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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

We need to reinstate the assault weapons ban. Now. —

Chris Lu @ChrisLu44

As Democratic 2020 candidates speak out on gun control and hate speech, let's remember that @JayInslee voted for th…

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @JayInslee: Today, I’m laying out a 10-point strategy to address the rise of gun violence and white nationalism. Our country needs a p… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

If you want to be cool, vote! It’s not just presidential elections — local elections matter. If you live in Washington, be sure to drop off your ballot before 8 PM tonight. —

Lily Eriksen 🐬 @lilytheskier

Just a friendly reminder from ⁦@JayInslee⁩ that all the cool people in Washington are voting today.…

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @erika_opp: Donate to Jay Inslee! Climate change is his #1 priority (and honestly it should be every candidate's top priority), but his… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

A year and a half ago, I told Trump in no uncertain terms how ridiculous his idea to arm teachers was. We need a president who has real solutions to gun violence. #DisarmHate —

NowThis @nowthisnews

'A little less tweeting, a little more listening.' — Washington's governor tells Trump to his face that arming teac…

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

Combatting white nationalism starts with a president who is willing to call out racism and put the tools of the federal government to work in tracking the scourge of extremist violence. #DisarmHate —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @libshipwreck: I have donated to @JayInslee’s campaign and I recommend that you do as well. Regardless of whether or not he is your pre… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @JayInslee: Today, I’m laying out a 10-point strategy to address the rise of gun violence and white nationalism. Our country needs a p… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

This is spec-tacular! We’ve seen a huge surge in support since the debate last week. Help us cross 130,000 of you want to see climate on the debate stage: —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

Thank you, Waleed. I appreciate your support, and your work to make the #GreenNewDeal a reality. If you want to keep climate change on the debate stage, too, chip in now: #ClimateMission —

Waleed Shahid @_waleedshahid

I donated $1 to @JayInslee to make sure we continue to have a substantive discussion about the Green New Deal and t…

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

Looking forward to being a part of this important conversation, and sharing my plan to stop white nationalism and gun violence in this nation: #GunSenseForum #DisarmHate —

Moms Demand Action @MomsDemand

Now more than ever, we need a president committed to ending the gun violence crisis. We’re looking forward to heari…

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @jaredleopold: Coming up shortly on @CNN: Gov. @JayInslee will talk about why he called Donald Trump a white nationalist - and his new 1… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @JayInslee: No one should live in fear because of the color of their skin, where they were born, or who they love. Donald Trump has bu… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

We can’t just pay lip service to fighting the rise of white supremacy and gun violence. We need a real strategy to get us there. Today, I released my plan to stop the epidemic of white nationalist gun violence. #DisarmHate —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @SamGHolman: Predebate: 90,000 donors Friday after: 100,000 donors Today: 110,000 donors You: 👇Joining the movement👇… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @CBSThisMorning: In the wake of two deadly mass shootings over the weekend, Democratic presidential candidate and Washington Gov. @JayIn… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @CJAOurPower: Last week multiple Presidential candidates were invited to #visit48217, MI's most polluted ZIP. Only one candidate showed… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @WaGunResponsib: Hate and gun violence combine all too often in America. We must face the white nationalism and racism at the core of m… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @Agent350: Here’s a simple action you can take to help the #climate: make a donation, even just $1, to get @JayInslee back on the debate… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @TallmanIV: This is a strong plan to address a specific issue (something we really should expect from @JayInslee by now), but it's not j… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @GoldyHA: I know it's become cliche in the presidential debates for @JayInslee to talk about having already done this or that in WA sta… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

7⃣Advance legislation to notify state law enforcement when a person “lies and tries” to buy a firearm 8⃣Close the Charleston Loophole 9⃣Overhaul and enhance ATF enforcement 🔟Ban untraceable firearms —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

4⃣Reinstate a national assault weapons ban 5⃣Advance a national Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) law 6⃣Disarm hate —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

Under my plan, we will: 1⃣Direct federal law enforcement resources to confront white nationalism 2⃣Create systems to identify, track, and prosecute white nationalist extremists 3⃣Expand international cooperation to fight white nationalism —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

No one should live in fear because of the color of their skin, where they were born, or who they love. Donald Trump has built a culture of fear by emboldening white nationalists and allowing weapons of war in our communities. We’re going to change that. —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @tperry518: EXCLUSIVE TO @CBSNews: @JayInslee releases 10 point plan to stem white nationalist gun violence Highlights: 📍 Creating sys… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

Today, I’m laying out a 10-point strategy to address the rise of gun violence and white nationalism. Our country needs a president who will meet this challenge head-on and who will be relentless in confronting this vile ideology. —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @JayInslee: Just 3 days ago we announced our campaign had hit 100,000 individual donors. Now, I’m thrilled to tell you: we just crosse… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @isabelvharrison: I want to see @JayInslee on the next debate stage to push the conversation forward on climate change. Please join me i… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet
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Jay Inslee @JayInslee

RT @hekasia: I just donated to @JayInslee because I want to make sure climate stays on the debate stage. Chip in today!… —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Retweet