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Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
For months now, I’ve said that any future COVID-19 relief should be focused on COVID-19. My Democratic colleagues have a much different idea: —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
Congress isn’t even waiting to lift the decade-long moratorium on earmarking before starting to pig out. Look no further than the $1.9T bill being touted by Democrats as the latest response to the COVID pandemic — a proposal that’s being fast-tracked through both chambers. —
National Review @NRO
Earmarks are corrupt, costly, and inequitable. Just take a look at the sprawling COVID-response bill that Democrats…
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
🚨Good news for ethanol: The UK’s decision to introduce E10 gasoline at fuel stations by September will help: ✅ Create market opportunity for #Iowa producers ✅ Provide consumers with access to a cleaner choice at the pump ✅ Reduce greenhouse gas emissions —
Reuters UK @ReutersUK
Britain to introduce greener gasoline at petrol stations by September
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
A return to the ham-fisted tactic of individual earmarks would be a win for Washington special interests and lobbyists—and a big loss for hardworking #Iowa taxpayers. It’s past time to permanently ban the bacon from the legislative process. #MakeEmSqueal —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
A COVID relief bill should focus on COVID relief. Period. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
There’s good reason why earmarks are referred to as pork: They stink, and they’re messy. With the national debt headed toward $30 trillion, the last thing Congress needs to be focused on is finding other ways to waste money. #NoEarmarks @GovWaste —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
On Sat. I was so honored to receive the @EANGUS72 “Sonny” Montgomery Eagle Award. After serving 20+ yrs in uniform, including @IowaNatGuard, it’s a privilege to be part of this great institution. I’m grateful to fight on behalf of the @USNationalGuard in the Senate. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
Child care is, and should be, a bipartisan issue. In the Senate, I helped introduce the Child Care Workforce and Facilities Act—which would help increase access to licensed child care services in child care deserts. More in my column ➡️ —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
It is long past time schools across the country follow the science and the data. Let’s do the right thing by safely getting our kids back in the classroom and help get our parents back to work. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
As a member of @SASCGOP, I joined an effort that would enable Congress to approve—or block—any effort by the administration to suspend or terminate U.S. sanctions against the Iranian regime. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
So proud of my alma mater, @IowaStateU, on this great news! Through the @FulbrightPrgrm and more, Cyclones are continuing to make a positive difference across #Iowa, our nation, and the world. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
The success of the @CFTC whistleblower program continues to grow & has been essential for exposing waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in our government. I helped introduce a bipartisan bill that would expand funding for the program—all without spending a single taxpayer dollar. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
✅ Respect the science ✅ Reopen our schools safely ✅ Return students, teachers, and learning to the classroom —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
Access to quality, affordable child care is hard to come by—particularly in Iowa’s rural areas—& our kiddos & working parents are paying the price. As a mom who's been in those situations, I’ll keep pushing at the federal level to help tackle this crisis. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
The services #MercyOne provide to Iowans each day are critical to our families & communities. During a virtual town hall with their hardworking employees, I answered Qs & discussed how I’m continuing to advocate for #Iowa hospitals & health providers now and beyond the pandemic. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
Iran—a state sponsor of terrorism that continues to be a serious threat—may want relief from the sanctions that have served a serious blow to their economy, but Congress must have a say before any action is taken to lift these sanctions. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
Iran’s aggression against the U.S. and in the Middle East must continue to be countered with a strong, decisive response like we saw tonight. The U.S. cannot afford to pivot to a weak policy against Iran, like another failed nuclear deal. American lives are at stake. —
Fox News @FoxNews
US launches airstrike against Iranian-backed forces in Syria
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
A Washington-mandated $15/hour minimum wage would: ❌ Kill 1.4 million jobs ❌ Increase child care costs in #Iowa by 21% ❌ Punish struggling small businesses during a pandemic —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
President Biden has unilaterally cancelled the review of federal funding to anarchist jurisdictions—like the lawlessness we've witnessed in Portland & Seattle. If local leaders fail to protect their people from anarchy, #IA taxpayers shouldn't pay for it. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
Whether it's a hysterectomy or an abortion, a doctor—or any individual—must not be able to perform these procedures without the consent of the woman. Under my new bill, if they do so, they would be committing a crime. More from @DailyCaller ➡️ —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
A one-size-fits-all, Washington-mandated $15 minimum wage would be detrimental for Iowa’s small businesses. Don’t just take it from me – listen to what Iowa #smallbiz owners have to say about it: —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
The members of @NationalFFA who proudly wear the iconic blue corduroy jacket represent our next generation of leaders in agriculture and countless other fields. I’m grateful for their commitment to service & the positive impact they continue to make on our communities. #FFAWeek —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
Let’s follow these revised and updated three R’s of education: ✅ Respect the science. ✅ Reopen our schools safely. ✅ Return students, teachers, and learning to the classroom. The well-being of our children, our working moms and dads, and our nation’s economy depend on it. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
House Dems are gearing up to cut @RepFeenstra’s effort to get support to Iowa farmers hurt by the #derecho. Led by Speaker Pelosi, House Dems are turning their backs on our farmers & actively killing relief for folks who need it most. An utter disgrace. —
Rep. Randy Feenstra @RepFeenstra
Democrats are going to take away relief for victims of natural disasters like the derecho, instead choosing to fund…
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
A $15 per hour Washington-mandated minimum wage would be harmful for #Iowa small businesses and detrimental for our working families. WATCH: —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
Congress should focus on helping businesses on Main Street, not special interests on K Street! #MakeEmSqueal —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
NEW ➡️ I joined my fellow Iowans in urging @USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to expand eligibility of the department’s #COVID19 relief programs to include custom cattle feeders—a sector of Iowa’s agricultural economy operated primarily by family farmers. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
I'm leading the Senate in denouncing the Biden Admin’s plan to ease immigration enforcement priorities for those charged with drunk driving & violent crimes—a move that could allow more violent criminals like Iowan Sarah Root’s killer to escape justice. —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
The California bullet train project is on the road to nowhere. The only thing fast about it? It’s become a bottomless pit of your hard-earned dollars with a price tag of $100+ billion. It’s time to derail this out-of-control boondoggle. #MakeEmSqueal —
Joni Ernst @SenJoniErnst
As the top Republican on the Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee, I’m working to advance America’s AI strategy and capabilities to stay ahead of China. Watch my questioning at today’s @SASCGOP hearing: —