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jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@Bbrnw70 Do the Nazis just pay your salary direct deposit or do you have to go somewhere to pick it up in person? —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
Donald Trump is a disgusting misogynist accused of sexual assault and rape. Being accused, but by fewer women or of less severe acts in *most* cases, is not a selling point for a candidate. Was no one accused of misconduct by multiple women available to choose to run vs Trump? —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
If you read the history of women speaking out about Joe Biden’s misconduct and inappropriate behavior toward women, the allegation of sexual assault against him, and think there’s nothing to be deeply concerned about, you might want to do some soul searching. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@domremaro @matthewstoller @ggreenwald I’ve spent 3.5 years constantly reporting on and opposing every aspect of Tr… —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@domremaro @matthewstoller @ggreenwald Some of us have spent a lot more time on the Iraq war and the enduring positions of various politicians. Biden continues to tell some incredible lies about his role. But if you’re satisfied with that, have at it. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@domremaro @matthewstoller @ggreenwald Biden actually continues to lie about the Iraq war and his role in facilitating it to this day. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@domremaro @matthewstoller @ggreenwald Is there a picture of him promoting the lies of Bush’s Iraq war and helping to facilitate it as chair of Foreifn Relations Committee? I can replace it with that if you send it. Also, a lot of soldiers came home as dead veterans because of the war they joined forces to start. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@ggreenwald @matthewstoller —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson Hypocrisy has you pegged. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson You came onto my timeline with your “but her emails” junk and I responded by asking you how you responded to attacks from Clinton on Obama and you clearly had nothing to say about those. Just shows your selective outrage. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson You brought up Clinton and then seemed to be completely unaware of her vile attacks on Obama. Did you say anything at the time about them? If not, it says a lot about your protests over me saying an accurate thing about Biden from THIS CAMPAIGN. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson You admit you tell people to vote for Trump and somehow think it’s a funny thing to say given all that he’s done? You attack “purists. “” Have you considered why non-voters aren’t rushing to register to vote for corporate candidates? Much bigger group than any 3rd party. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson So you didn’t have any problem with Hillary’s vile attacks on Obama? Got it. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson You and I are different. I would never tell people to vote for a fascist, but you just admitted you do and for an insanely childish reason. Wow. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson You don’t remember the “Muslim garb” photo her camp pushed? The Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright controversies she fanned and then handed off to Sarah Palin? The “shame on you Barack Obama” stuff? Then you weren’t paying attention or had no problem with it. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson *blasting Trump —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson As for my point, it’s aimed at people like you who accuse people like me of supporting Trump when actually I’ve spent 3.5 years boating Trump. Biden on the other hand, has told people explicitly to vote for Trump. Ironic. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson I don’t have to go back to 2019 to find Biden telling people to vote for other candidates, including Trump. He does it regularly. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson And I did post a link to the article about Biden so people could see for themselves. It’s right under the original tweet. Also, he said it when there were many other democrats still in the race. You agree w telling immigrants rights activists to vote for Trump? —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson Did you condemn Hillary’s absolutely vile attacks on Obama in 2008 primary? Just want to gauge your sincerity. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@GoreNielsen @JonHutson I’m one of those people who just posted a fact. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
The initial US response to World War II was to remain neutral and to deny sanctuary to people fleeing the Nazi terror. —
The White House @WhiteHouse
In response to the virus, the American people have launched the greatest mobilization of our society since World Wa…
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@gatsbydoo @intercepted @SethAckerman FYI, the transcript is now available. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
I really appreciated the insights of @SethAckerman in this conversation we had about failing public institutions, the pandemic and response, and the 2020 election in the aftermath of Sanders suspending his campaign. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
RT @ewarren: Our postal service is on the verge of collapse. I’m calling on Congress to act swiftly to shore up USPS so that everyone can c… —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
RT @theintercept: The five New York City ZIP codes with the highest rates of positive tests for the coronavirus have an average per capita… —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@ggreenwald @muddletoes Yet Putin isn’t blocked on your Skype? —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@muddletoes @ggreenwald Can’t stand to hear 25 dogs barking in the background. So annoying. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@simrich @ggreenwald It’s called historical context. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@ggreenwald People have rightly and accurately pointed out real problems with Biden and his record to the sound of shrieks of “you’re helping Trump.” The Clinton team went full blown right wing scare mongering against Obama, but have the audacity to lecture people on this subject. —