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Michael Moore @MMFlint
Veterans — you may have awakened to the news of what Trump thinks about you and the names he’s called you. Out of deep respect & love for u, I’ll not repeat them here. I want you to know you are loved. 21 vets a day commit suicide. Stay with us! Vets Crisis Line: 800-273- 8255. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
11pm, Nov 3, 2020. Exactly 2 months from this very moment. Jeez, Don, u gotta feel sick right now. The countdown has started. Tick... tick... tick... Still time to order as much KFC as u want...Or vote as many times as u want... Or try that miracle vaccine...tick...tick...tick... —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
The Commission on Presidential Debates has announced that ALL FOUR debates will take place only in RED states — all 4 — in states that Trump won. Three presidential debates - 2 in the south (TN, FL) & 1 in Ohio - and the VP debate in Utah. Not one of the events in a blue state. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
On today’s episode of RUMBLE, I talk with Obama 2008 campaign manager David Plouffe about what we need to do to remove Trump. Apple: Spotify: RadioPublic: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Check this out—during the same week in August, but 4yrs apart: In 2016, Hillary was way ahead of Trump. But this past week, in some swing states, Biden’s lead is less than what Hillary’s was. You can’t blame this one on the PO or Russia. This is on the candidate & party. WAKE UP! —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Someone needs to pull the fire alarm NOW. Where are the stories about Trump gaining on Biden? Below’s a poll from Fri in Michigan. Last week Trump pulled within 4 pts of Biden. Now in one poll Trump is AHEAD of Biden in MI 47-45. Yet so many Dems convinced Trump’ll lose. DANGER! —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Join us tonight at 6pm ET! Sign up (for free) below! —
Busboys and Poets @busboysandpoets
Academy-Award winning filmmaker and best selling author, @MMFlint, is the featured guest for this Friday’s Busboys…
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Sorry to have to provide the reality check again, but when they poll registered voters in the swing states, Biden & Trump are in a virtual tie. In Minn. it’s 47-47. In Michigan, where Biden had a big lead, Trump has closed the gap to 4pts. Are u ready for a Trump victory? ACT NOW —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
NEW RUMBLE: I speak with @MalaikaJabali about the root causes of what's happening in Kenosha + @AlexBMorse about his insurgent campaign for U.S. House in Massachusetts and next Tuesday's election. Apple: Spotify: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
LA Clippers coach. Doc, I’ve got your back. Millions of us do. Enough is enough. A tsunami of voters, 10 weeks from today. —
ESPN @espn
“We keep loving this country and this country doesn’t love us back.” Doc Rivers got emotional while talking about…
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Kenosha, Wisconsin. USA. I see now this will never end. Black America, over to you. You have a 2ndAmendment right to defend yourselves. White America - seek redemption before it’s too late! End the madness. Defund. Dismantle. Demilitarize. Dismiss. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
If this were a movie, heroes would swoop in & kill the murderous cops. The audience would cheer. Loud! Then the superhero would rain fire down on Police HQ & the audience would stand & applaud! White, Black, Brown- the entire audience would scream YES! Thank God it’s just a movie —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
RT @TheOliverStone: It was a great pleasure to finally meet up again with @MMFlint after all these years. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
RT @maxasteele: Huge congrats to the RNC on hitting their diversity goal of having 50% of key convention speakers without the last name Tru… —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
NEW: @lsarsour joins me on RUMBLE to discuss how we remove Trump, how to organize Muslim & Arab voters in swing states & her moving to Kentucky during a pandemic to fight for justice for Breonna Taylor. Spotify: Apple: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Yes. They all knew. And they ALL have to go. November 3rd. It’s not just Trump that gets the heave-ho. The whole damn lot has to go. — @actdottv
Ted Cruz knew. Rand Paul knew. Nikki Haley knew. Marco Rubio knew. Kellyanne Conway knew. Mike Pompeo knew. Glenn B…
Michael Moore @MMFlint
RT @_waleedshahid: I didn't think Biden would open with Ella Baker. Ella Baker, 1974: "You and I cannot be free in America or anywhere els… —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
It was a moment in history when everyone turned their emergency flashers on. Not quite the Bat Signal in the sky, but America knew what it had to do. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
NEW: In my latest episode of RUMBLE, Briahna Joy Gray & I discuss what Biden and the Dems should be doing to reach people on the fence about voting and what progressives must do to hold the their feet to the fire. Apple: Spotify: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Why is Joe Biden’s top confidante telling the American people, on the day Joe Biden gets officially nominated, that help is NOT on the way — and that they actually won’t get anything done in the White House? Does he want to lose?? —
Stephanie Kelton @StephanieKelton
“When we get in, the pantry is going to be bare,” said Mr. Kaufman, who is leading Mr. Biden’s transition team. “Wh…
Michael Moore @MMFlint
With grace & generous ridicule, served up on a gold platter, Obama laid waste to the Trump presidency w/ a “WTF IS this?” and a “who the eff are YOU?” He summed up the simple essence of Trump: Lazy, stupid, cruel, incompetent, a true threat, devoid of imagination, a baby-man. Wow —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
C’mon. You gotta love Obama. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Here it is. My plan for how we save the Election, beat Trump to a pulp and remove every possible Republican enabler that we can. RUMBLE Podcast. Give it a listen: Apple: Spotify: Radio Public: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
RT @davidsirota: Iraq War architects become #Resistance heroes Wall St thieves become Dem econ gurus The governor of Mount Covid becomes… —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Can’t wait for Colin Powell’s "irrefutable and undeniable" case for a Biden presidency tonight! Nothing unites our country more than all of us fondly reminiscing about the US bombing, invading, terrorizing, & pillaging Iraq on the basis of lies this man told to the United Nations —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Please read my thoughts on the electoral dangers we face: Trump will try to find a way to postpone the election— and if it is held, he will do everything he can to suppress the vote in Black and Brown communities. I have a plan. My post can be found here: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Night 1 of the Dem Convention — The most exhilerating feeling was knowing we were off to conduct the merciless removal of Donald Trump & the wholesale crushing of all Republicans. The first hour was tear-inducing. The politicians less so. Most networks cut the closing song below: —
Timothy Burke @bubbaprog
Almost all the networks cut away immediately after Michelle Obama's speech to do analysis meaning you are currently…
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Joining Ari Melber live at 6:25pm ET! Tune in... —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
RT @middleageriot: BELOW: Kamala Harris being a "mad woman." Oops, wrong picture. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
RT @jerrysaltz: Eg. The Republican Party —