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Michael Moore @MMFlint
YES!! In handcuffs! Now on to the work!. All of us demand an end to white supremacy and white privilege. How many innocent black and brown ppl are in prison? Free them all! Arrest all police who break the law. Remove all racist cops. End policing as we know it. It doesn’t work. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
A brief history of why it’s ok for police to kill Black Americans (thanks to Tom Morello for posting): —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
RT @ParkerMolloy: I make fun of certain Times columnists for writing variations of the same article over and over, but this is a big much h… —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Shut down the state! Send more vaccine! My Emergency Podcast on the surge in Michigan: —
Eric Topol @EricTopol
Michigan's covid case ascent is back on, with a record number of hospitalizations and kids in the hospital. This is…
Michael Moore @MMFlint
URGENT. Michigan is in its own epidemic tonight. The UK variant is everywhere. 40% of new covid cases are young adults between 20-40. My plea tonight: Shut down the state. Send more vaccine. You can help. Listen to my emergency podcast on Apple & Spotify. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Brooklyn Center, MN. Windsor, VA. De-fund the police?? De-militarize the police De-Hanitize the police De-contaminate the police De-fang the police De-bigot the police De-arm the police De-white the police De-numbskull the police De-fascist the police De-Police the Police. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Why is COVID-19 surging in Michigan and what must we do to stop it? @IrwinRedlenerMD joins me on Rumble with a plan for action. Spotify: Apple: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
RT @harveyjkaye: Great conversation between @MMFlint and the editor of @TheProspect @ddayen on why we finally may be able to transcen… —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Are we finally ending the Reagan-Thatcher era of 'government is evil' that we've lived under for the past 40 years? @ddayen & I discuss the Jobs Act, infrastructure, and the free, socialized medicine we've injected into our arms to save our country. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
He also shared whether his brilliant stage adaptation of To Kill A Mockingbird will make a comeback after the pandemic...and issued a fun challenge to his friend and Hamilton creator @Lin_Manuel that I hope Lin will accept! Spotify: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
We discussed: how The West Wing was almost not made, the great career advice David Fincher once gave him, the bastardization of the word "patriotism" and what it truly means to love your country, and why civics is no longer taught in our schools. Apple: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
"The Only Thing Better Than A Story You Don't Know Is A Story You Think You Know" - Aaron Sorkin. I had a wonderful, wide-ranging conversation with Aaron on my Rumble podcast this weekend. Congrats to him and "The Trail of the Chicago 7" team on their big SAG win last night! —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
A new episode of Rumble: MI Repub Party head calls the Governor, Attorney General & Secretary of State “witches” and then suggests “assassination” might be the only way to remove certain elected officials. I suggest we take him out (nonviolently) first. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Almost 20 years later, after 7 mass shootings in 7 days, I reached out to him last week and we picked our conversation up right where we left off. Spotify: Apple: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Tom Mauser, whose 15-year-old son Daniel was killed at Columbine High School, altered the direction of "Bowling For Columbine" when he asked me this question: "What is so different about Americans? Are we homicidal by nature?" —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
I know. I feel bad for ppl who don’t understand irony. But I decided decades ago to never explain satire as if ppl are too stupid to get it. I’ve watched the dumbing down of America & the efforts by those in power 2 create an idiot nation. They need the public ignorant 2 succeed. —
Reena_CA @I_m_Reena_CA
@MMFlint I get the scarcasm in this tweet that has gone over the heads of many people.
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Annie and I also discussed the proactive, positive work that is being done to confront anti-Asian racism and violence and what we must all do to #StopAsianHate. I hope you'll give this a listen. Apple: Spotify: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
On Monday, I spoke with Annie Tan, a public school teacher, writer, activist, and cousin of the late Vincent Chin. We discussed his legacy and how the language used to describe/defend his killer is the same language being used by law enforcement in Atlanta .../6 —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
He shared an idea that Nixon, Reagan, Ailes, Giuliani, Trump, etc, all understood in their bones. As I wrote: "The Asians, he concludes, 'all stick together. Why don’t white people stick together? Huh? Not ’til we’re a minority?" .../5 —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
It was *him*, the killer, who had been made to suffer by these Asian-American civil rights groups and by the media scrutiny. He then told me something that has stuck with me till this day. Something that is at the foundation of American politics... /4 —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
In 1987, I interviewed Vincent Chin's killer for two hours at his home for a piece I wrote in the Detroit Free Press Magazine. He was triumphant about his legal victories. But, as I wrote, he "suffered from the white-guy-as-victim syndrome." .../3 —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
A witness heard the killer telling Chin and his Asian-American friend that they "were the reason we're all getting laid off" - a reference to the scapegoating of the Japanese for the massive layoffs in the U.S. auto industry in the '80's (again, Chin was Chinese-American) ... /2 —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
In 1982, a white Chrysler autoworker brutally beat a Chinese-American man named Vincent Chin to death with a baseball bat in Detroit. He served no jail time and paid a $3780 fine. This outrage sparked a rise in Asian-American civil rights advocacy and consciousness ... /1 —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Here it is. No charge. Unedited. Uncensored. BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE. Sadly, every bit as timely as when we made it. We had provocative ideas about this gun violence and how we might reduce it. It would require us all doing some very “un-American” things: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
18yrs ago tonite: “The Oscar goes to ‘Bowling for Columbine’”. We’d hoped Columbine would be the LAST of these mass shootings. The film said gun violence was just sooo American(genocide, slavery, war).My acceptance speech, the the 5th nite of the Iraq War: —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
The life of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa shows that people can come from all over the world and truly assimilate into our beloved American culture. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Now that we know who the Boulder killer is, we will soon see the pundits & bigots harp on "Middle Eastern" & "Islamic." But make no mistake: a young man with anger issues & easy access to semi-automatic weapons who shoots up a nice town in Colorado is as American as apple pie. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
Now that we know the who the Boulder killer, we’ll soon see pundits & bigots harp on "Middle Eastern" & "Islamic." But make no mistake: a young man with a history of violence & easy access to semi-automatic weapons who shoots up a nice town in Colorado is as American as Apple Pie —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
From Atlanta to Boulder, SEVEN mass shootings over the past seven days across the USA. Well, we’ve been praying to get back to normal. For America, you can’t get more “normal” than this. —
Michael Moore @MMFlint
RT @AriBerman: Had a great conversation with @MMFlint about why future of democracy hinges on Dems ending filibuster to pass HR1 & John Lew… —