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Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
Now that we know that James Bennet did not read the Op-Ed before publication, do we know that Cotton himself wrote it? The norm on Capitol Hill has long been that staffers do the writing. I'm published two Times Op-Eds working for a senator in the 1970s. He barely read them. —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
Major axiom of politics: If you're opponent is self-destructing, stay out of the way. —
Ezra Klein @ezraklein
I keep seeing Democrats worrying that Trump is getting all this free airtime while Biden seems quiet. But Biden is…
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
The difference is that I have read Harry Potter, but I have read every word of the terrific Baseball 100. —
Joe Posnanski @JPosnanski
The Baseball 100 is now longer than the first three Harry Potter books combined. I don't know why anyone needs to k…
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @laurareston: Read @MrWalterShapiro on how Bernie Sanders reshaped a party that he never deigned to join: —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @lmlauramarsh: If you feel like listening to a nice soothing conversation about electoral politics, please check out our new episode! A… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @CleveWootson: Biden campaign says 2,000 people came to see him today. Not sure how many came because this is the only place in the stat… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @HickmanPolls: “Analysts” & “commentators” who dismissed Bernie, buried Biden and Warren, ignored Mayor Pete have now dug a grave for Bl… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @ElizabethDrewOH: @davidfrum Trump’s just jealous that, unlike Bernie, he can’t claim to have honeymooned in Moscow. —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @laurareston: Can Biden really win Iowa with a stealth campaign that depends heavily on TV ads and the warm feelings Democrats have for… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @NateSilver538: p.s. The correct definition of a contested convention IMO is "case where the nomination outcome is genuinely in doubt at… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @ProfTalmadge: 3. US decision to claim credit so publicly is puzzling and potentially dangerous. There is a reason assassinations in the… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
I realize that this is not normal Christmas Eve fare, but my major Joe Biden profile that is based on covering all three of his presidential runs just went up on the web via @newrepublic. Consider it an alternative to the inevitable Christmas sweater: —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @HickmanPolls: Democratic candidates nationwide will spend the holidays finding new locations for fundraisers they’d scheduled in wine c… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @ElizabethDrewOH: @MrWalterShapiro And thanks also to the Dem Party leaders, esp Tom Perez, for coming up with rules that left out two q… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @lindseyadler: CC Sabathia pitched his ass off until his body straight-up stopped cooperating. —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @politicalwire: Giuliani to Testify to Senate Judiciary Committee via @politicalwire —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
Three presidential candidates who somehow, I suspect, would find time in their busy schedules to question Rudy in a high-ratings hearing. —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @ElizabethDrewOH: Fallings out among thieves, which is going on now among Trumpsters, also characterized Watergate, and you know how tha… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @LukeEpplin: And, yes, for anyone wondering, Charles Schulz did tackle the issue of gun control. Here's a strip from December 17, 1988.… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @No1SBMom: @MrWalterShapiro Great piece. "But it is telling that Robert Mueller – a terse and reluctant witness who probably wouldn’t sp… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @daveweigel: Messam has talked his way into some cattle calls but there’s no evidence that he’s running a campaign. He’s even recycling… —
Thomas Kaplan @thomaskaplan
Wayne Messam raised $50K in the second quarter. His FEC filing:
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @jameshohmann: “Booker had a number of moments that came across powerfully on television. … Klobuchar managed the difficult trick of app… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @ElizabethDrewOH: With all due respect, Madame Speaker, Nixon's in-effect impeachment didn't start out bipartisan. That developed with t… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @reedgalen: .@MrWalterShapiro diagnoses the tortured road apparatchiks travel to become principals in Washington, DC, and the things the… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @JamesFallows: During 1976 Carter campaign, I was in cubicle in Atlanta next to then-foreign-policy-staffer R Holbrooke. Overheard him… —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @Jonny99Kaplan: come for the insight from the wise @MrWalterShapiro, stay for the wit —
Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro
RT @davidsirota: Call me crazy, but I'm way more concerned about ongoing mass layoffs of real journalists than about cable TV channels' per… —