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Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
From Day 1, @POTUS has shut down American energy. Now, Americans are paying more across the board—heat, groceries, gasoline. Is this intentional? According to @YahooFinance, climate czar Gina McCarthy “said soaring commodity prices…should accelerate the move to renewables.” —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
RT @SenateGOP: ⚡ Energy Day Press Conference ⚡ STARTING SOON: Senate Republicans discuss President Biden's energy crisis We'll be live ri… —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
RT @AmericaNewsroom: THE SHOW: @WilliamJBennett @RepKenBuck @larry_kudlow @ChrisStigall James Kilcer, former Marine @FoxNewsSunday Chri… —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
My statement on the passing of Colin Powell—a courageous public servant, a patriot, and a truly great American. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
I've said it before and I'll say it again: John Kerry—appeaser of the terrorist leadership in Iran and collaborator with the Communist Party leadership in China—should be fired or resign. Rarely has an American official so blatantly sold out American interests. #KerrysGottaGo —
Senator Rubio Press @SenRubioPress
‼️ICYMI: Sen. Rubio in @FoxNews: It's time for @POTUS to fire @JohnKerry, his ethically challenged #climate czar.…
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
America & Taiwan share a commitment to democracy, peace, and economic prosperity, and our bilateral bonds are stronger than ever before. All Americans join our friends today in celebrating National Day, commemorating the establishment of the Republic of China. 🇺🇸🇹🇼 —
Taiwan in the US @TECRO_USA
Today, people of Taiwan gather together to celebrate the 110th National Day of the Republic of China. President Tsa…
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
The Biden solution? Beg OPEC & Russia to produce more oil; dip into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Here’s an idea, Madam Secretary: Why not take your boot off the neck of AMERICAN producers, who produce w/ the highest environmental standards & some of the lowest emissions. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
The energy price crisis—like the Afghanistan crisis, border crisis, inflation crisis—is entirely a creation of the…
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
The energy price crisis—like the Afghanistan crisis, border crisis, inflation crisis—is entirely a creation of the Biden administration’s insane policies. @POTUS has spent months shutting down U.S. energy production and giving pink slips to hard-working Americans & Alaskans. —
Financial Times @FinancialTimes
FT Exclusive: The US energy secretary Jennifer Granholm has raised the prospect of releasing crude oil from the gov…
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
Hobo Jim was a fixture at community gatherings for decades & was always able to put a memorable tune to the unique life of the Last Frontier. We join all Alaskans in celebrating the life of this great man who made so many smile and offer our prayers to Cyndi and Jim’s loved ones. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
Julie & I are heartbroken to hear of the passing of Hobo Jim, a music legend whose story and songs are synonymous w……
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
Julie & I are heartbroken to hear of the passing of Hobo Jim, a music legend whose story and songs are synonymous with Alaska. I was fortunate to get to chat with Jim a few days ago after learning of his cancer diagnosis. He was strong, gracious, & so courageous during our talk. —
Alaska's News Source @AKNewsNow
James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife conf…
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
U.S. special envoy for climate & self-styled shadow president John Kerry alleges Joe Biden was unaware of the implications of the historic #AUKUS partnership that deepened our defense & security ties. What other critical foreign policy matters is Biden “literally” unaware of? —
POLARIS @polarisnatsec
John Kerry admits in interview with French TV that Joe Biden had no idea about the fallout with the French from the…
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
Frances Haugen said that Facebook knows its platform is being used by America’s adversaries–from the #CCP to Iran—to undermine U.S. interests & conduct espionage. As I told my fellow @SenateCommerce colleagues, this troubling revelation warrants a deeper dive from Congress. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
@SenateCommerce Ms. Haugen claims Facebook has knowingly prioritized its profits above the well-being of underage users. Her testimony has certainly sparked an important conversation for how Congress should approach its oversight role of social media companies and protect young people online. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
Many parents, myself included, are deeply concerned about the long-term, negative impacts that social media is having on our kids, particularly on their mental health. Today, Frances Haugen, a former Facebook employee, confirmed many of those fears in a @SenateCommerce hearing. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
President Biden needs to reiterate America’s clear, unflinching support for the people of #Taiwan. Greater provocation by the #CCP will only further isolate China and rally the nations of the world to the cause of peace in the Indo-Pacific. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
We knew this was coming. I’ve been saying for weeks that China would be looking to test the Biden administration fo…
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
We knew this was coming. I’ve been saying for weeks that China would be looking to test the Biden administration following the disastrous withdrawal from #Afghanistan. This historic debacle has clearly left our allies shaken and our adversaries emboldened. —
Stars and Stripes @starsandstripes
China flew 52 fighter planes toward Taiwan on Monday in the largest show of force on record, continuing the three d…
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
Our senior military leaders testified this week that they made @POTUS well aware of what would happen if he completely removed troops from #Afghanistan before our people were safely out. As I told @Kilmeade, this historic debacle is solely the responsibility of Joe Biden. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
RT @kilmeade: ICYMI: @SenDanSullivan is pressing for answers on the ‘huge fabrications’ in Biden’s Afghanistan’s fiasco on #FoxNewsPrimetim… —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
President Biden’s botched #Afghanistan withdrawal is one of the biggest fiascos in a generation—a “strategic failure” as testified by Gen. Milley. Yet, no one is being held accountable. I asked Milley, Secretary Austin, and Gen. McKenzie—has anyone submitted their resignation? —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
RT @kilmeade: Joining me: @WVGovernor @SenDanSullivan & more! —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
RT @townhallcom: "You do not have to cover for the President when he's not telling the truth. Was that a false statement or not?" Senator… —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
RT @cspan: WATCH: Exchange between @SenDanSullivan and Gen. Milley on communications with China. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
@POTUS @SASCGOP The President’s claims are dramatic, obvious falsehoods that go to the very heart of this foreign policy fiasco in #Afghanistan. These are life and death deceptions. And the American people have seen zero accountability, zero responsibility from anybody in this administration. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
@POTUS @SASCGOP General Milley today admitted what the world has recognized for weeks—that the Biden administration’s #Afghanistan withdrawal was a "strategic failure”—a direct contradiction of President Biden’s absurd claim that this was an “extraordinary success.” —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
RT @SASCGOP: General Milley calls August's non-combatant evacuation operation from Afghanistan a "logistical success but a strategic failur… —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
@POTUS @SASCGOP .@POTUS said that if there is any American citizen left in #Afghanistan who wants to leave, the military will stay until they are able to get out. @POTUS also claimed that Al Qaeda was gone from Afghanistan. Both of those statements were not true. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
.@POTUS said on Aug. 18 that none of his military advisors told him he should keep some U.S. forces in #Afghanistan. That was not true. In @SASCGOP hearing, I asked Gen. Milley, Sec. Austin & Gen. McKenzie to be straight with the American people on what they advised @POTUS. —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
RT @SenateGOP: Joe Biden has repeatedly told the American people the Afghanistan retrograde mission was an "extraordinary success." Gen.… —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
RT @jseldin: @SenDanSullivan q's on @POTUS claim that #alQaida was gone from #Afghanistan - "Was that true or not true?" @thejointstaff's… —
Sen. Dan Sullivan @SenDanSullivan
RT @CarlaBabbVOA: @SenDanSullivan on Biden: "These are dramatic, obvious falsehoods...We have all witnessed these are life & death deceptio… —