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Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
#SF is proud of our hometown heroes. Congratulations to Coach Harbaugh & the entire #49ers team for reaching the NFC Championships! —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Thanks for the friendly wager, @Mayor_Ed_Murray & congratulations to the #Seahawks for making it to the Super Bowl. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Kick off in 2 hours for @49ers #NFCChampionship game! Go #49ers!!! #BeatTheSeahawks #QuestForSix —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Thank you to all who plan on volunteering in #SF for #MLKdayofservice this Monday to honor life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Let us work together in 2014 to keep the State of our City vital & strong, ensure #SF remains a place where everyone can afford to call home —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
You are now a part of this City, and must be a part of the solution. #SF —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
We have never been a City that closed our borders, and slammed shut the door of opportunity to those who came here after us. #SF —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
When it comes to housing production, we can't keep doing the same things but expect better results. Let's work together to real solutions. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Seven pillar housing plan to reach ambitious goal to ensure #SF builds 30,000 homes & meet affordability targets —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
We set an ambitious new challenge for #SF by setting aggressive goal to complete at least 30,000 new & rehabilitated homes by 2020. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
We need to make sure San Francisco is still a place where people of every background can call home. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
#SF housing crisis demands real solutions & shared vision, not easy slogans & scapegoating. We are all responsible for making this crisis. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Shortage of housing affordable to working & middle income people is a problem we've let fester for too long, it's become a genuine crisis —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Hundreds of people could immediately benefit from a stronger public conservatorship program encompassing mental health & substance abuse —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
This is the City of St. Francis & we have a moral obligation to help those who are clearly suffering & who cannot help themselves —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
This bone-dry winter reminds us that climate change is real & more important than ever to continue #SF's global environmental leadership —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
We need a little more commonsense for everyone. Be more aware of your surroundings. And drivers slow down & don't ever text and drive. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
“Be Nice, Look Twice.” We need to to eliminate traffic-related deaths in our City. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Thank you to men & women of police & firefighters unions for agreeing to multi-year labor contracts so we can fund ambitious hiring plans —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Homicides are down 30% from last year, among the lowest in 40 years. But we can do even better & keep #SF safest big City in U.S. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
We must be sure #SF government is investing in services & staffing that we can afford over the long term —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Better times have returned, but we must not be tempted to stray from the path of fiscal discipline as we craft our next two-year budget —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Free muni for youth is the right thing to do for our lower & middle-income families to make #SF a little more affordable —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
With comprehensive funding strategy in place, we won't be robbing our @sfmta_muni maintenance dollars to fund free muni for low-income youth —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Let's stop nickel & diming people at the Sunday meter & work together to pass a transportation bond & VLF increase in 2014 instead —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
Working with @sfbos, we will bring to #SF voters a $500 million GO transportation bond & a measure to increase local vehicle license fee. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
True affordability agenda for #SF must include a great public transportation system, one that's safe, affordable & reliable for everyone. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
With @JerryBrownGov's commitment to greater funding for schools, #SF will be among highest in per-student spending in CA. Tx, Governor! —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
I call upon the Accreditation Commission to immediately lift the cloud that still hangs over City College & our students' future. —
Mayor Ed Lee @mayoredlee
We propose to fund @SFUnified at a level never before seen in #SF history & invest in our world class public school system —