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Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
I assumed stress-reading the news is emotionally unhealthy. But research from the SARS epidemic found that it made people feel better. At a time when we feel terribly helpless, it gives us a sense of autonomy. And command of the facts helps us overcome feelings of lost control. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @kevinroose: Aaaaaand we're live. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @mattyglesias: How would you feel if you were a retail worker told it’s safe to come back to work, but also all the company’s white coll… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Not accounting for training costs, the study estimates this would cost $3.6B per year. The Trump admin’s bailout package for airlines, valued at $25B, could fund this for 7 years. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @EllenBarryNYT: I wrote about Massachusetts' ambitious plan for contact tracing, which is built around the most old-school of public hea… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @mikiebarb: On today’s Daily: in the middle of the pandemic, China is expelling reporters from the WSJ, WaPo and NYT. I talked to @paulm… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @JessicaMontell: Israel shuts Palestinian Coronavirus testing clinic in Silwan, East Jerusalem because it was set up with PA assistance… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Life would be easier if we could imitate a country whose politics we like, and whose data is flawless. But no such country has confronted a USA-scale outbreak, contained it within one region, and possibly turned it back. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
This is true. So it's unfortunate, given how consistently right he has been, that people are still refusing to even acknowledge McNeil's equally consistent warning: "if we’re going to get a grip on our epidemic, we have to imitate China, because we’ve got China-like spread." —
Evan Hill @evanchill
If there's a mainstream reporter who got coronavirus right as early as one could get it right, it was Donald McNeil…
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @sharonchenhm: Been in Wuhan for a week now with @ClaireYChe and @sarahchen. Watching the city emerge from lockdown offers us glimpses o… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
The fact that these measures were first used in China, and were widely condemned in the US, has made them taboo here. It's led to a weird situation where everyone calls for contact tracing but either conceals or doesn't know what that actually means in practice. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
There's a misconception in the US that "contact tracing" means gathering info on who's tested positive. In the countries where it's succeeded, that info is a means to an end: 14-day forced quarantine. If you live with others, possibly in a govt facility. —
Mike Bird @Birdyword
What real contact tracing looks like : A friend caught covid-19, so I was put in a HK quarantine camp for close con…
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @mattyglesias: This seems like an easy one to me but honestly all of us who are not in House 3 should try to keep our shit together and… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @Birdyword: What real contact tracing looks like : A friend caught covid-19, so I was put in a HK quarantine camp for close contacts 'ti… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@Sarahc_k @dlknowles Daniel, I am begging you, I have close friends and family in London who I am worried for. Please stop telling people that this level of congregating in parks is safe. It is not. Please. This is dangerous. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Out for a walk when someone started blasting La Marseillaise down a completely empty Madison Avenue at exactly 6pm. This is 15 blocks from Times Square at rush hour. Found the speaker, taped with a piece of paper that said it was in solidarity with the city’s health care workers. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @MaraHvistendahl: Ooh, @edyong209 is on @longform this week talking about how to cover a pandemic. So good. Listen to it now. https://t.… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Would just add to this excellent advice to be careful of cyclists if you walk in the street. We’re straining to maintain distance from one another too and I’ve had lots of well-meaning pedestrians nearly plow into me. —
Eleanor Barkhorn @eleanorbarkhorn
On my midday walks/runs around the neighborhood I've realized we have some new norms to adopt if we want to continu…
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @Max_Fisher: —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Randomly reminded of this moment 7.5 years ago, when the overriding national conversation was that the Obama-Romney campaign felt annoyingly long —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
From me today: • A cautionary tale of two Italian cities • The South Korean lesson that South Korea badly wants us to learn • How both of those reveal the big remaining opportunity for the US, and why we're not taking it • Tldr: Timing is everything —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @Max_Fisher: —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @axios: Scoop: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu shared with his cabinet a video he claimed was evidence of Iran concealing coronavirus deat… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @Max_Fisher: —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @Max_Fisher: —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@evanchill You can’t go wrong with Obi-wan Smiley. But you will need subtitles —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
A lot of you are not complying with 6 feet of social distancing —
Elise Hu 胡昌怡 @elisewho
Looming global condom shortage, y'all. Demand is growing at “double digits," says the world's largest condom manufa…
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @Max_Fisher: I keep thinking about Lodi and Bergamo, two small cities in northern Italy both hit by coronavirus around Feb 23 Their inf… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
100,000 deaths would be many orders of magnitude worse than any other country hit by covid-19 so far. Countries with less warning, fewer resources, and less healthy populations have per capita tolls a fraction of that. —
Ryan Struyk @ryanstruyk
Trump cites a 2.2 million death estimate from coronavirus, then says: "So if we can hold that down, as we're saying…