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Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
I’ve had headaches daily for the last 2 weeks. I’m beyond over it. But the pharmacist said not to take too many of the meds my ob gave me because it isn’t good for prolonged use. 😓 —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
We will slowly start buying diapers, wipes and other items now that I’ve hit 13wks. We hope to have everything before our shower so we can do a diaper party instead of a traditional baby shower. —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
Well we finally did it... we bought our first items for Baby S! Our county had a HUGE garage sale yesterday and my mom and I were able to find a few neutral (ish) sleepers and onesies and my mom scored a Graco pack n play for $30! —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
@MrsOhioBelle That’s right. But that sounds low. Our deductible is 7k Family and a MOP of 13.1k. —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
RT @Proverbs31org: Our ultimate and only true security is found in Christ. Jesus says in John 10:29, “My Father, who has given them to me… —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
😍😍😍😍😍 13 weeks! 💜 —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
RT @Proverbs31org: No matter how bad the circumstances, it doesn't change a thing in God’s Kingdom. Sometimes our situation gets worse be… —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
RT @Proverbs31org: Sweet friend, in the midst of the unknown, we know God is in control. —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
RT @wasteIandbaby: why is this video of a sea of elementary school kids going HAM to old town road literally the funniest video i’ve ever s… —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
Super excited for Saturday! Babe and I are going to the drive in! #datenight #summernights —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
@earthIymama Exactly! There’s no reason to shame women for their choices. Unfortunately our society has a mindset of if you don’t agree with me then let me talk 💩 about you. —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
I think this is like breastfeeding vs formula feeding. You have to do what is best for you and your baby. I’ve known several moms have safe home births and several moms have great hospital births. It’s all about momma and baby. Not joe blow’s opinion. —
ૐ mama to bee @earthIymama
Women have been birthing babies for many centuries, childbirth 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 medical 👏🏻 procedure.
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
RT @bridgemerritt: No one: Not a damn soul: Not even a cricket: Not even a pen drop: My brain while I’m driving: Flip your car off the ram… —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
@bridgemerritt I’m so glad I’m not alone with this. —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
@short_southern 18+ and 1x+ —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
@smalltownwife My parents did small trips when we were young but only did Disney trips once we were 5. I don’t remember the trip at 5 but I was old enough then to have a good time. —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
Has anyone made couch covers? We’re getting a new sectional for free and it has a few rough spots (it’s leather so it’s a little rough looking in those spots). The couch is in stroller shape besides the few wear spots and I want to make (unless buying is cheaper) a cover for it —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
😂😂😂😂😂😂 —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
😂😂😂 I swear... #pregnancyproblems #preggers #firstbaby —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
AND why would you call my mom? I’m 25 years old & have lived with my husband for 4 years... why wouldn’t she call me? Oh she told my mom she tried & I didn’t pick up. LIES. I’ve been on the couch with a damn headache all day. PLAYING ON MY PHONE. Like she annoys the 💩 out of me —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
Posted on FB asking for prayers I freaking said nothing is wrong it’s something positive and my grandma had the nerve to call my mom “panicking” that I was in crisis... like hold up Felicia... I said nothing is wrong. Baby is okay. This is for something positive. —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
RT @iowa_redneck: "This white whale" wtf is a "white whale" this is a beluga whale 🙄 —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
@RyanKanode Incredible shot! —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
So the company said they wanted to make an offer for J. Just waiting on that official offer to come in! 🤞🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 they offer a good wage and insurance covers pregnancy without issues! —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
@MrsOhioBelle I had that happen ALL THE TIME. They wouldn’t tell us until an hour before the client was due. —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
@lifewithmjd It was a faint positive so I texted my doula (friend who just got her cert) and she made me go buy more tests. Went in on a Monday for blood test and my levels were 29. I was just barely 4wks along. —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
@lifewithmjd I was hosting a partylite party at my house on a Sunday and I went into spaz mode cleaning and decorating. Then Thursday hit and I had migraines from hell and nausea (which is normal bc of Vestibular disorders) & woke up from a nap and decided to take a test (day af was expected) —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
RT @mco_xxviii: As some of u know, I was adopted and I’m currently looking for family. This is a pic of the hospital my bio mother gave bir… —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
@BelleTownUSA @miss_sasshole @AmericasBarbie Oooooh. That’s stupid —
Mrs. Jeepher™ @MrsJeepHer
@BelleTownUSA @miss_sasshole @AmericasBarbie Legally they cannot refuse to hire you due to pregnancy. Honestly I’ve applied for jobs and haven’t told any of them I’m pregnant. They don’t need to know until 2nd trimester. —