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David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Got togther in the middle of the night, blearly eyed, to talk over the #SOTU w/my pals, @murphymike & @Robt_Gibbs. What better time for the @HacksOnTap?!? —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
One notable aspect of last night's speech was the moderate notes he struck on policing, immigration, schools and more. A very intentional effort to remind folks of his roots in center left, where he has spent much of his career. —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
@secupp My guess the transitions were sacrificed to make room for Ukraine. —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Hard to avoid making a SOTU speech sound like a laundry list. The Tide did not turn tonight. #sotu —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
DEFUND! My thumbs don't always get it. —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
"The answer is not to define police. It's to FUND police." #SOTU
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
"The answer is not to define police. It's to FUND police." #SOTU —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
"Our kids need to be in school." Important line. Probably better months ago. But important. #SOTU —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Wonder if he connected convincingly on inflation? Felt like a driveby. #SOTU —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
I bet this Made in the USA section is scoring well. #SOTU —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Now the speech that was planned before Putin intervened! #SOTU —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
The @POTUS's pledge to defend "every inch" of NATO territory probably was cold comfort to the Ukrainians, who desperately would like that protection. #SOTU —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Strong, strong open. #SOTU —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
The ovation for the ambassdor from Ukraine, tears in her eyes, was so moving. #SOTU —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Bipartisan ovations at the open on Ukraine. Probably won't hold for other sections of the speech. But united on this! #SOTU —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
The absence of a mask on the @POTUS is central to one of his message. We've entered a new and better phase in the battle w/COVID. #SOTU —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
.@arneduncan is a Chicago civic treasure. This is a loss for the city but the work he's doing to stop the killing and save young lives is heroic. —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
It may be irrational but I don't want to turn the TV off and lose connection with what's going on in Ukraine--as if by going to sleep, I'm abandoning the valiant people, facing down a huge, invading army to save their country and democracy. —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
.@biannagolodryga of @CNN and her family fled the old Soviet Union for freedom. On #AxeFiles, she says it's ominous to hear her parents & others "say things weren't as bad then in the Soviet Union as they are now under Putin's authoritarian Russia." Pod👉 —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Today, democracy is imperiled, not just in Ukraine but around the globe & DISINFORMATION is a key! On 4/6-4/8, @UChiPolitics & @TheAtlantic will host #Disinfo2022 w/@BarackObama, @NobelPrize-winner @MariaRessa & many more to explore solutions. For details👉 —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
On #AxeFiles, @biannagolodryga of @CNN speaks about the jailed Russian dissident Alexei @Navalny, whose powerful insurgency, she says, has piqued Putin's paranoia and may have foreshadowed his determination to crush Ukraine. Pod👉 —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Obviously, I meant was "as revealing AS it was wrong. Damn thumbs!! —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Trump called Putin's decision to invade Ukraine "genius," which was as revealing and it was wrong. This brutal inva…
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Trump called Putin's decision to invade Ukraine "genius," which was as revealing and it was wrong. This brutal invasion has been a historic blunder for Russia, and Trump's comments may be a historic blunder for him. —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Trump calls Putin's invasion of Ukraine "genius." —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
RT @MittRomney: I join the world in awe of true heroes: the courageous President Zelensky, the brave Ukrainian soldiers, the citizen armies… —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Heard a Ukrainian woman asked why she remained in a besieged Kiev while her family fled. "Because this is my city," she replied. "This is my country. This is my homeland. I am not leaving. The Russians need to leave." —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
RT @Liz_Cheney: As Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene and Rep Paul Gosar speak at this white supremacist, anti-Semitic, pro-Putin event, silence by… —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Courageous and defiant, Zelensky rallies his people from the streets of Kyiv while Putin broods cloistered and alone, issuing occasional screeds that seem increasingly unhinged. What a contrast! —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
I wonder how many Russian 80-year-olds are showing up to volunteer for Putin's bloody mission in Ukraine? —
Asaad Sam Hanna @AsaadHannaa
This man is 80-year-old, showed up to join the Ukrainian army, carrying with him a small case with 2 t-shirts, a pa…
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Am I the only one trying ro figure our whether my community-and ones I'm traveling to-are high, moderate or low risk so i know whether to wear a mask indoors under this new CDC advisory? Is there a guide? Why does it always have to be so confusing?🤪 —
David Axelrod @davidaxelrod
Millions of Ukrainians may be displaced by war. @CNN's @biannagolodryga arrived in the U.S. as a Jewish immigrant from the old Soviet Union in the early '80s and landed with her family in Texas. On #AxeFiles, she describes the challenges she faced. Pod👉 —