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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

(Deep down, they know, and that's why they hide it at first/from outsiders). Their feelings determine their reality. They feel attacked by the SLIGHTEST perceived, gentle criticism: therefore, they are a victim. They force their delusional reality onto you, violently if necessary —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Not facts, not evidence; it doesn't matter if you have proof, you cannot reason with them and expect a rational response. They're just not wired that way. You cannot convince narcissistic abusers that they, themselves, are abusing you/their family/etc. They cannot admit it. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I read about narcissistic abuse to better understand my parents. They're no longer in my life (except through our respective attorneys), but the most important thing I have learned about narcs is this: ***Their feelings determine their reality.*** —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I follow a lot of feeds in insta about narcissistic abusers. I'm learning. I'm growing. I want to educate people so they don't end up like I did, homeless, alone, living in a park. I want to teach people how to make a plan to escape, and give them the resources to do so. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Here's a blues that I'm writing, the show opener, I think. It's a work in progress, but you get the idea. I'm excited about this. We're gonna raise some money and really help some people get away from their abusers, rich powerful angry two-faced violent men like Dr Joe Muscato. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I'm working on a whole bunch of songs for my show. I'm even raffling off a handmade custom guitar that was donated for the cause. Here it is. I mentioned it in the mock-up invitation. I'm hoping to raise $8,000 for domestic abuse survivors with it! —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

It's played on two guitars simultaneously. I'm planning to put on this show in the spring. It's a fundraiser for domestic violence survivors, like me. I'll keep you posted about the date once it's booked. This is a mock-up of the invitation. I'm getting 2,000 of them printed up. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I still have those two guitars I bought back from, that I paid for twice. I miss my 5-string Fender American Standard Jazz Bass. It was red, with a rosewood fingerboard. I'm working on a one-woman show about my dad's child abuse. I wrote a song about this incident—a guitar duet —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I bought those guitars with money I earned teaching & performing. He didn't care. It wasn't about that. He was punishing me for standing up to his abuse. For escaping. He needed his punching bag. When I left, he did whatever he could think of to make it hurt as much as possible —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Then they just left! I only had $2k, so I bought back my red Fender Strat and my blue Gibson Les Paul. He sold the rest, without knowing anything about them. For less than they were worth. For less than he wanted me to pay him for them. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

They went & talked to him. He said, "well, ACTUALLY, (s)he's under 18. So TECHNICALLY these are my guitars. I can sell them or give them away or set them on fire if I want to." Or words to that effect. The cops said, sounds like a civil matter. You can take him to small claims. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

When I left, I was teaching guitar at a local shop. My dad stole all my guitars. Took them to his office and locked them up. Told me I would have to purchase them back from him, if I wanted them, for $1000 each. I called the cops and said my dad, apparently, stole my guitars. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I grew up getting SCREAMED at, every single day, for every little thing. I learned to spend as much time away from my dad as possible. I left home when I was 17. I lived in a park for awhile. It was preferable to daily abuse. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

SCREAMING at a toddler. To his credit, he actually listened to me. He didn't admit he was wrong; he can't, he's a narcissist. But he knew. Two weeks later, I even caught him reading this book, Parenting Without Yelling. I was proud of him. I feel so bad for that kid, though. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

"The ONLY time someone should raise their voice is if it's an emergency, and you are far away. For example, if your toddler is 30 feet away & about to run into a busy street." I had to pull my dad aside & tell him this because he was SCREAMING at his 3-year-old toddler grandson! —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

The Narcissist's Prayer: That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, it wasn't a big deal. And if it is, it wasn't my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... You deserved it. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

You cannot force someone into therapy. You cannot make other people change. They have to want to be better. Narcissistic abuse is rooted in DEEP insecurity. Deep down, they know they're hurting people. But the thing is, they'll never change. They are convinced you deserve it. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Therapy can help fix a lot of things. But therapy only works if YOU decide you're ready to admit you were wrong, admit you have hurt people, admit that you need to change. That you need to be better. Narcissistic abusers are not capable of admitting wrongdoing. They deny it. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

No need to take my word for it, listen for yourself. SCREAMING at my mother, Dr Mary Muscato, because she bought bagels and he wanted sandwich bread. Twenty minutes of this. I grew up with this. Every single day for decades. 20 minutes of this! —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

He still abuses his family. He SCREAMS at his wife for buying the wrong food at the grocery store. He hides it from outsiders. He can turn it on & off like a lightswitch, when an outsider walks into the room, or when the phone rings, etc. He's in complete control. He's two-faced. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I learned to lie at a young age, from my parents. The slightest childhood error was met with instant screaming and violent abuse. I learned to hide my life from my parents. My dad believes anger, violence, punishment is the correct & ethical response if you don't do what he wants —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I want to help educate people about how abusers get away with it. How they hide it, at the beginning, and from outsiders. I no longer date. I'm not mentally healthy enough to date. I don't want to hurt anybody. Never again. I'm learning. I'm growing. It's hard. It takes time. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I used to be an abuser. I've lied & cheated. I learned it from my parents. My dad, Dr Joe Muscato, is a classic, violent, angry, two-faced narcissistic abuser. My mother, Dr Mary Muscato, is a covert narcissist. I no longer speak to them & I'm in therapy. I'm breaking the cycle! —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@lmaosuine420 I've described it in great detail on many of my posts, including audio recordings, see my pinned post. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@Arkdivarius7861 I am disabled. I applied for benefits almost 2 years ago, but in my country it can take 5 years even if you have all the paperwork done correctly. —

Posted Jan. 29, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@davidclarke76 Sure thing, GC = Golden Child SC = Scapegoat NC = No contact Common abbreviations on —

Posted Jan. 29, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

I literally haven't gotten out of bed yet and I've already blocked 100 transphobic accounts this morning. Sheesh. —

Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

My gosh, the #TERF's are out in full force it seems. I just blocked 434 accounts.

Posted Jan. 29, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@eoinog Yep, that's what I do now. I no longer speak to either of my parents. There's no point. They just scream at me and blame me. They hate me. They always have, literally since I was a baby, that have always treated me as a burden. They have always gone out of their way to punish me. —

Posted Jan. 29, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

Narcissistics are unable to admit that hurting you is wrong. They will hurt you on purpose to punish you while at the same time blaming you. You cannot win. The only thing you can do is distance yourself. They'll blame you for that, too, and play dumb about why for sympathy 🤷‍♀️ —

Posted Jan. 29, 2023
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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

thread —

Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato

@jayneair79 My parents scream at each other, lie to each other, & manipulate each other. They both mask when they'r……

Posted Jan. 28, 2023