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jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@DanaHoule Facts. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
Pelosi deputy Steny Hoyer said congress shouldn’t convene unless there’s an emergency. What the fuck are we in right now? Showing off your ice cream collection during a pandemic isn’t doing shit for people dying. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
Pelosi has more money than the entire populations of some housing projects in the US. Is showing off your 15 flavor ice cream collection in extremely expensive appliances meant to be reassuring to people fighting 15 bill collectors during a pandemic & struggling to buy food? —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
We all have found our ways to keep our spirits up during these trying times. Mine just happens to fill up my freeze…
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@tbelfield2 He was never going to do that and anyone who has studied and followed his career knew that. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
Just as it is a waste of energy to attack Sanders, it is beneath Sanders to lecture his supporters for having serious questions about Biden’s candidacy. Or to disavow former staffers like @briebriejoy. People have every right to be angry at the choices they now face in November. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
The flip side of this is: what is Sanders going to do to keep up the fight for what he campaigned on? Simply campaigning for Biden ain’t it. Electoral politics is one method of fighting. But what is Sanders going to do with the organizing infrastructure he built? —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@PolishCarpenter A lawmaker who caucuses with Democrats and doesn’t believe in 3rd parties. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
Spending energy attacking Sanders is a waste of time & reveals a fundamental lack of understanding of what Sanders is & has always been and what he isn’t. He gave it an incredible effort and we can all learn from what Sanders managed to do and use it to fight harder and smarter. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
What Sanders did was a strategic attempt to overthrow the Dem establishment *by working within a system they control.* He won some battles but lost the war. The media smears against him, powerful players operating in secret, huge money,all of that was part of it, but they won. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
Sanders could have spent 2016-2019 mobilizing a 3rd Party. But he wouldn’t do that. He never has advocated that path. Ask Ralph Nader about Bernie and 3rd parties. You can be angry or disappointed, but don’t pretend Sanders ever stood for a different outcome if he lost. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
People attacking Sanders for endorsing Biden are either being disingenuous or didn’t study Sanders’ career. He chose to run in the Dem Primary. He played by its rules. People who supported Sanders with eyes wide open knew this was a given if he lost. He told you he would do it. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
This by @JessicaValenti is a powerful indictment of the awful trap the Democratic Party has set for many voters, particularly women, by nominating Biden. Regardless of if you agree with her position, it is well worth reading. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
RT @RAPPcampaign: A message from Oscar award winning actor Joaquin Phoenix: “I’m calling on @NYGovCuomo to take action in New York by grant… —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@prisonculture Germans have an actual word for this phenomenon: fremdschämen. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@pramsey342 @mehdirhasan —
Joe Biden @JoeBiden
I ain’t a socialist. I ain’t a plutocrat. I’m a Democrat — and I'm proud of it.
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@MitchSchindler Actually it is, if you listen to the neocons discuss how they view the Democratic establishment in the era of Trump. They also supported Clinton in 2016. The main course for them in this meal is the “not a socialist” part because they hate Sanders more than they hate Trump. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@kkosterad @Sarah_White_77 I have never in my life told anyone who to vote for. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@dubwan Can you go converse with some Biden supporters about how awful this line is? —
Joe Biden @JoeBiden
I ain’t a socialist. I ain’t a plutocrat. I’m a Democrat — and I'm proud of it.
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@Sarah_White_77 You could have sent multiple texts or made a call for Biden during the time you are wasting right now. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@Sarah_White_77 Well, 53% of white women voted for Trump, so maybe you should be phone or text banking white women for Biden instead of tweeting about the primary and random twitter users. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@Sherryb54671978 I’m using no carrot. I’m pointing out a fact. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@born2bear —
Joe Biden @JoeBiden
I ain’t a socialist. I ain’t a plutocrat. I’m a Democrat — and I'm proud of it.
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@mind_of_snyder —
Joe Biden @JoeBiden
I ain’t a socialist. I ain’t a plutocrat. I’m a Democrat — and I'm proud of it.
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@TerpinMax —
Joe Biden @JoeBiden
I ain’t a socialist. I ain’t a plutocrat. I’m a Democrat — and I'm proud of it.
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
This line is an appeal to NeverTrumper Republicans and neoconservatives and it is delivered by attacking progressives and Sanders supporters while pretending the Democratic Party’s corporate wing are not actually plutocrats. Again, maybe that beats Trump, but would you bet on it? —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@daniel_ucko —
Joe Biden @JoeBiden
I ain’t a socialist. I ain’t a plutocrat. I’m a Democrat — and I'm proud of it.
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@2011Akuma —
Joe Biden @JoeBiden
I ain’t a socialist. I ain’t a plutocrat. I’m a Democrat — and I'm proud of it.
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
@jekyll24741 @jimmy_dore You have a serious reading comprehension issue. —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
How does messaging like this, which despicably compares “socialists” to “plutocrats,” help Joe Biden win? —
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill
Barack Obama was a popular Democratic President. Joe Biden was his Vice President. A lot of Americans despise Trump and rightly assess the dangers of a second term. This may be enough to beat Trump. But I wouldn’t bank on that calculation alone. —