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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
Real talk: crushes are easier than relationships. Crushes don't have flaws. Crushes don't require work. If you find yourself crushing often, ask yourself what's really going on—are you afraid to try a relationship? Do you feel undeserving? Are you worried about fucking it up? 🤔 —
lord strawhat @StrawHatDan
how u stop havin a crush
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
Hey everybody follow my friend @cwjedi1 who I know from Karen House (queer unhoused shelter, no longer around) in St Louis, and who designed the poster I saw there, that I took a photo of, that is now my cover image on Twitter ✊❤️ —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@russwilliamsiii @madmissmattie @Eamon0303 Not even counting the fact that medical bills are a thing here, that aren't in other countries —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@russwilliamsiii @madmissmattie @Eamon0303 Not even counting the fact that medical bills are a thing here, that aren't in other countries —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @DanielleMuscato: @madmissmattie @Eamon0303 60% of Americans would have to go into debt to cover a $1000 surprise bill. 40% would have… —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
Shared with permission from my Facebook wall #LivingWage #FightFor15 —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @washingtonpost: Biden administration withdraws Trump-era proposal to allow homeless shelters to discriminate against transgender people… —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@madmissmattie @Eamon0303 60% of Americans would have to go into debt to cover a $1000 surprise bill. 40% would have to go into debt to cover a $400 surprise expense. There's no way to divide it, such that an American with a few thousand in savings/investments, is not in the top ⅓ of rich, middle, poor —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @emptywheel: Remind me which of the original 13 states Ohio was again? —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @QueenMab87: I don’t understand defending police killing #makhiabryant based on procedure. If procedure leads to killing a 16 year old g… —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @michaelharriot: They never intended for me to vote either, yet here we are. —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
I've worked with lots of nonprofits & shared a lot of stages w/big names. I've met a lot of rich people, from a few $100k/year, to $10s of millions in "passive income"/month. I have *NEVER* had a rich person agree with me that they are, in fact, rich. They call it "comfortable." —
Helen Rosner @hels
idk I just kind of feel like if you're making hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands (even millions??) of…
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @michaelharriot: This must be a tweet from 1957 —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@trevorissmart Don't ever use that word @ me. I don't care if you're okay with it, it's a fucking slur. Reported and blocked. —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
white people do not get to decide what's racist and what isn't straight people do not get to decide what's homophobic and what isn't cis people do not get to decide what's transphobic and what isn't people without disabilities do not get to decide what's ableist and what isn't —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @ElieNYC: First Supreme Court decision today has the Court upholding life without parole for juvenile convicts. Wouldn't you know, it's… —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
Reminder that Biden was a senator from '73—'09 And that @aitruthfilm An Inconvenient Truth came out in 2006 And THIS was way back in '92: If he gave a shit he would have done it already. But it's too profitable not to, & he answers to capitalist megadonors, not we the people —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
No mugshot? I wonder why —
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
A southwest Virginia man accused of burning a cross last year outside the home of a Black teenager, who had organiz…
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
Science says #GreenNewDeal —
President Biden @POTUS
This Earth Day, I’m proud to say science is back.
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
Green New Deal *yesterday* Or like thirty years ago but seriously now is okay too —
President Biden @POTUS
America is back. We rejoined the Paris Agreement and are ready to rally the world to tackle the climate crisis. Let’s do this.
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@cryanhyde Thank you for sharing this moment with us —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@cryanhyde Oh gosh, that's just beautiful —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @cryanhyde: Because I thought you needed to watch a puppy discover the intoxicating joys of tall grass for the first time. You probably… —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@Fordimau5 Agreed lol —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@Ebonyteach ❤️✊ rest sis —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @BerniceKing: The founders enslaved my ancestors. So...there’s that. —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
Fuck around and find out, transphobes —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@ramenneedles I went to the real whistle stop cafe for some but they were closed when I got there! —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@cwjedi1 @ChickfilA I didn't know you were on Twitter!! Following! —