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Showing page 114 of 1405.
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @epicciuto: There’s going to be a whole conversation now on the right about how we have to be *honest* about Jews, etc etc. Things will… —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @Adrian_Fontes: I was never subpoenaed and interviewed by the Jan 6 committee, because I believe in this American tradition: the peacefu… —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
But at least responsible conservatives at think-tanks and editorial pages have denounced this radical brinksmanship… No? Crickets? —
Seth Cotlar @SethCotlar
It's a sign of how distorted US political discourse is that the party that plans to engage in economy-destroying br…
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @gelliottmorris: hey siri what is the margin of error on a sample size of 77 people —
Tom Bevan @TomBevanRCP
New NYT/Siena poll generic congressional ballot: GOP +4. Republicans winning 34% of Hispanic vote, 18% of Black vo…
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @tribelaw: In a Sunday interview on CNN, Arizona Republican nominee for governor Kari Lake refused to say she would accept the results o… —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
Footnote and honest question: In 2022, is NYT's likely voter screen producing a more accurate or a more misleading result than Fox's registered voters survey? —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
Fox News poll (in field Oct. 9-12) has Dems +3 on generic congressional ballot. NYT/Siena poll (in field Oct. 9-12) has Reps +3 on generic congressional ballot. GOP reaction/spin: Happy triumphalism. Dem reaction/they don't know how to spin: Sad defeatism. Truth: A toss-up. —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
"Another ex-Republican voter has come forward to share her thoughts on the GOP...'Hello, my name is Julie. I live in Prescott, AZ. I was a Republican for almost forty years until they decided to throw away their principles and their values and ethics...'" —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @McFaul: So it’s ok for Iran to provide Russia with long range weapons, but not ok for NATO to provide Ukraine with weapons of similar r… —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
"Like a similar campaign against Trump in 2020, the super PAC is airing testimonials from Republicans who say they can’t vote for the party’s nominees...The unifying thread, according to Longwell, is credible messengers with whom Republicans can identify." —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
"For many disaffected Republicans, 2022 is the year the 'Never Trump' movement became 'Never Trumpism.' In races across the country, former and even some sitting Republican elected officials are endorsing Democratic candidates in unusual numbers." —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @JamesSurowiecki: The Salt Lake Tribune asked Mike Lee and Evan McMullin to write pieces explaining why voters should support them. McMu… —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
"Despite these attempts at cooptation the true Mary...identifies with the victims of war in Ukraine, makes her entreaties to those who feel the burden of freedom in America; and to Russians who have brought destruction, she issues a mournful summons home." —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
"...If you or a loved one find physical evidence of a school litter box, please email 'The Bulwark Investigates Hotline' at [email protected]." —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
BREAKING: A @BulwarkOnline investigation--led by crack investigator @Timodc--of a big issue animating the Right: furries and litter boxes. "We needed to get to the bottom of this ourselves. What follows is a Bulwark investigation..." Read the whole thing. —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @EvanMcMullin: 🚨BREAKING: I just found out that our grassroots coalition outraised @MikeLeeforUtah by $1M last quarter. Thank you to eve… —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
"But The Republican Triangle of Doom™ runs in the other direction. These supposedly Good Republicans aren’t going to drag the party toward them. They’re going to move...Did Glenn Youngkin move Republican voters? Or did Republican voters move Youngkin?" —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
"The vast majority of the Republican nominees this cycle have echoed Trump’s lies about the 2020 election...They’re the Trumpy Republicans. We expect that. What many of us did not expect was that Team Normal would be so happy to support these maniacs." —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
"With vanishingly few exceptions, a Republican cannot be openly opposed to Trump on any grounds and retain political power...This has driven the Good Republican—that rare animal who was supposed to be the post-Trump future of the GOP—to near extinction." —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
Excellent piece on the state of the GOP by @SarahLongwell25. "Ben Sasse is retiring from the Senate at the youthful age of 50. We know why. Politicians who thought they could wait out Trump now see the writing on the wall. The party’s over." —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
"We are not victims, we don’t seek or need pity, we don’t plead with our oppressors...and we have learned through our agonies and our survival how to stand proud as a Jew and to strike back against those who do us harm." —
Alex Ryvchin @AlexRyvchin
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
"In Ohio, J.R. Majewski, who was at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and has expressed sympathy for QAnon, emerged as the winner from a primary...McCarthy embraced Majewski, campaigning with him...'We have a candidate that understands what Ohio needs.'” —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
"Greene has gained clout over the past two years...McCarthy, who would likely be speaker...has reportedly offered Greene prized committee assignments if she supports his run for the post — giving her back what she once lost, and then some." —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @stanveuger: Amazing. —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @kathleen_hanley: bob costas: “we’re here in cleveland, where the slight autumn chill in the air is a bleak reminder of the chilling fac… —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @IAmPoliticsGirl: Stop saying the Democrats are going to lose. It’s defeatist bullshit. —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @michaelkruse: “The story of the last seven years is Kevin McCarthy slowly realizing they’ve lost control of the party that is now domin… —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
RT @VoteKendraOK: Fact: @MarkwayneMullin voted against helping small businesses then took millions for himself and bought a mansion in Flor… —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
“The end of Islamist rule in Iran would be a world-historical event and an unalloyed good for the country and its neighbors, marking a return to normalcy four decades after the Ayatollah [Ruhollah] Khomeini founded his regime.” —
Bill Kristol @BillKristol
“Decades ago, Leo Strauss acutely observed that modern Judaism was ‘a synthesis between rabbinical Judaism and Spinoza.’ Today, on the whole, there is less of the classical rabbis and more of Spinoza in the mix.” —