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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Why does Putin fear Alexei Navalny? Because Navalny exposed Putin’s enormous corruption, and the unimaginable wealth Putin has stolen from the Russian people. That’s why Putin is trying to discredit and silence him. Release Navalny now! —

Posted March 22, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

"Medical debt" and "Medical bankruptcy" are two phrases that should not exist in the United States of America. Removing 70% of past-due medical debt from credit reports is a step in the right direction, and much more needs to be done. We must cancel all medical debt. —


Three of the country's largest credit reporting agencies are removing nearly 70% of medical debt from consumer cred…

Posted March 21, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Corporate greed is Amazon increasing its profits by 75% last year to a record $35 billion, denying workers a $3 raise, illegally underpaying drivers and blaming a $20 price hike in a Prime membership on "inflation" while Jeff Bezos became $81 billion richer during the pandemic. —

Posted March 20, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

In the midst of the current set of horrors – war, oligarchy, pandemics, inflation, climate change, etc. – we must continue the fight to establish health care as a human right, not a privilege. I will soon be reintroducing our Medicare for All legislation. —

Posted March 20, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

2021 Profits: Amazon:⬆️75% to $35 billion Netflix:⬆️96% to $5.3 billion Nike:⬆️125% to $5.7 billion FedEx:⬆️307% to $5.2 billion 2022 Price Hikes: Amazon Prime:⬆️16.8% Netflix Subscription:⬆️10.7% Nike:⬆️10.5% FedEx:⬆️5.9%-7.9% Don't cite inflation. Cite corporate greed. —

Posted March 20, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Corporate greed is Moderna giving its CEO a $923 million golden parachute & handing out $360 million in stock options to 2 top executives after receiving $2.5 billion from U.S. taxpayers to develop its COVID vaccine & refusing to share it with the world. We must end this greed. —

Posted March 18, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Here is the untold story of the global economy. Oligarchy reigns and is getting worse. Today, the 10 richest people own more wealth than the bottom 3.1 billion. We need progressive global taxation and an economy that works for all, not a tiny handful of multi-billionaires. —

Posted March 18, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

LIVE: I’m joining two strong progressive voices, @DavidLammy and @delarabur, to discuss the international progressive response to Russia’s war on Ukraine. —

Posted March 18, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

RT @ACEurope: What structural decarbonization and counter-kleptocracy reforms are needed in the response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine… —

Posted March 18, 2022 Retweet
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Wendy's increased its net income by 70%, pays its CEO 532X more than its median worker & is spending $100 million on stock buybacks. Now it's blaming the rising price of a Frosty on inflation? No. The problem isn't the Wendy's worker who got a 50 cent raise. It's corporate greed. —

Posted March 17, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Big oil companies are engaged in massive profiteering and price gouging. We need a windfall profits tax. March 2008 Gas: $3.23 per gallon Oil: $104.54 per barrel March 2014 Gas: $3.51 Oil: $102.28 Last week: Gas: $4.10 Oil: $111.42 Today: Gas: $4.32 Oil: $95.17 —

Posted March 16, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

If Jeff Bezos can afford a $500 million yacht, a $23 million mansion with 25 bathrooms and a rocket ship to blast a comedian to outer space, you know what? Amazon can afford to give its employees a $3 raise. I stand in strong solidarity with the Amazon workers walkout. —

Posted March 16, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The war in Ukraine is an absolute disaster for the people of Ukraine and the entire world. But with or without a war, we cannot lose focus on the crises facing working families in the U.S. today. Congress can and must walk and chew bubble gum at the same time. —

Posted March 16, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Why is the price of oil LOWER today than it was in 2014 while the average price for a gallon of gas nationwide is 80 cents a gallon HIGHER than it was eight years ago? Answer: Corporate greed. Now is no time for profiteering. Now is the time for a windfall profits tax. —

Posted March 15, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

We must achieve economic justice in this country — that means equal pay for equal work NOW. —

