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Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
In fact the way I live my life is basically built around never having to do the customer service smile. I don't work with anyone I don't choose to work with. —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
what is your favorite thing about the way you live your life? Great question from @tiredsias. I'll go first: If I see something that's bullshit, I never have to keep it to myself with a "customer service smile," even though serving the needs of others is central to my work. —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
the frustrating thing is that 99.9% of rich people are mindbogglingly confident about their obviously retcon'ed personal history as a textbook example of someone who pulled themselves up out of poverty by their bootstraps… no matter how demonstrably false that may be… —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @ramenneedles: whoever I gave my vintage soup crocks to: I hope you love them and I regret giving them to you —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
homemade #ValentinesDay cinnamon sugar donuts —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@WilliamKliskey I'm saying, it's bullshit that a minority of Americans won this. The overwhelming majority of Americans AND senators agree that he's guilty. Stop pretending to be so ignorant. Trump is obviously, egregiously guilty; even Mitch McConnell said so. —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@WilliamKliskey Whaaat?! No way?? How did I never know this until now??? /s —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
It gets worse... California (pop 39,500,000) got 2 votes yesterday. That's 1 vote for 20 million Americans. Both senators voted to impeach. Wyoming (pop 500k) also got 2 votes. That's 1 senator for 250k Americans. Both senators voted to acquit. #impeachment #America —
Margaret Owen, Temporary Hermit @what_eats_owls
The most American thing I can think of is that 57 people voted to convict and 43 voted to acquit, and the 43 people won
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@what_eats_owls @noreallyhowcome It gets worse... California (pop 39,500,000) got 2 votes yesterday. That's 1 vote for 20 million Americans. Both senators voted to impeach. Wyoming (pop 500k) also got 2 votes. That's 1 senator for 250k Americans. Both senators voted to acquit. #impeachment #America —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @what_eats_owls: The most American thing I can think of is that 57 people voted to convict and 43 voted to acquit, and the 43 people won —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
we will never have bipartisanship in America because 1/3 of this country is single-issue voters and that single issue is "fuck you" —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@dolphins42 @RBReich America has never been great. It started out with genocide and enslavement —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @RBReich: To: President Joseph Biden From: Every American who saw what the GOP did today Forget unity. Forget bipartisanship. Forget co… —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @QasimRashid: As an illustration of just how undemocratic the Senate is, the 57 Senators voting to convict represents nearly 70% of Amer… —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @Acosta: After voting to acquit, McConnell is slamming Trump for his lies leading up to Jan 6 and the violence at the Capitol. A McConne… —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
Welp #impeachment —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses and some are on paid administrative leave pending investigation —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @ashishkjha: About 3,000 Americans are dying every day They reflect infections from mid-January Given dropping infections since, we'll… —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@justkelly_ok omg 😘 —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
I just realized that, whether left or right, no longer are we expected to accept "people are saying" as a serious citation from @POTUS —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
and just like that 🎬 Christians stopped claiming the President is hand-picked by God —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
RT @sleepisocialist: Remember when everyone freaked out about Bernie having a "clothes chair" because it was so foreign to Americans to hav… —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
It's such a scam —
Pete Forester 🇺🇸 @pete_forester
This is actually really funny.
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@Matt_Dillahunty nobody got my joke 😭 —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@justkelly_ok omg 😘 —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
@justkelly_ok Omg —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
wtf is an initialism —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
Stop saying #TrayvonMartin would have turned 26. Use your voice. Say something. Trayvon Martin SHOULD have turned 26. #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth2021 —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
"successful" people will say they made good choices, and they're not *wrong,* but it's more accurate to say that they HAD good choices—otherwise known as privilege. Nobody makes bad choices because that's what they want. They do it because that's what they have. We can fix this. —
Danielle Muscato (she/her) @DanielleMuscato
A colon can completely change the meaning of an English sentence. For example, "Mary ate her friend's sandwich" means something totally different than "Mary ate her friend's colon." —