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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@jayneair79 @Mizzou He also insisted that my cat, registered as my emotional support animal, stay upstairs. I could visit her anytime upstairs in their house, unless they had company etc. I wasn't allowed to sleep with her. My dad would LITERALLY SCREAM at me if he caught me asleep with my EMA cat. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@jayneair79 @Mizzou When I moved back in, I could not understand why my dad REFUSED to let me take my childhood bedroom, & instead put me in their 1bed/1.5ba basement instead. I still don't know. It came down to his house, his rules 🤷‍♀️ He literally had me sign a lease his lawyer drew up, $1/mo rent. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@jayneair79 @Mizzou I have so many examples. 100+ hours of audio. Here's my dad SCREAMING at my mom for 20 MINUTES because she bought bagels, but he wanted sandwich bread. It's toxic as shit. I had to grow up with this from the moment I was born until I left when I was 17. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@jayneair79 @Mizzou My dad has this release valve, for his violent temper tantrums. He has complete control over it, he can switch it on & off instantly, eg when the phone rings, or someone walks in the room who's not a family member. He yells & grabs me, & his wife, & his grandson. Only in private. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@jayneair79 @Mizzou My parents pretend to be kind, funny people in public. Behind closed doors, my dad literally screams at his toddler grandson, until one day when I pulled him aside & had a talk with him & said, "Dad, you CANNOT yell at a 3-year-old. Ever. Unless they're running into the street." —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@jayneair79 My parents scream at each other, lie to each other, & manipulate each other. They both mask when they're around outsiders. My dad pretends/insists he can't afford things like my mom simply buying groceries, while at the same time buying @Mizzou season tickets as a gift to himself —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@jayneair79 If you're sitting on a shower stool, you have to twist, turn, & lean, or you're only gonna get your hair wet. To rinse all over, if the showerhead doesn't move, that means YOU need to move—regardless of whether you're sitting or not. Baths, you just have to get in, sit, & get out —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

you don't stop being a mom or dad just because it's been 18 years since your kid was born. You don't stop being a parent even if your kid is dead. If you have a child, you are their parent FOREVER. act like it —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Guitar advice! Transcribe vocal parts, horn parts, keyboard parts. When you're transcribing, write it down if you have to 🤣 does that make sense? You should be able to play along, the phrasing, the intonation, by heart. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Guitar advice! Don't practice it until you get it right. Practice it until you CAN'T get it WRONG. Even when you're half-asleep & not looking at the fretboard. Practice it until you can't get it wrong even while you're having a conversation & talking to someone at the same time —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

guitar advice! Thought is the opposite of flow —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Lol my brother liked this post on fb —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

oh look it's my dad Dr Joe Muscato 🙃 —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

If you scream at, hit, or threaten to hit your children, regardless of their age, you are a child abuser and a failure as a parent. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

My gosh, the #TERF's are out in full force it seems. I just blocked 434 accounts. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I came out as #trans in late 2014. A few months later, I was laid off. I lost my income and my health insurance. It's amazing how things fell apart after that. Within 2 years I was unhoused. This kind of thing can happen to anybody. We NEED better social safety nets for workers —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I've been in #therapy off & on since I was a teen, & much more consistently since 2017. It took many years to get there, but after a hospitalization in Feb '22, I've become VERY compliant with my (15!) Rx meds. I still have a ways to go. My #adhd isn't treated now, for example. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I made the decision to stop dating in 2021, after a really rough breakup that was entirely my fault. (I did have 1 brief situationship in '22 with an old friend-turned-fwb, that turned out to be a disaster, too). I needed—& still do need—to do a LOT of work on my #MentalHealth. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I really hate the "grind" mindset of capitalist America. It's so unhealthy. People shouldn't have to live to work, just so they can afford housing, food, medicine, student loans. It wasn't always like this, when our parents were our age. It's unsustainable. Fucking capitalists. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Vacations are really important for your mental health. Everyone should be able to take vacation. It shouldn't be considered a luxury, something that only people with good jobs get to do. It's necessary for your well-being, just like good healthcare access. Other countries get it. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I sometimes think about how my life would be if I still had that job, going on live national TV regularly, good health insurance, money to go on vacation to Italy. I'm glad I got to experience that back when I was more able-bodied! I couldn't do that now even if I could afford it —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I used to be on meds for my ADHD. I was SO PRODUCTIVE. I used to work 60-80h/week, traveling to conferences every weekend for public speaking, writing everyday, still making time to practice guitar too. I miss having the energy to do so much. My chronic back pain is so bad now 😭 —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Unfortunately, that was just a few months after I came out as #trans. I was terrified about losing my health insurance. I needed a heart procedure before I could transition. It ended up taking me 7 more years to make that happen, THEN it turns out I need ANOTHER one first, too 🙃 —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I was laid off in May of 2015, along with 40% of our staff. They gave me a great severance package and were as kind as they could have been about it. They changed their mission statement as a nonprofit, and reorganized such that my department was no longer needed. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I really miss having a "real" job with a decent income sometimes. I used to love sending flowers to my friends on their birthdays, donating to friends' fundraisers, I lived in NJ at the time & I'd often bring $100 in 5s to the city with me, to give to unhoused folks & buskers etc —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I was asked why she's named Hermione despite #JKRowling being a #TERF and my being a #trans woman. 1. She's 19! Rowling wasn't "out" as a bigot back then 2. She's actually named after the Greek god Hermes. Her litter mate was named Persephone 3. I didn't name her! She's a rescue —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I love that she put my guitar in the background 🤣 This is her page, Megan Land - she takes commissions! 🤘 —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Omg look what my friend made for me! Hermione 🥺 I miss her so much 😭🐾 my abusive piece of shit dad won't even let me visit her. she's legally my emotional support animal! She's 19 years old! She's so sweet & gentle & affectionate. She's never hissed in her whole life 💘 —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Hope this helps! If you have any questions about anything I post online, just ask. Have a great Friday, everybody! Here's a funny meme for you. Thanks for following 🤘💕 —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

It's about using assertiveness communication techniques instead of bottling up your frustration and expressing your anger about something unrelated, in unhealthy and unproductive ways. If you unpack it, it's about something entirely different than mayonnaise, that's the point. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2023