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Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
House Democrats elect a new leadership team #1: Hakeem Jeffries (52) #2: Katherine Clark (59) #3: Pete Aguilar (43) —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
RT @HenryJGomez: Sen. Mike Braun has filed paperwork to run for Indiana gov and "will be making an official announcement of his candidacy v… —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
Scoop: Democratic group Georgia Honor launches $5.83 million TV blitz for last week of the Senate contest, totaling $23.5 mill in runoff spending. They’re bombarding the airwaves with a new ad going negative on Herschel Walker’s character. E-Day is 12/6. —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
"Senate Republicans want to leverage the next US debt limit increase to force cuts in projected federal spending and changes to Social Security and other entitlement programs, the party’s No. 2 leader said." @SenJohnThune talked to @Business: —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
The Respect For Marriage Act doesn't require the provision of marriage licenses contrary to state law. But, per a Dem aide, if Obergefell falls it'd allow same-sex couples to get married in a different state and enjoy the same benefits wherever they go. —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
NEWS: Senate votes 61-36 to pass the Respect For Marriage Act, codifying protections for same-sex and interracial marriage. Democrats unanimously vote YES. 12 Republicans vote YES. It's a backstop in case the Supreme Court's conservative majority revokes those rights. —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
The Senate is voting NOW on the Respect For Marriage Act. This is final passage. —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
The Senate just rejected three Republican amendments to the Respect For Marriage Act. That exhausts all the procedural votes and motions to proceed and amendments. Next up: Vote on passage of the bill. —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
Oath Keepers founder found guilty of seditious conspiracy in Jan. 6 case —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
LUMMIS: "I—and many like me—have been vilified and despised by some who disagree with our beliefs," she said. "They do not withhold bitter invective. They use their own hateful speech to make sure that I—and others who believe as I do—that we are hated and despised by them." 2/2 —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
GOP @SenLummis, a YES on RFMA: "My days since the first cloture vote on the Respect For Marriage Act as amended have involved a painful exercise in accepting admonishment and fairly brutal self soul-searching — entirely avoidable, I might add, had I simply chosen to vote no." 1/2 —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
Asked if he'd oppose Trump, should he win 2024 GOP nomination, McConnell says: "Look, let me just say again. There is simply no room in the Republican Party for anti-semitism or white supremacy. And that would apply to all of the leaders in the party who will be seeking offices." —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
.@LeaderMcConnell on Trump-Fuentes-Ye: "There is no room in the Republican Party for anti-semitism or white supremacy. And anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view, in my judgment, are highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States." —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
FT: "Musk, meanwhile, has sought to personally call chief executives of some brands that have curbed advertising in order to berate them...leading others to instead reduce their spend to the bare minimum required so as to avoid further confrontation" —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
Rick Scott, writing in WashEx, stands by his policy agenda: "Yes, I put out a plan of ideas, and I don’t regret it one bit. Yes, one of them suggested sunsetting laws after five years — noting that if a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again." —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
The White House readout of the meeting with top four congressional leaders highlights Covid resources and Ukraine aid while discussing government funding. And it calls for bipartisan activity, common ground and working together, with GOP poised to control the House. —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
The 2022 election, summed. —
Kathryn Watson @kathrynw5
This Reuters photo by Kevin Lamarque
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
McCONNELL: "There's widespread agreement that we'd be better off with an omnibus than a CR. But there are some significant hurdles to get over to do that." He says military spending is his priority and calls Dem demands on non-defense funding "a sticking point." via @frankthorp —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
Kevin McCarthy sounds cool to Ukraine funding under a Republican-led House, vowing "no blank check." He says any funding — which he neither endorses nor rules out — must include "accountability" and "audits." —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
McCarthy: "The president can have meetings with who he wants. I don't think anybody though should have meetings with Nick Fuentes. And his views are nowhere within the R Party or within this country itself." And Kanye? "I don't think he should have associated with him as well." —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
McCARTHY says he wants a government funding bill to "get our spending under control," make the U.S. energy independent and secure borders. He doesn't get specific on how. "The outgoing majority — if they don't want to work with us, we can get this work done in January as well." —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
McCarthy: "I don't think anybody should be spending any time with Nick Fuentes. He has no place in this Republican Party. I think Pres. Trump came out 4 times & condemned him & didn't know who he was." He's told Trump didn't condemn his ideology. "Well, I condemn his ideology." —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
SCHUMER calls the White House meeting among Hill leaders "a very productive discussion about funding the government — we all agreed that it should be done this year." PELOSI says if they can't reach a deal, "we may have to have a year-long CR." She says they don't want that. —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
RT @jaynordlinger: Mitt Romney has done many things in life, but he is not especially known as a phrase-maker. This, however, could have le… —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
tl;dr —> time is short in the lame duck and Republicans threatened to drag out the process, so Dems granted 3 amendment votes (Lee, Lankford, Rubio) on condition of holding a final vote on the same-sex marriage bill today. Final passage threshold: 60 votes. —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
New: The Senate is scheduled to vote this afternoon on the Respect For Marriage Act to codify federal protections for same-sex and interracial marriages. The bill has enough Republican votes to break a filibuster. Unless some flip, it's on track to pass. —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
RT @RepMcEachin: —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
@SteveKornacki !! —
Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur
Important movement tonight on the Respect For Marriage Act: The Senate has reached a deal to hold a series of votes on GOP-demanded amendments plus a final passage vote tomorrow. Unless a number of Republicans who voted to advance it flip, this’ll pass. Then House. Then Biden. —
Senate Press Gallery @SenatePress
The #Senate convenes Tuesday at 12:00 noon & will recess from 12:30-2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.……