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Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @ninarobertsnyc: If you follow Russia's war on Ukraine, this tactic isn't so surprising, but wow. I photographed @lsarsour many times du… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @sahloul: Russia’s troll factories and its military intelligence service put a sustained effort into discrediting the movement by circul… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @JooHyun_Kang: I'm still struck by how so many self-identified "liberals" & "progressives" ran w/& amplified mischaracterizations & disi… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @SIfill_: READ this story. —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @davidsirota: “What effect these intrusions had on American democracy is a question that will be with us for years. It may be unanswerab… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @onekade: This is wild. Apparently a lot of the hate directed at Linda Sarsour in 2017 came from Russia’s Internet Research Agency, the… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @SuzanneAkhras: How the Russian misinformation machine targeted @lsarsour and the #WomensMarch —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @bradlander: Chilling story on how Russian gov’t-directed hackers furiously stoked hate against @lsarsour. Hope people who amplified t… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @SophiaArmen: This is truly terrifying. NYT reveals the Russian government and military intelligence targeted Women’s March—largely by c… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @CAIRNational: Everyone should read this @nyt piece, which reveals that Russia spent years systematically smearing @lsarsour online with… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @veenadubal: This incredible piece on how Russian Trolls worked to destroy unity in the Women’s March by focusing specifically on @lsar… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @ibrahimhooper: A must read for everyone who has ever been subjected to online smear campaigns - @IlhanMN @Ilhan @RepRashida @RashidaTla… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
@bpa2001 Appreciate you & I am so sad for all that CUNY School of Public Health endured. Now we know, we all did the right thing & didn’t play in to it. You will always be my hero. —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
@AliAbunimah The attacks against me from pro-Israel lobby and right wing Zionists is clear and has always been there & we understand it and why. But Russian government, that is news to me. Never occurred to me & I saw the data & the research. It’s real. —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
We are all in this together 💕 —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @CAIRNational: We cannot let this happen again. Policymakers, activists and media outlets must never again give credence to hateful, dis… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @elmirana: Shame on “progressive orgs” for latching onto this smear campaign. At a time that these anti-hate orgs should’ve encircled @l… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @JFREJNYC: We’ve been organizing w @lsarsour for 15+ yrs around policing, Islamophobia, antisemitism, racism, labor. We wish more member… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @EgSophie: .@RoryLancman treating @lsarsour’s existence as a proud Palestinian in left-wing spaces is a perfect example how threatened s… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @SIfill_: Clearly it continued beyond the campaign. Russia employed a campaign of online targeting & disinformation to weaken mvmts, to… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @SIfill_: The @nyt report on the targeting of @lsarsour by Russian trolls in 2017 to undercut the Women’s March coalition is of a piece… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
@ECMcLaughlin Appreciate this and you so much. —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @manaro_77: at the very moment i was in relief & disbelief at the support for muslims, a campaign was infiltrating from abroad. society… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
@AbbyChavaStein Appreciate you @AbbyChavaStein & thank you for sticking with us through all the hate. ❤️ —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @sarahsophief: I love you @lsarsour. With you then. With you now. For all of us who worked so hard on the original Women’s March, I’m pr… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @jooltman: Always proud to stand with @lsarsour on the many important issues of fairness, equality, and love for which we fight. (Here i… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @Jetpac_Inc: Reminder that Muslim activists are often targets for smear campaigns "Russia’s troll factories & its military intelligence… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
@DavidbCEO I went through hell & back and a stronger & better person for it. I hope we use this as a learning moment & patch up the holes in our movements so this never happens again. ❤️ —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @brianmclaren: My friend @lsarsour was targeted viciously for over 18 months: “... Russia’s troll factories and its military intelligenc… —
Linda Sarsour @lsarsour
RT @brianmclaren: Twitter folks, don't underestimate the fueling of division from Russia and other hostile right-wing actors. For example 1… —