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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Workers and businesses in #CA50 were hurt by @GavinNewsom's economic shutdown. Thanks to @KUSINews for having me on to talk about what we're facing now that businesses are finally allowed to open back up. —

Posted June 11, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

I take @KamalaHarris at her word when she says she and her party want to defund police. Everyone should. —

Steve Guest @SteveGuest

Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris: "I applaud Eric Garcetti" for defunding the Los Angeles police

Posted June 9, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

It’s incumbent on anyone running for public office today to proactively say where they stand on defunding police departments. I’m against it. #CA50 —

Posted June 8, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Former tough-on-criminals CA AG @SenKamalaHarris calling for defunding police. Incredible how far the Democrat Party has descended in such a short period of time. —

The Federalist @FDRLST

.@KamalaHarris dodges question on whether she supports calls to defund the police.

Posted June 8, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Thanks to @KUSINews for having me on this morning to talk about how we recover from the COVID-19 shutdown and my work to stop @GavinNewsom’s unconstitutional attempt to change our election law. —

Posted June 6, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

I support the right of every registered California voter to vote by mail. I do not support the attempt @GavinNewsom to violate the constitution and create the opportunity for massive voter fraud. I laid out my thoughts in the @SDUT #CA50 —

Posted June 5, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Ammar - Antifa is an anarchist domestic terror organization. The fact you’ve refused to condemn them by name is shocking. —

Ammar Campa-Najjar @ACampaNajjar

Don’t do that. Don’t blame America’s first black President for something that started when an innocent, unarmed b…

Posted June 3, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

The soft line President Obama took with Antifa terrorists for 8 years is a big reason American cities are smoldering today. —

Posted June 1, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

California is burning. @realDonaldTrump was exactly right to take Antifa-coddling liberal governors to task for allowing terrorists to destroy American small businesses and communities. Every one of these terrorists must be brought to justice swiftly. —

Posted June 1, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

All of us, law enforcement, politicians & citizens have a role to play to heal our community & prevent injustice & violence. Friday, I spoke with Community leaders, Sheriff's Dept. & Deputies Assn. leaders about how we bring our community together & not allow it to be torn apart. —

Posted May 31, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

What happened to George Floyd was wrong and it should never happen again to anyone. —

Posted May 31, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Justice Roberts and the Supreme Court’s 4 liberal justices are wrong: it’s not OK to discriminate against people based on their faith. —

Posted May 30, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Had breakfast at the Broken Yolk Cafe in El Cajon this morning to celebrate their reopening. Great to see another #CA50 business open its doors. Thank you for your hospitality! —

Posted May 29, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Another step forward. The San Diego region continues to lead the state in safely reopening our communities. —

Posted May 29, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

I joined Trevor Carey on @PowerTalk967 to talk about my lawsuit against @GavinNewsom to stop potential voter fraud in California. The governor's actions are unconstitutional. Period. —

Posted May 28, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

It’s outrageous that a tech company is targeting a single American for exercising his free speech rights to warn about potential voter fraud. I stand with @realdonaldtrump. —

Posted May 27, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

The President @realDonaldTrump is right. In California, Governor Newsom's unconstitutional order would send more than 5 million unsolicited ballots to voters who didn't vote in 2016, or 2018. Who will vote all those ballots? Democrat political operatives will "harvest them." —

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent. Mail boxes will b…

Posted May 26, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Words can not express our gratitude; today we remember those who gave their lives to protect our freedoms. —

Posted May 25, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

.@GavinNewsom is attempting to change the way we run elections by executive order. Sorry governor, but we have laws for that kind of thing. I talked about my lawsuit to make sure the governor follows the law on @FoxNews this morning. —

Posted May 24, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

This week’s #COVID19 update: California moves forward as @GavinNewsom realized that Californians can’t survive his perpetual lockdown. Most importantly, thank you to all the men and women who have worn our country’s uniform this Memorial Day Weekend. —

Posted May 22, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

San Diego is moving in the right direction, but churches, youth sports, gyms, salons and many other important businesses remain closed. We need to continue the fight to open America and give employers and employees every opportunity to succeed. #Freedom #ReOpenAmerica —

Posted May 21, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Thank you @CDCgov for your work to safely move the country forward. —


CDC has new info to help camps, youth sports, K12 schools & higher ed, and restaurants & bars operate during……

Posted May 21, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

When the Obama administration needed to trot out someone to lie shamelessly to the American people about the American deaths at Benghazi they knew Susan Rice would do it. No one should now be surprised at her enthusiasm to entrap Gen. Flynn. —

Posted May 20, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

.@AmbassadorRice admitted on her last day they had nothing on Flynn, after bugging and unmasking him. But the Deep State went forward to entrap him anyway. Textbook abuse of power. She must be called to account. —

Posted May 20, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

The process is a spectacle and not one forgotten by those of us who have been entrusted with such documents, no matter how many times. Honest observers will concede that Biden’s mental acuity has diminished. But I, for one, suspect he’s lying, not forgetting. 3/3 —

Posted May 18, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

The agent unlocks the bag using a key. You’re handed the confidential document. It says on the cover page in big, red text what level of classification the info has. You must read it in the presence of the agent, not hand it to anyone else, and then immediately return it. 2/3 —

Posted May 18, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

I strongly suspect Biden lied about this. The process of viewing top-secret compartmented eyes-only documents is not easily forgotten. An agent comes into the room with a locked bag. No one uncleared to see the document(s) in question is allowed in. You must sign paperwork. 1/3 —

Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Did Joe Biden lie when he said he didn’t know about the Flynn unmasking, or did he forget? It’s one or the other an…

Posted May 18, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Did Joe Biden lie when he said he didn’t know about the Flynn unmasking, or did he forget? It’s one or the other and either would be deeply troubling. He’s had plenty of time to come clean and must do so. —

Posted May 18, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

The #CA25 special election should be a wake-up call for Democrats, the party of perpetual shutdowns. Read my op-ed at Fox News: —

Posted May 17, 2020 Hibernated
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Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

Article I, Section 5: A Majority of each [house] shall constitute a Quorum to do Business. There's no getting around this language of the Constitution. #MustbePresenttoWin —

Posted May 16, 2020 Hibernated