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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

My dad is incapable of letting me finish a sentence. He's a narcissist & can't stand it when he has to listen, not talk. I even got a chess timer app to prove who talks more during family therapy—he kept insisting I hogged the floor. I timed 3 sessions. He spoke 2/3 of the time. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

These are recognizable red flags. This is passive aggression (in the case of my mom) & aggression (in the case of my dad). I should've given up on trying to communicate with them like adults years ago. I kept trying & trying because I didn't want to admit my parents are abusive. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

It should have taken 15 min. It took TWO HOURS to read 11 pages. I gave up. We never even got to the discussion part because my dad kept screaming at me & my mom kept pretending to read a magazine. When I took away the magazine, she called me "nasty" & got out her phone instead. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

My dad insisted on joining us. He kept interrupting, literally yelling at me, telling me to pause so he could play with his phone, yelling at me for not giving him "equal time" to talk. Equal time?! I was trying to read 11 pages aloud. There was no need for him to speak at all. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I bought her this book & asked for 20 min the following Sunday to sit down with her & read her the introduction aloud & talk to her about it. It took TWO HOURS to read 11 pages because she kept reading a magazine, scrolling her phone, interrupting me, getting up from the table. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I bought her this book & asked for 20 min the following Sunday to sit down with her & read her the introduction aloud & talk to her about it. It took TWO HOURS to read 11 pages because she kept reading a magazine, getting on get phone, interrupting me, getting up from the table. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023 Deleted Just a Typo
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

This is passive aggression: she knows if she screws up again & again, I'll stop asking her for things. She was right. She's a medical doctor and med school professor at @Mizzou. She's not incompetent. She can easily follow simple instructions. She chooses not to, to punish me. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

My mother often makes it clear she disapproves of my weight & food choices. Once I asked her to get Hellmann's Mayo. She got miracle whip light. We talked about it. I put down Hellmann's Mayo again. She bought Hellmann's light mayo. This is her way of telling me I'm fat. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I'll give an example of passive aggression: My parents offered to let me add to their grocery list for free. Despite being disabled/not working, I gave up trying to do that & just bought my own food, because my mom intentionally, passive aggressively half-assed buying my items. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

They both play dumb & pretend nothing happened after they're cruel to me. They mask in front of outsiders. I have a recording of my dad screaming at me. The phone rang, my mom answered—he INSTANTLY switched to whispering. He has complete control over it: —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Dr Joe Muscato & Dr Mary Muscato are both narcissistic abusers. They lie & manipulate, they're passive aggressive. My mother is actually the worst of the two. My dad is violent—he regresses to toddler behavior. Dr Mary manipulates. She regresses to teenage behavior. She's cruel. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Your regular reminder that Dr Joe Muscato is a #DomesticAbuser. His wife/my mother Dr Mary Muscato is also abusive. She's not violent like my dad—she lies & manipulates. She's shockingly rude, dismissive, she rolls her eyes at me LITERALLY 100x+/day (I count). She calls me names. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

It's been 3 months since I've seen my cat. Legally she's my emotional support animal. She's 19 years old. I'll never see her again because my dad is punishing me for exposing his abuse. He won't let me see her, let alone take her with me. What a monster. 3 WEEKS to get my meds!! —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

When I escaped my dad, I had to go through lawyers to get my social security card, birth certificate, my passport. It took 3 WEEKS to get my meds & my clothes! I had to take him to court! It took 3 MONTHS to get my car title back, because of my dad's passive aggression. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Once they know they can get away with assault & battery, once they have manipulated their victims into covering for them, lying about being abused to outsiders… the next escalation is murder. They isolate you & take over your finances at the beginning so you can't leave later. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Another important thing to understand is that abusers escalate. At first, they are manipulative. They lie & deny. Later, they add yelling. Once they know they can get away with it, they start slamming doors, throwing things, punching walls. The LAST thing they do is batter you. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

The most important thing to understand about #narcissist abusers is that they "mask." When they feel safe—when they're behind closed doors, when no one is watching, when it's just the abuser & their victim—they drop the mask & show their true colors. MOST of the time, they mask —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Abusers are experts at hiding their abuse. That's how they get away with it. They hide it from outsiders. They go through a cycle with their victims. If they didn't, they would get caught immediately. They would drive away potential partners at the very outset. They're sneaky. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Abusers give guilt gifts. Abusers love-bomb. Abusers don't abuse everyone they come across: there's a reason it's called #DomesticAbuse and intimate partner violence. In fact, abusers often make up for their shockingly shitty behavior by being extra kind & generous to outsiders. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@notwaving @AssGirl8675309 Yep, when we adopted her, I picked her out at the shelter, and she's registered as my emotional support animal, but my parents have paid her vet bills this whole time and claim that she belongs to them. It's contested but possession is 9/10 of the law —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@notwaving Yeah that's exactly the reason they're giving legally, as far as refusing to give her back to me. But I know the real reason, it's the same reason they refused to give me my meds or my clothes until I took them to court about it. My dad is punishing me for exposing his abuse. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@notwaving I was homeless from 2016-2017 also, yep, also because of my parents' abuse. My kitty has been with them the whole time. They wouldn't let me take her. It's so upsetting 😭 —

Posted Jan. 26, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Content: abuse, su*cide, death My friend's grandmother, the family matriarch, is dying. Coincidentally, she recently visited with her 8-month-old & her husband and they got to spend some time together while her grandmother was still able to speak Cont'd —

Posted Jan. 26, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

And he's cheating on his wife too 🙃 —

Posted Jan. 26, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

He accepted a $100,000 bribe to lie and support my dad's bullshit story that he's being abused rather than the other way around, even though I have audio recordings and the bruises to prove it. I told internal affairs but that was months ago. They didn't even put him on leave. —

Posted Jan. 26, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

hint: it's transphobia. That's all it is. This guy is a police detective at @ColumbiaPD by the way. They are so concerned with their public image... This guy is a serial harasser, a rapist, a liar, and corrupt AF. And a transphobic bully on top of it. I feel so bad for his kid. —

Posted Jan. 26, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@Miscux1 Nope, I told my dad I was filing an order of protection against him, and he decided to get one too. The idea for an order of protection came from me, and I have a recording of a phone call from the day before he filed his, to prove it. You don't know what you're talking about. —

Posted Jan. 25, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

You know what blows my mind? My twin brother the cop uses he/him pronouns when he's talking about his trans sister (me) to his 4-year-old. I asked him why. He said he doesn't want to confuse him. Seems to me that will confuse him even more, since everyone else uses she/her 🙃 —

Posted Jan. 25, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I asked my brother if he knows why my parents treat me so differently than they treat him & my twin brother. He said he doesn't know, either. But he also isn't really bothered by it. I mean… There are 3 of us, & he stands to inherit a few extra million if I'm out of the picture —

Posted Jan. 23, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I'm not angry about my family. I'm more just sad. I wish I had a family that treated each other with kindness & gentleness & compassion. I have compassion for my family. I don't blame Jeff. He learned this from my parents, after all. I just want a roof over my head. That's all. —

Posted Jan. 23, 2023