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Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
You don’t have to pretend; you don’t have to hope that you can measure up. True friends accept you for who you are, not for how you look, how you perform, who you know, how impressive you are. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
We Will Never Forget the Fallen of 9/11. All those who gave their lives while saving others and those still impacted by the tragedy. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
It’s easy to go through life making decisions based on what people will think. But when we live image-driven, we can’t be real, we can’t be authentic. Tune into Joel’s message today, "Take Your Image Off The Throne"! —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
God said in Psalms, “Touch not My anointed.” You are His anointed. When people come against you, they’re not just messing with you; they’re messing with the God who put the blessing on you. What God has blessed, no person can curse. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
You can’t talk defeat and have victory. You can’t think negatively and live positively. You can’t be afraid, worried, panicked, and reach your destiny. You are drawing in what you’re thinking about. Don’t use your energy to worry; use your energy to believe. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
You have the talent, you have the confidence, you have the creativity. You didn’t get shortchanged. Psalm 34 says, “Those who trust in the Lord will never lack any good thing.” You need to see yourself as a no-lack person. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
You’ve been designed for this time. You are equipped for what you’re facing, empowered to fulfill your destiny. Check out "Stronger Than You Think" on Podcast here! —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
Pre-order Joel’s new book, Your Greater Is Coming, and discover the many ways God can change what looks impossible to you! #YourGreaterIsComingBook —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
You may have been through some unfair situations. It seems like the struggle, the loneliness, the depression is your destiny. No, your time is coming. God is not going to leave you at a deficit. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
Words are like seeds. Every time you speak, they’re taking root, they’re growing. The Scripture says, “You will eat the fruit of your words.” Are you planting good seeds? —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
When you start seeing yourself as strong, empowered, well able, then you won’t live overwhelmed. You’ll discover strength that you didn’t know you had. Don't miss this powerful message, "Stronger Than You Think" from Joel! —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
Quit comparing your gifts, your looks, your success to someone else. Be you! You are powerful, you are anointed, you are gifted, you are beautiful. Nobody can do you like you can do you. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
God said in Hebrews, “I am a just God. I will repay the exact compensation that is owed to you. I will settle the accounts of My people.” God sees what you’re going through; He sees who did you wrong. He is going to settle your account. He knows exactly what you’re owed. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
The reason the pressure feels overwhelming is because you are stronger than you think. That difficulty is an opportunity to discover what’s in you. Be inspired by this message from Joel, "Stronger Than You Think". Check it out: —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
When you face opposition, ordinary people would be worried, ordinary people would complain, but here’s the key, you’re not ordinary. You have the blessing. God’s face is smiling on you. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
If you want to make God proud, stand strong, be courageous, think like a champion, talk like an overcomer, praise when you could be complaining, declare victory when all you see is defeat, expect favor when it seems impossible. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
God won’t let you get in a situation if He hasn’t already equipped you for it. If it were going to be too much to bear, too big to defeat, God wouldn’t have allowed it. Click here to watch, "Stronger Than You Think": —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
Don’t be intimidated by how big the opposition is, by how bad the medical report looks, by how powerful the people are against you. You have the favor of God. You have can-do power; you are stronger than you think. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
See yourself as someone that’s well able. The reason you face big challenges is because you have a big destiny. The reason you have great obstacles is because you have greatness in you. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
Are you seeing yourself the right way? Have you discovered what’s in you? That situation that seems overwhelming, that pressure that feels unbearable, it’s not there to defeat you but to help you discover strength that you didn’t know you had. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
God never gives up on us. You may think of all the reasons why you can’t overcome, why that problem is too big, and how it’s unbearable, but God is going to keep calling you a mighty hero. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
When God designed you, He took into account everything you would face—every struggle, every unfair situation, every setback—and He put in you the strength, the courage, the determination to withstand it. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
You’ll never know how strong you really are until you face pressure that you’ve never faced. It may seem unbearable, but the fact that God allowed it means that you can handle it. Tune into Joel’s message today, "Stronger Than You Think"! —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
The guilt is not from God; that’s the accuser. The language of faith says, “I may feel guilty, but I know I am forgiven.” You can’t go by what you feel; you have to go by what you know. Feelings don’t always tell us the truth. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
God is going to take you from the background to the foreground, from being overlooked to in charge, from left out to leading. New doors are about to open. Promotion is coming, freedom is coming, healing is coming, the fullness of your destiny. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
God is so merciful that even when we don’t believe, even when our faith is limited, God steps in and says, “I’m going to do it anyway. I’m going to show you favor anyway, I’m going to heal you anyway, I’m going to turn it around anyway.” —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
When you’re in difficult times, keep this phrase in your spirit, “greater is coming.” God didn’t bring you this far to leave you. Click here to pre-order Joel Osteen’s new book, “Your Greater Is Coming”: #YourGreaterIsComingBook —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
God has not forgotten about you. You may have been pushed down, left out, or feel like you’re at the very back. Stay encouraged; God knows how to reverse things. Check out "Reverse the Order" on Podcast here! —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
When you go through unfair situations, don’t get bitter. Keep serving. Keep being faithful. Keep helping somebody else rise higher. That difficulty is not there to stop you; it’s there to promote you. Now do your part; serve your way out. —
Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen
It is a privilege to be able to make an impact on your behalf, because of your generosity and all that you do. The community outreach blessed both students through school supplies and mothers through a community wide baby shower. —