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Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
@SmirkySisyphus Shuttle looks same today as 30 years ago. Internet looks the same to you? If so upgrade your acoustic modem. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
@JohnRSports "Decade" rings better than "7 Years". Without Apollo 1 fire delay, we'd have landed on Moon during JFK's watch. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
@Ashinhurst Not convinced of the Memorial to JFK thesis. War-Tech threat from USSR was formidable motivator during the decade —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Got five minutes? I can neither add nor subtract from these reflections on NASA as an agency: —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
One US President can never actual commit the nation to a goal that requires fulfillment by a President "to be named later" —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
JFK promised in 1962 a Moon landing under his own watch. Obama promised a trip to Mars, but long after his tenure as Prez. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Lament not the shuttle's end, but the absence of rockets to supplant it. Who shed a tear when Gemini ended? Apollo awaited us —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
The life of orbiter Atlantis: 126,000,000 miles. More than 500x farther than the Earth-Moon dist Except it never left Earth. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Touchdown Forida. Welcome home Atlantis Astronauts. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
PrivateEnterprise won't advance a space frontier. They'll do what NASA's been doing since 1962 -- going to & from Earth orbit —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Many lament the end our 30-year Space Shuttle program. But is there any technology -- at all -- from 1981 that you still use? —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Worried about privatization of access to Earth orbit? Overdue by decades. NASA needs to look beyond, where it belongs. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
After today, US Astronauts will still access the Space Station - but only via the cramped quarters of Russian Soyuz Capsules. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Just an FYI: The thirty-year US Space Shuttle program ends in 16 minutes. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@realmlovejoy When do NorthernLights peak, you ask? The Sun's activity drives it during an 11yr cycle: Mid 2013 (Not 2012 !) —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
@ddowza Cool-looking rocket game. Let me know when it's Mac-friendly and I'll give it a test run. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
The two greatest acts of creativity? Why else do we say, "They've raised it to an art" & "They've got it down to a science" —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Tonite's @StarTalklRadio features pt 2 of the Nichelle Nichol's (StarTrek's Lt.Uhura) interview. Be there —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Given any new technology for transmitting info, we seem bound to use it for great quantities of small talk. -LewisThomas1974 —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Oops. Almost forgot: --> July 15, 2011: Happy 5th Anniversary Twitter. Prescient quote to follow... —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
@hcice Sorry that @JREF book signing was rushed. Can't speak for others but in my case I had a plane to catch that evening. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Dr. Who geeks only: Am I last to learn that "DoctorWho" letters rearrange to "Torchwood" - their Alien-tech research center? —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Famous scientist names in #HarryPotter: Ptolemy (AD 90 -168), Paracelsus (1493-1541), Newton (1643-1727) —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
FYI: Night Sky Names in #HarryPotter culled from Books, Films, JKR's Website & Documentary, and the Daily Prophet. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Even more NightSky in #HarryPotter: Aurora (light-emitting air molecules excited by solar wind). Also Pollux (star in Gemini) —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
More Night Sky in #HarryPotter: The constellations Draco, Scorpius, Andromeda, (also Cassiopeia, Cygnus, & Orion). —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Night Sky in #HarryPotter: Stars Regulus (in Leo), Arcturus (in Boötes), Bellatrix (in Orion'sBelt), & Sirius (in CanisMajor) —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Our human mind, forged and wired for decision-making on the Serengeti, is drawn to Las Vegas -- and is helpless there. —