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Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
@Macgumerait Worth trying again today as website less overwhelmed —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
@green_woman1 I’m WAY too old for that! —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
@JohnStanners Website highlights you would need proof of vaccination from country where you were vaccinated. —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
@rickysproule74 @Henriklubo I didn’t use any letter - only needed my passport. I also know my CHI number which would be on almost every appointment letter from NHS —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
RT @richard_of_yore: @Dr_PhilippaW In plain sight the Tories doubling down on Gerrymandering as they take a page out of the Republican (GOP… —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
Initial rush to get #CovidPass now eased - got mine in just a few minutes. Only for International travel and large events but worth getting when you are ready - just don’t all log in at once! —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
RT @NarcAware: @Dr_PhilippaW @fiona_fionnagal In plain sight. —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
#Brexit narrative tried to hide that #FoM worked both ways and beneficial. Scotland gained people who contributed to communities & public services, U.K. Gov gained more tax / head and I got my dear hubby! ❤️ —
Martin Lewis 💙 @MartinNHW
@Dr_PhilippaW #FoM was consistently and overwhelmingly popular with the UK public when framed as a reciprocal right…
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
@shugwud Agree, but 5 years if Labour on the fence or being silent hasn’t helped. —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
In plain sight, Boris Johnson is rigging the system to stay in power | Jonathan Freedland | The Guardian —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
RT @AlexTaylorNews: With all due respect @SebastianEPayne you shouldn't just make stuff up on TV ! "We've been seeing empty shelves in Pa… —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
Always clear loss of #FreedomOfMovement would be one of the biggest impacts of #BrexitShambles on Scotland but now causing supply crisis across whole UK. Labour have sat on the fence throughout whole #Brexit saga & still in denial! —
The New Statesman @NewStatesman
By upholding the taboo over the costs of Brexit, Labour is enabling Boris Johnson’s fantasy excuses for the "supply…
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
RT @annettedittert: Astonishing that now even a @FT reporter repeats this nonsense. There are no empty shelves in Europe. And no-one is f… —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
RT @NHSaaa: Clinics in Ayrshire continue to offer locals the chance to be vaccinated against COVID-19 on both an appointment and a drop-in… —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
RT @HTScotPol: Yes, this just happened —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
I've #justsponsored Stuart McDonald, who's running the London Marathon to raise funds for Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland on @JustGiving. Donate now —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
This winter, many of my older constituents will notice their energy bills going up. If you are worried about staying on top of increasing costs, support is available. @age_uk have provided some useful advice for older people who will be affected at —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
This Saturday, 2nd October, is #WorldOstomyDay. I am proud to support this amazing community and ask everyone to be #StomaAware today and every day. @ColostomyUK, @iasupport, @Coloplast_UK, Urostomy Association —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
Coming soon… Our friends at @seemescotland are launching a new campaign, encouraging all of us to come together to join the movement to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination. #SeeMeSeeUs – 20.10.21 —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
I’m celebrating #WorldHeartDay2021 Since @TheBHF was established 60 years ago, the annual number of deaths from heart and circulatory diseases in the UK has fallen by around half; however, they still cause a quarter of all deaths in the UK. Let’s keep making progress. —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
RT @Sheilam19534814: @meallaidh @rainie1410 @murdo_fraser @TheScotsman Was it with that other renowned Virologist Jackie Baillie🤔 Surely Mr… —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
Funny, yesterday I attended MP briefing on Tory UK Gov plan B for #VaccinePassports ‘IF’ NHS in England under pressure this winter! Wonder what D Ross will have to say then! —
BBC Scotland News @BBCScotlandNews
Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross says the vaccine passport scheme is "botched" and calls for it to be halt…
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
RT @AdrianBeavis1: @mrjamesob I mean, that idea of the Single Market being a brilliant way for goods, services, labour to move round the WH… —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
RT @mrjamesob: Experts versus Brexiters. Again. —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
RT @BenMacpherson: 👇🏻@ScotParl’s voted to #KeepTheLifeline, except @ScotTories (unfortunately). If the Westminster #UniversalCredit cut p… —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
@doctor_oxford SO sorry to see such an appalling attack on you Rachel - just for highlighting public safety. Take care. —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
Thursday marked 2000 days since Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has been held in Iran. It's a heartbreaking milestone we all hoped she’d never meet. I stand in solidarity with Nazanin, husband Richard & daughter Gabriella calling on @BorisJohnson to end this cruel game #FreeNazanin —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
Great news that most UK flour will now be fortified with folic acid (Vitamin B9) to help support the development of the spinal cord, brain & central nervous system during early pregnancy.Nice to get a wee mention from the Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
RT @ZoeJardiniere: So, the next time someone thinks they're being smart by telling you they "should have stayed in France"... here's the @… —
Dr Philippa Whitford @Dr_PhilippaW
So ANOTHER great Christmas for EU lorry drivers in UK! —
Michael Lambert @MichaelLamberta
BREAKING: Home Secretary announces plan to set up task force to deport any EU lorry drivers who remain in the U.K.…