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Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
JUST POSTED: Premiere of @StarTalkRadio Live [Video 40min] w/@Astro_Mike John @Hodgman @KristinSchaaled —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@JerboMania: Wouldn't the atmosphere burn most of it? // No. You "burn" slowing from 17,000mph orbital speed, not by falling —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@alexinfact: If ISS stopped orbiting Earth, would it fall to the surface? // Yes. Most parts would hit ground within 15 min. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
@clayd0ugh: @neiltyson 4 astronauts died on the moon?!? Why am I just now finding this out? // Four who have walked have died since. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
@VeritasKnight: 24 went to the moon. (3 of them went twice.) // Yup. Thanks for that added fact. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@truthchief How many astronauts have been to the moon? // 27 went. Of those, 12 walked (6 also drove). Of those, 8 survive. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
The East River meets an underground parking lot. Not mine. Good knowing how to read a topographic map. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
The East River meets Plaza Shops on "Water Street" in Lower Manhattan. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
My power just went out. 8:38pm ET. Lower Manhattan, East. No biggie. It's good to be in a profession that embraces the dark, —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Perhaps one day we will tap hurricanes as sources of energy, powering cities instead of wreaking havoc upon them. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Darwinian Natural Selection poised to cull the herd: All those drawn to shorelines seeking a close-up view of Hurricane Sandy —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Full Moon today, 3:50pm ET. The Hunter's Moon -- the first after the Harvest Moon. See it tonight, if not smothered by Sandy. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
As Hurricane Sandy passes by, If my electricity goes out, I guess I'll have to eat all the Ice Cream in my freezer. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Think Sandy's big? Jupiter's GreatRedSpot is a 400yr raging storm that could fit several entire Earths within it. Just saying —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Yup, it's 500 deg Celsius on Venus. But, yes, it's a dry heat. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@maarten_peels: Why aren't Americans using SI? That just works better. // We are inching towards the metric system. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@staggaz32: What's that in Celsius? // Sorry to confuse the metric-literate world out there. 900 deg F is about 500 deg C. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@dwc462: Why would you vaporize on Venus? // It's 900deg F, from a thick CO2 atmosphere driving a runaway greenhouse effect. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
I suppose I'd still rather live on Earth, dodging storms & risking extinction, than live on Venus, where I'd simply vaporize. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
FYI: Earth has always been supremely hostile to life. That's why more than 95% of all species that ever lived are now extinct —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, floods, wildfires, hurricanes: All the ways Earth wants to kill us. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Try not to think of science as a dose of unwelcome medicine, rather as a means of coming closer to the operations of nature. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@Krazymof: Is your epic knowledge ever a burden? // As areas of knowledge grow, so too do the perimeters of ignorance. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
JUST POSTED: Latest StarTalk Radio installment. A "Cosmic Queries" tour of the Solar System [40m audio] —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@krmalite: Are you a pantheist? // I am only one kind of "-ist" -- a scientist. I reject all other philosophical labels. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@Ryan_Rude10: How long to fly to the Sun at the speed of light? // 8 minutes & 20 seconds. Then you would rapidly vaporize. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
.@J_Friendly: If someone committed a crime in outer space who would have jurisdiction? // The law firm of Smith & Wesson. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
If you are pro-solar power, try not to hold up signs that say "No Nukes" because that's exactly how the Sun makes its energy. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
Just an FYI: Energy consumed by the United States in one year equals the energy made by the Sun in one millionth of a second. —
Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson
A H R B Q D W E F L M N S X G I J K O P C T V Y U Z -- Gotta love what the alphabet looks like in alphabetical order. —