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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @SenateGOP: “wow, that’s low.” “weaker than expected.” “It’s not where the jobs’s where the jobs weren’t.” This is Joe Bid… —

Posted Oct. 8, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @SenatorTimScott: The Biden administration is hoping Americans will forget about his botched Afghanistan withdrawal.    @POTUS wants cre… —

Posted Oct. 7, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

Americans are struggling with exploding inflation & spiking gas prices. Instead of releasing oil from our nation’s strategic reserve and begging OPEC and Russia for more oil, @POTUS should abandon his irresponsible attempts to end oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters. —

Posted Oct. 7, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

We don't need the IRS looking over our shoulder, prying into our life and our activities. If Democrats go forward with this Big Brother plan, people all across this country will not stand for it. —

Posted Oct. 7, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @SenateGOP: We don't need MORE taxes. We don't need MORE debt. We don't need HIGHER prices. (RT to make sure @SpeakerPelosi sees this… —

Posted Oct. 7, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @SenateGOP: Even Obama knows this is insanity. —

Posted Oct. 7, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @GovernorGordon: Thanks to @GovAbbott and the Texas Department of Safety for hosting us today at the U.S.-Mexico border. The Biden Admin… —

Posted Oct. 7, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @SenatorTimScott: This administration would have you believe: -the millions of illegal border crossings in Texas is just “seasonal” -… —

Posted Oct. 6, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @SenJohnThune: There's no way to make a $3.5 TRILLION bill cost $0. Even if you try to "pay for it" by taxing Americans’ hard-earned mon… —

Posted Oct. 6, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

Democrats need to learn their lesson before it is too late. They need to stop raising taxes, cutting into Americans' paychecks, and stop pouring more fuel on the inflation fire that is raging across the country. —

Posted Oct. 6, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

Flip-flops by the Biden administration on COVID have led to a great sense of confusion. If we want to see the remaining 70 million eligible Americans vaccinated against this disease, the president needs to change minds, not issue mandates. @FoxNews —

Posted Oct. 6, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

Gas prices are the highest they’ve been in seven years. Now, @POTUS & the Democrats want to accelerate inflation by spending trillions more AND crush American production of oil and gas. #Bidenflation —

Posted Oct. 6, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

Whether it’s in his classroom in Worland or the annual trip to DC, I always look forward to visiting with Worland High School teacher Randy Durr’s history students every year. This year was no exception. Glad @SenLummis is able to join in on this wonderful tradition. —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

People are feeling the pain of this administration and inflation. Everybody is paying higher prices today for gas and groceries compared to the day Joe Biden came into office. Inflation will only get worse if the Democrats pass this reckless tax and spending bill. —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @TeamCavuto: Senate Republican Conference Chair @SenJohnBarrasso (R-WY) on President Biden's claims that the two spending bills will add… —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @SenateGOP: Biden’s Border Crisis has reached a breaking point. Now…even the media can’t ignore it. (Senate Republicans have been so… —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

Republicans are not going to allow Joe Biden to give the IRS more power. I want to be able to tell cowboys in Wyoming that if they make a payment on their pickup truck or buy a saddle for their horse, they're not going to have an IRS agent along for the ride. —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @EnergyGOP: Ranking Member @SenJohnBarrasso at this morning’s hearing on mining reform: “@POTUS & House Dems want to end mining on feder… —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

People in Wyoming have a right to be alarmed. President Biden and Democrats want to supersize the IRS and let the government spy on the transactions of law-abiding citizens. We will continue fighting to stop this alarming power-grab dead in its tracks. —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @SenatorTimScott: Just last month, 23 state treasurers and auditors publicly opposed Biden’s plans to weaponize the IRS—calling it “one… —

Posted Oct. 5, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @SenCapito: 🔘Inflation is at a 30-year high 🔘Supply chains across the country are disrupted 🔘Consumer prices are through the roof   The… —

Posted Oct. 4, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @SenBillCassidy: Inflation rose 3.6% in August from a year ago—that’s the biggest jump in more than 30 years. —

Posted Oct. 4, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @EnergyGOP: TMW @ 10AM: The committee will hold a hearing to examine and consider updates to the Mining Law of 1872. Tune in here ⤵️ htt… —

Posted Oct. 4, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

Joe Biden ran as a centrist and as competent. We are seeing that he is neither. Joe Biden has now walked the plank for the socialist Bernie Sanders’ budget. He is man overboard and he can’t swim. —

Posted Oct. 3, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

And the content of this bill matters almost as much, if not more, than the cost. Democrats want to give a whole new army of IRS agents the power to rifle through your checking account. This is an invasion of privacy. —

Posted Oct. 3, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

People are feeling the bite of inflation right now when they buy groceries, buy gas, all of those things. If the Democrats’ massive spending and tax bill passes, that inflation is going to get much worse. —

Posted Oct. 3, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

Now we're at a point where the president is weak and Bernie Sanders and the far-left Democrats are driving the bus and Joe Biden is just along for the ride. —

Posted Oct. 3, 2021
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @thehill: Top GOP senator: "Far-left Democrats are driving the bus and Joe Biden is just along for the ride" htt… —

Posted Oct. 3, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @FoxNewsSunday: “Joe Biden has now walked the plank for the socialist, Bernie Sanders budget. He’s man overboard and he can’t swim.” -@S… —

Posted Oct. 3, 2021 Retweet
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Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso

RT @FoxNewsSunday: Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) said this week that every Republican is committed to defeating the Democrats' $3.5 trillion… —

Posted Oct. 3, 2021 Retweet