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Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@jbg7 Concerned about which way "up" really is? "Up" is every direction away from Earth's center. That's the entire cosmos. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
As 2011 draws to a close, I remind us all that in life and in the universe, it is always best to keep looking up. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Good to see Apollo 11's Buzz Aldrin in a cameo spot. Yes, long ago, in a country that once was, astronauts visited the Moon. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
In any case, in Transformers III, it was good to see Optimus Prime kicking bot. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Transformers III was 45m too long. There's no Dark Side of the Moon. And Apollo 11's Lunar Module was still on its launch pad —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Just caught up with Transformers III. The bots tear up Chicago. About time an action film destroys a city other than New York —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
FYI: Catalog of astro-apps for mobile devices. Via colleague Andrew Fraknoi, for AstronomyEducationReview: —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
@rick1701 URL is fine. Depends on your Twitter app. But I just sent around another, which should work. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
When you can see the crescent Moon's unlit part it's called "Earthshine," but I've always preferred to call it "Moonshine" —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Can you see the whole Moon in the arm's of the crescent? It's sunlight bounced off full-Earth, then the Moon, then back to us —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
After Venus and the Moon sink low in the west, look south and high, for Jupiter at its best. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Stunning thin crescent moon joins Venus this night, look low in the west during evening's twilight. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
10 tweets in 1 day. Last did that for a shuttle launch. Please don't come to expect it. My preferred rate is a few per week. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
...and why during sunset, when light passes through the most atmospheric crud, the Sun looks deep red & the sky, deep violet. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
That's also why the daytime Sun looks yellow-ish and the surrounding sky looks "sky" blue. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
And that's why a car (or truck's) fog lights are amber -- a color that penetrates the fog to illuminate the road. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
That's why a car's blueish high-beams are useless in fog - light scatters within to offer an excellent view of the fog itself —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Long wavelength red-orange part of the spectrum passes thru fog/dust/pollen while short wavelength blue-violet gets scattered —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Newton showed that white light (like sunlight) is composed of a rainbow of colors: Red-Orange-Yellow-Green-Blue-Violet. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Some unfinished business regarding Rudolph's nose -- in six tweets... —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@rna11y You want to celebrate Newton's b'day Dec 25 (1642)? He was born Jan 4, 1643, on the Gregorian calendar in use today. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
I suppose the Christmas carol lyric "Go, Tell It On The Mountain, Over the hills & everywhere" would today be "Send a Tweet" —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Christians: MerryChristmas; Jews & Muslims: HappySunday; Atheists & Agnostics: HappyDay359 (Days of week are named for gods) —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Red light cuts thru fog better than white. So if Rudolph's nose did glow he'd indeed prevent Santa from flying into mountains —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Nope. I'm cool with the flying reindeer. RT @sarnoski: That's what get you? Not the flying reindeer? —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
According to the song, Rudolph's nose is shiny, which means it reflects rather than emits light. Useless for navigating fog. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Seems that by now, given Santa's body weight & shape, hungry PolarBears would have mistaken him for a seal and eaten him. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
FYI: As the world warms & the Arctic melts, the PolarBear is not the only one to lose a habitat. Santa also gets cast adrift. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@SethMacFarlane Speaking of Superman, if he's really made of indestructible stuff, seems to me he wouldn't need big muscles. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
@realjohngreen FYI In the first secs of the interview the anchor had flashed a Vulcan sign. In my reply, I nerdfighterized it —