People are drowning in New York City. Detroit is floo… —

Posted Sept. 13, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Physical infrastructure is terribly important. But I also think that the needs of the human beings of our country – working families, the children, the elderly, the poor – are even more important. We can and must take care of both. —

Posted Sept. 13, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @ThisWeekABC: STARTING NOW: @GStephanopoulos goes one-on-one with: ✅ @Surgeon_General ✅ @Sen_JoeManchin ✅ @SenSanders And @GovChristie,… —

Posted Sept. 12, 2021 Retweet
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @CNNSotu: Good Morning! Today on #CNNSOTU w/ @DanaBashCNN at 9am ET: ➡️ @Surgeon_General ➡️ @Sen_JoeManchin ➡️ @SenSanders Tune i… —

Posted Sept. 12, 2021 Retweet
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

20 years later, we pause to remember the thousands of lives lost on September 11, 2001, and the bravery of so many first responders who put their lives at risk to save others. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

I have absolute confidence that if we have the courage and the determination to stand together and fight for justice, not only can we address the enormous crises that we face, but I believe we can move this country in a much stronger and better direction. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

At a time of massive wealth and income inequality, we can no longer tolerate a rigged tax system that allows the top 1% to avoid $163 billion in taxes that they owe. Yes, we will demand that the 1% pays its fair share and we will use that revenue to invest in working families. —

Posted Sept. 8, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The science is clear: if we do not address climate change now, we will suffer greater and more frequent climate disasters and the Earth will become increasingly uninhabitable. It’s time we listen to scientists, not the fossil fuel industry. —

Posted Sept. 8, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Yes, we are going to raise taxes on large, profitable corporations – many that in a given year don’t pay a nickel in federal income tax. —

Posted Sept. 8, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

For too many years the government has been there for the wealthy and the powerful. Now is the time for the government to be there for the working families of this country. —

Posted Sept. 7, 2021
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

On this Labor Day we thank the trade union movement for their ongoing struggle for justice. Yes. Every American is entitled to the right to join a union, decent wages and benefits, affordable housing, health care and educational opportunity. Let us go forward in solidarity. —

Posted Sept. 6, 2021