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Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Maybe something along the lines of You may love them on the big screen or the basketball court, but you shouldn’t rely on your favorite celebrities and athletes when it comes to financial advice. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Nichelle Nichols was a trailblazer and great Illinoisan. We may never know just how many young people she inspired to chase their dreams—but the impact she made was undeniably immense. May she rest in peace. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
The success of Operation Allies Welcome and Uniting for Ukraine have proven that our country is fully capable of bringing vulnerable displaced people to safety in the U.S. The President must expeditiously and safely admit all qualified refugees who are waiting to be resettled. —
Senate Judiciary Committee @JudiciaryDems
NEWS: Chair @SenatorDurbin, @SenatorWarnock, and 28 @SenateDems are calling on President Biden to work urgently to…
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
I'm joining @DonLemonTonight to discuss my call for the Attorney General to take over the investigation into missing Secret Service & DHS leadership text messages related to January 6, as well as the successful U.S. drone strike of Al-Qaeda's leader. Be sure to tune in. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Putin is trying to recreate the horrors of Stalin’s tyranny in an effort to silence Russians who want democracy or criticize the fiasco his war in Ukraine has unleashed. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Republicans will get a second chance to vote on the PACT Act this week. I hope they do the right thing and don’t block it out of spite for a second time. Sick veterans don't need petty partisan bickering. They need access to the health care they deserve. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Why I’m a Willson Contreras fan no matter what: After the World Series win, he came to see me and gave me an autographed bat as a thank you for helping his family. Remembering to say thank you is always classy. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
When it comes to environmental restoration, the Chicago River’s South Branch has received the short end of the stick for far too long. Glad I was able to play a part in securing $1 million in new federal funding to help change that. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Torture is the tool of despots and dictators—not free nations. @SenatorLeahy and I are calling on the Biden administration to unequivocally refuse to utilize any and all evidence derived from torture. —
Senate Judiciary Committee @JudiciaryDems
ICYMI: Chair @SenatorDurbin and @SenateApprops Chair @SenatorLeahy released a joint statement expressing disappoint…
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Credit card swipe fees inflate the prices that consumers pay for groceries & gas. Injecting real competition into the credit card network market—which is dominated by the Visa-Mastercard duopoly—will help reduce fees & hold down costs for Main Street merchants & their customers. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
The Durbin/Marshall Credit Card Competition Act is supported by a range of organizations, including @FMI_ORG, @NFIB, @NACSonline, @NRFnews, and @NationalGrocers. More on this new legislation: —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
NEWS: Yesterday, Senator @RogerMarshallMD and I introduced the bipartisan Credit Card Competition Act of 2022, legislation that would enhance competition and choice in the credit card network market, which is currently dominated by the Visa-Mastercard duopoly. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
I’m sending a letter today to Attorney General Garland asking him to step in and get to the bottom of what happened to these missing text messages and hold accountable those who are responsible. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
The destruction of evidence that could be relevant to the investigation of the deadly attack on our Capitol is an extremely serious matter. Inspector General Cuffari’s failure to take immediate action makes clear that he should no longer be entrusted with this investigation. —
Senate Judiciary Committee @JudiciaryDems
BREAKING NEWS: Chair @SenatorDurbin is calling on AG Garland to investigate missing text messages from Trump's Home…
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Any East St. Louis residents in need of assistance after this week’s heavy flooding can call @UnitedWaySTL at 2-1-1, @ulstl at (618) 274-1150, and @CLLestl at (618) 482-2950. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Hats off to Chris Manson of @OSFHealthCare in Peoria for his 20 ambulances being sent to Ukraine—lives will be saved. Glad that my office was able to contribute to this effort. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
With this tool, decision-makers can better identify the most impactful climate actions on the local level & target resources more effectively. As the climate crisis exacerbates nat. disasters, communities will need this info to understand their risk exposure & plan accordingly. —
This NOAA tool now allows users to drill down to the community level to see #disaster risk and vulnerability, thank…
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
When we vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, Senators will be forced to decide whether they believe we should act on climate change, lower prescription drug costs, reduce the deficit, and tackle inflation. I know where I stand. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Next week, @SenateDems will take major steps to reduce inflation, address the climate crisis, and make health care, especially prescription drugs, more affordable. It will also reduce the deficit, unlike the tax cuts for corporations that Republicans passed under Donald Trump. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Across IL, rural EMS agencies are first responders to community emergencies. But they need proper funding & a strong workforce. That’s why I passed the SIREN Act & am pleased to announce new funding for our state's rural EMS agencies. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
This legislation is a simple, good governance bill that will improve information sharing and coordination between FDA and PTO regarding prescription drugs—to the benefit of consumers. I thank @SenThomTillis for joining me in leading this bipartisan effort. —
Senate Judiciary Committee @JudiciaryDems
NEWS: The Committee today advanced the nominations of Roopali H. Desai, to be United States Circuit Judge for the N…
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Despite the extensive flood damage in Southwest IL, it is unlikely we met the $20M population-based damage threshold for @FEMA assistance. This threshold should not disadvantage large states like Illinois—which is why @SenDuckworth & I introduced a bill to fix FEMA’s formula. — @bellevillenewsd
Homes, streets and parks took the brunt of the storm. How did your town fare in the storm?
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
This morning, I tested positive for COVID-19. Thankfully, I am fully vaccinated and double boosted and only experiencing minor symptoms. Consistent with CDC guidelines, I will quarantine and follow advice from my doctor while I continue to work remotely. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
I’m joining my colleagues @SenWarren and @SenTinaSmith in sounding the alarm on this risky pursuit. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
We should all agree that workplace retirement accounts are no place to gamble. Yet .@Fidelity, one of the largest 401(k) providers, wants to give plan sponsors the ability to expose plan participants to Bitcoin, a highly volatile and unregulated digital asset. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Right now, Republicans are playing political games with the lives of veterans who are suffering from exposure to Agent Orange and other toxic chemicals. This should have been a straightforward, easy vote. Instead, it failed. Senate Republicans should be ashamed. —
Craig Caplan @CraigCaplan
Senate NOW voting to advance the House-passed bill expanding access to VA healthcare and disability benefits for ve…
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
.@ENERGY chose Illinois as one of five states to participate in this initiative to connect low-income customers to community solar programs. It has the potential to save Illinoisans nearly $300 million in electric bills and move our state one step closer to a clean energy future. —
U.S. Department of Energy @ENERGY
🏠Connect low-income households to community solar 👷Support solar energy jobs in underserved areas ☀️Boost community…
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
Credit card swipe fees inflate the prices that consumers pay for groceries and gas. It’s time to inject real competition into the credit card network market, which is dominated by the Visa-Mastercard duopoly. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
It will also help American consumers and create good paying jobs right here in the United States. By passing this legislation, we are on track to kick-start a new generation of discoveries and I urge the House to pass it swiftly. —
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin
America needs to be at the forefront of innovation and scientific research once again. This once-in-a-generation, bipartisan bill makes strategic investments to boost our domestic supply chains and counter the threat posed by countries like China and Russia. —
The New York Times @nytimes
Breaking News: In a bipartisan vote, the Senate passed a $280 billion bill aimed at building up America’s manufactu…