Posted March 15, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Marina Ovsyannikova, an editor at a TV channel in Russia, interrupted a live broadcast with a sign that read “NO WAR. Stop the war. Don't believe the propaganda. They're lying to you here.” She has since been detained. This is an act of incredible courage. —

Posted March 14, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

If we can spend $782 billion on the military industrial complex and handout $52 billion in corporate welfare to the profitable micro-chip industry, please do not tell me we cannot afford Medicare for All during a pandemic or the Green New Deal during a climate emergency. —

Posted March 12, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Barack Obama was right. A gas tax holiday was a bad idea in 2008 and it's a bad idea today. If we're serious about providing consumers relief at the gas pump, let's take on the greed of big oil by enacting a windfall profits tax and ending OPEC's illegal price-fixing cartel. —


Right Then, Right Now: Obama Quote on Gas Tax Suspension Focus of New ARTBA Ad Campaign. READ ABOUT IT HERE:…

Posted March 11, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

If there's a lesson that should be learned now it is that moving quickly to renewable energy is not just an environmental issue. It is a matter of national security. We must deny Putin and other petro-dictators the ability to hold the global economy hostage. The time is now! —

Posted March 11, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

I’m delighted to see an agreement reached so that the MLB season can start. But we must prevent the greed of baseball’s oligarchs from destroying the game. The best way to do that is to end MLB’s antitrust exemption and I will be introducing legislation to do just that. —

Posted March 10, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Last year, oil & gas companies made $174 billion in profits. This year they're on track to make more. We cannot allow big oil to use Ukraine & "inflation" as an excuse to rip-off Americans. I'm proud to join @SenWhitehouse to introduce a windfall profits tax. Let's get it done. —

Posted March 10, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

This is oligarchy. This is greed. This is callousness. Last year, over 2 million people worldwide died of hunger. At the same time, the world’s 2,755 billionaires saw their wealth go up by $5 trillion – from $8.6 trillion to $13.8 trillion. This is why we need a tax on wealth. —

Posted March 9, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

If there's one thing to learn from this horrible crisis it's this: We must end our dependence on big oil & authoritarian regimes for expensive fossil fuels that are destroying the planet & harming our economy. Now, more than ever, we need a Manhattan Project for renewable energy. —

Posted March 9, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Today the Senate passed the Postal Service Reform Act. Is this all that is needed to fix the problems of the Postal Service? No, it is not. But it's an important step forward for one of our nation’s most important government agencies, for its workers, and for our communities. —

Posted March 9, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Oil company revenues since last year: Exxon: ⬆️ 57% Chevron: ⬆️ 84% Shell: ⬆️ 49% BP: ⬆️ 45% We cannot allow big oil companies to continue to take advantage of the war in Ukraine & inflation to make huge profits by jacking up gas prices. We need a windfall profits tax. —

Posted March 7, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Super-large yachts have become the status symbol of the billionaire class. And Russian oligarchs are not the only people who own them. While half of our people work paycheck to paycheck, members of the American oligarchy spend hundreds of millions to build their very own yachts. —

Posted March 5, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Oligarchy and massive wealth inequality exists not just in Russia. It's worldwide. Since the pandemic, while the wealth of the world's 10 richest people DOUBLED, the income of 99% of the world’s population declined. The result: More yachts for the rich. More hunger for the poor. —

Posted March 4, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

The GOP claims to be the party of the working class. Yet, the head of the GOP campaign arm released a plan to raise taxes on half of Americans while imposing massive cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and education. Oh, yeah. They sure LOVE working people. No doubt. —

Posted March 4, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

This is what Oligarchy and Authoritarianism is all about. Putin is not only destroying Ukraine and the Russian economy. He is now in the process of ending the last vestiges of Russian democracy and free speech. —

Posted March 3, 2022
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Bernie Sanders @SenSanders

Unfortunately, we have a corrupt political system and some Senators are more interested in getting campaign contributions from the wealthy and the powerful than doing the work of the American people. It’s a sad state of affairs. —

Posted March 3, 2022