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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

Democrats want to legitimize their tainted impeachment process after 34 days of lies, leaks and misinformation. Too little, too late. We must start over. I'll keep shining a light on efforts to withhold facts & obscure the truth from the American people. —

Posted Oct. 29, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

To avoid another Mueller embarrassment, Democrats are holding impeachment proceedings in a classified room – even though they admit the information is not secret. I had enough of them withholding the truth, so I took action and fought back. Read more here. —

Posted Oct. 28, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

Thank you to President Trump for his leadership as well as our incredible service members and intelligence professionals. As we celebrate, we offer our sincere thanks to those whose sacrifices keep our great nation protected. —

Posted Oct. 27, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

Today is an important milestone in the global war on terror and the result of years of effort to bring al-Baghdadi down. A clear, unmistakable message has been sent across the globe that America will not tolerate hate and terrorism. —

Posted Oct. 27, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

Storms have been bad in Mobile county today. Our thoughts and prayers are with all who have been affected. Thank you to all our first responders - please be safe, everyone! —

Posted Oct. 25, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

After @RepMattGaetz led Republicans into a press-restricted area, the Democrat-friendly mainstream media lies went into full force. Why not? Without cameras, there was no accountability. Is there a better example of why we need to bring the impeachment hearings into the open? —

BlazeTV @BlazeTV

.@RepByrne gives @ericbolling an insider perspective on what REALLY went down at the closed-door impeachment hearin…

Posted Oct. 25, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

ICYMI: The Middle East is a combustible region. We must be tough with Turkey while identifying our strategic goals and working with our allies to pursue them. Above all, on critical national security issues, we must put America first. Read my thoughts here. —

Posted Oct. 25, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

I'm thrilled the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act that I cosponsored has passed the House. Our family has loved many pets over the years, and it's sickening that so much violence against animals goes unpunished. #PACTAct —

Posted Oct. 24, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

I'm thrilled the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act that I cosponsored has passed the House. Our family has loved many pets over the years, and it's sickening that so much violence against animals goes unpunished. —

Posted Oct. 24, 2019 Just a Typo
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

On #NationalBolognaDay let's talk the bologna Adam Schiff has been serving: 🥪 the Mueller Report will contain "bombshell" 🥪“we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower” 🥪@realDonaldTrump's fake Ukrainian phone conversation Enough! Americans are hungry for the truth! —

Posted Oct. 24, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

Adam Schiff and his cabal are conducting secret hearings in the bowels of the Capitol, violating House precedent & withholding non-classified information. All to keep the facts away from you as they overthrow the President you elected. I’ve had enough. It’s time we fight back! —

Posted Oct. 24, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

RT @SteveScalise: Just finished The @IngrahamAngle with @Jim_Jordan and @RepByrne. We won’t stop fighting for complete transparency for th… —

Posted Oct. 24, 2019 Retweet
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

RT @SBGC2C: .@RepByrne: "This is a sham. They have no process. They have no rules. They’re doing everything behind closed doors...We need t… —

Posted Oct. 23, 2019 Retweet
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

Adam Schiff just SHUT DOWN his secret underground impeachment hearing after I led a group of Republicans into the room. Now he's threatening me with an Ethics complaint! I'm on the Armed Services Cmte but being blocked from the Dept. Asst. SecDef's testimony. This is a SHAM! —

Posted Oct. 23, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

I’m in the basement of the U.S. Capitol with @RepMattGaetz and my Republican colleagues speaking out against the secretive, sham impeachment scheme orchestrated by Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff. Americans demand and deserve transparency, fairness and open proceedings! —

Posted Oct. 23, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

Speaker Pelosi, I totally agree with your Dec. 1998 statement that Americans deserve an impeachment process respecting “fundamental principles which Americans hold dear: privacy, fairness, checks and balances.” End the hypocrisy, restore transparency, and #StopTheSchiffShow —

Posted Oct. 22, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

For at least a decade, we’ve lacked a well-defined mission in the Middle East. What are our interests? What do we do to pursue and protect those interests? Read more about my thoughts here. —

Posted Oct. 22, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

If House Democrats can truly “walk and chew gum at the same time” as they claim, they need to show it. Passing USMCA would be a good start. Americans want results, not all-consuming impeachment inquiries destined to die in the Senate. —

House Rules Republicans @RulesReps

FLOOR ALERT: Democrats just BLOCKED @RepRobWoodall & @RepDLesko's request for the House to stop with the partisan n……

Posted Oct. 22, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

Jack Edwards was a true statesman and public servant. I was proud to honor him with my Alabama colleagues by leading a moment of silence on the House floor. —

Posted Oct. 22, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

In case you doubted @CNN is #fakenews, they’re now refusing to air @realdonaldtrump’s campaign ads! We can’t look the other way while cable news suppresses free speech to push a liberal agenda. CNN must be called out for their hypocrisy! I'm proud to sign @RepJeffDuncan's letter. —

Posted Oct. 22, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

From promising a secret Mueller bombshell (that didn't exist) to fabricating @realDonaldTrump and Erdogan's phone call, Adam Schiff has lied to and misled Americans for years. Democrats blocked @RepAndyBiggsAZ Schiff censure bill tonight, but we won't stop defending the truth. —

Posted Oct. 21, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

Wow, the economy in Alabama is unstoppable! Cutting taxes and slashing overburdensome regulations is making life easier for job-seeking Americans. So much progress in a few short years! —

CEA @WhiteHouseCEA

@BLS_gov At 3.0%, the unemployment rate in #Alabama reached a new record low for the state in September

Posted Oct. 18, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

RT @RepKevinBrady: I served in Congress during Clinton Impeachment. THEN: Fair, open & GOP Chair Henry Hyde ensured Democrats & Clinton l… —

Posted Oct. 18, 2019 Retweet
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

To get the facts they deserve, Americans need a transparent impeachment process like we had with Nixon and Clinton. But House Democrats have decided to hide the facts behind closed doors. I’m proud to cosponsor @RepMoBrooks' resolution demanding open, public proceedings. —

Posted Oct. 18, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

It was a somber experience on the House floor this afternoon as we remembered my late colleague Elijah Cummings of Maryland. Elijah was a powerful voice who will leave an immense legacy in Congress. I offer my sincerest condolences to his friends and family. —

Posted Oct. 17, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

Americans need relief from high drug prices. Yet Democrats blocked a motion to suspend Pelosi and Adam Schiff’s impeachment inquiry until the House passes a bipartisan bill to lower drug prices and limit out of pocket cost. Enough impeachment. Let's get to work for Americans! —

Posted Oct. 16, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

Impeaching a president is the most serious step Congress can take, so why do Democrats want to do it behind closed doors? We need an open, transparent process so the American people can get the facts. —

Posted Oct. 16, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

One Chinese gov't-owned company Biden’s firm invested in exists primarily to compete with the U.S. & has a history of stealing our tech. Think about that. Biden invested w the Chinese in a business whose purpose is to weaken the U.S. We must investigate! —

Posted Oct. 16, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

I’m so thankful for the many students who attended Academy Night to learn more about attending our military service academies! If you are interested in applying, please visit my website to learn more. The deadline to apply is November 8th. —

Posted Oct. 15, 2019
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Archive: Rep. Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

This week my staff will be travelling around our district holding office hours while I am in Washington. If you need help with federal agencies like VA, Medicare, Social Security, or acquiring a passport, stop by and my staff will help. We are here to serve you! —

Posted Oct. 15, 2019