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Showing page 35 of 207.
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
@tweetmommybop @SWDick This ☝️☝️☝️☝️ —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
@JayLouis Let me lay it out for you. A number of people in the race would make a great president. But they have ZERO shot at beating Trump. None. It is all about the matchup and they matchup terribly in those 5 states. Supporting them is foolish. —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
The ability to beat Trump in the 5 key states is the ONLY thing that matters at this point. Forget national polls. And forget pie in the sky beliefs that any Dem can beat Trump - they can’t. Dems need to wake up or they run the risk of blowing it in 2020. —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
RT @SholaMos1: "#Trump exercises poor judgment in the selection & management of his advisors. He lacks the ability to inspire respect, loya… —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
Whenever you think you have a real problem, look at this. #Perspective —
Jake Tapper @jaketapper
Mom shares a heart-wrenching photo of her 4-year-old son with leukemia - CNN
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
RT @TheVegasTake: Our #guest @MichaelAvenatti talks Camp David fiasco, firing of John Bolton, Rural vs. City voters, @JoeBiden MUST be Demo… —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
Can we have a new national holiday named the “Not About Donald Trump Day”? Just one day a year. Please? —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
The next time you think you have a big problem, look at this photo. #Perspective —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
Vladimir Putin as our next National Security Advisor is going to be lit! —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
I thought the one thing Trump was competent at was firing people. That was the whole premise of his show, right? Things have gotten so bad, that he now fucks that up as well. #Basta —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
Coed dancing/drinking are prohibited. But swinging with the pool boy and bragging about the size of your penis - no problem. “Falwell was angry the photos had been posted online, because Liberty disapproves of co-ed dancing and prohibits alcohol use.” —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
Remember when Trump told America that he would hire and retain "only the best people"? —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
@chefjoseandres @WCKitchen @paellayalgomas That is some serious paella, chef! Godspeed. —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
If this is how angry the Trumpers are after Trump won and sits in the White House, imagine how incredibly pissed off they will be when he loses. #LifeGoals —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
If this is how angry the Trumpers are after he Trump won and sits in the White House, imagine how incredibly pissed off they will be when he loses. #LifeGoals —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
RT @brianstelter: "stop being boring" —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
For 28 years, @avenatticarlin has been a confident, a friend and an incredible human being. Together with her second husband (solid in every sense), we (really her) have raised two amazing daughters who are on their way to great things. For this, I am forever thankful. #ThankYou —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
@lvaccola @pipelinereview @ChienneLuv3 @LiberalBeGone @Summer_Of62 @gigi030308 @my6girls2012 @lynn521tr @SCNorman1… —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
Please nobody tell him that he actually is allowed to stay until 2025 if he is re-elected. As it stands, he thinks he has to leave at the end of 2023. —
Joshua Potash 🆘 @JoshuaPotash
Trump. Minutes ago in North Carolina. "Under the normal rules, I'll be out by 2024, so we may have to go for an ex…
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
Nothing to see here. Totally normal. And so very “Christian” - just like some of the most hateful Trumpers on Twitter. via rawstory —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
This is RICH. The “Creepy Porn President” has sex with multiple porn stars without a condom while his wife and 4 mo. old baby are at home, repeatedly lies about it to his wife/others, then commits federal crimes related to it to steal an election, & now wants to call Sanford out. —
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
When the former Governor of the Great State of South Carolina, @MarkSanford, was reported missing, only to then say…
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
@realDonaldTrump @MarkSanford Hey “Creepy Porn President” - remember that time you were having sex with the multiple porn stars without a condom, while your wife and 4 month old were at home? And then repeatedly lied about it to your wife and others? —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
If there is ever a Twitter Hall of Fame established, this tweet right here is going to be one of the first inductees. Sometimes you have to pick your battles, a lesson Trump has never learned. 🍿@chrissyteigen @johnlegend —
christine teigen @chrissyteigen
Luna, remember the night before your first day of school? When mommy was making your sign and the pussy ass bitch p…
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
@chrissyteigen For those of you that may have forgotten, @chrissyteigen and @johnlegend do not play. They ain’t your granddaddy’s weak-kneed Dems. And we are all here for it. #Patriots —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
Call it like it is - if the evacuees from the Bahamas were white (or from Alabama), there would have been no obstacles put in place by Trump and Miller. #Disgraceful —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
RT @katierosman: While David Boies was repping Harvey Weinstein and trying to quash a Times’ investigation of Weinstein’s sexual violence,… —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
RT @MikeIsaac: woof, David Boies again cant wait to read @jodikantor and @mega2e —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
@AdamParkhomenko This ☝️☝️☝️☝️ —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
Trump calls the American press the “enemy of the people” and then invites the Taliban to Camp David for cucumber sandwiches. Yep, he’s sane. Totally. —
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
@yashar Some straight guys, smh. —