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Showing page 23 of 314.
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @nktpnd: I’m not one to understate the damage to American soft power over the Trump years, but it’s really striking that so much of the… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Been listening to @SinicaPodcast for almost a decade so it was a thrill to chat with @KaiserKuo about Trump’s China hawkery, and what it means when China stories like early Covid go global, roping in non-China-experts like myself. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @caityweaver: there are TWO groups inside the New York Times, one emphasizes "Buffalo" and one emphasizes "Wild Wings"; these groups are… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @marcatracy: NEW: Times spokeswoman sends mea culpa —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @Max_Fisher: What "sending in the troops” sounds like to scholars of democratic decline: Trump’s actions and threats, including those e… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @UselessTree: This is what they killed 31 years ago. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @kevinroose: whew, long day of interviewing sources about tech platforms’ moral responsibility to avoid amplifying calls for violence! t… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @jdpink: It's only real Tear Gas if it's made and packaged entirely within the Tear region. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@MazMHussain Also a lot of research finding that when people see the institutions of basic security as not just failing but an active threat they, understandably, see the entire social contract as illegitimate and exploitative —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Thoughtful words on how Trump's actions compare to those of contemporary elected strongmen like Duterte and Orban, from expert on the subject @TomPepinsky —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
I know this point has already been made a thousand times tonight, but if police feel empowered to openly assault a TV crew in broad daylight, imagine what they're willing to do to people who aren't carrying a $3,000 live-feed camera. —
Brett McGurk @brett_mcgurk
Here’s how this scene was viewed live in Australia. One of America’s closest and most dependable allies. Rendered s…
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
I’m not some pro pilot or anything but I’ve spent enough time in small aircraft, which is to say more than zero seconds, to know that this is incredibly, incredibly dangerous. It takes very little to suddenly lose 50 feet, 100 feet of altitude. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @letsgomathias: Cop in white shirt gets angry starts pushing barricade at protesters —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
These 3 posts are much better on what “convergence” is and isn’t than my stupidly glib tweet last night. I get why people read it as saying something very different and very bad, which is 100% on me. I regret posting it. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
I’m deleting this which — entirely my fault — some read as saying US problems come from LatAm, which is not my intent. Only that there’s some convergence with things separately occurring in eg Brazil. US problems are all American, and in many cases LatAm variations have US roots. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
The Latin Americanization of the United States is in many ways the defining trend of our time, arguably even more than right-wing populism —
Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias
TIL During the Freddie Gray riots in Baltimore some of the looting was done by members of an elite police squad tha…
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Thoughtful, careful, in-depth look by @LoisParshley at the WHO's performance on Covid19, and digging into the biggest accusations (and misconceptions) levied against it —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Really striking that the UK’s response to the HK crisis is to open its doors to Hong Kongers, and the US’s response is to shut Hong Kongers out. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @evanchill: The New York Times is investigating the arrest and death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. If you have photos or vid… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Of everything I’ve read on coping with life under Covid, nothing has shaped how I think like my afternoon with Velibor Božović. Velibor has been through this. He says the first winter changes everything. Really pleased to share the full conversation: —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
One gargantuan problem with the theory that China will displace the USA: The US has been free to project power globally because it is in many ways an island nation, whereas China is surrounded by several major-power competitors. Four of its neighbors are nuclear powers. —
Shashank Joshi @shashj
"Although China vastly outspends India on defence, the local military balance is more even. India’s armed forces in…
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@ishaantharoor @MattZeitlin How so? —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @austinramzy: The police presence in Admiralty today feels like Beijing during the Arab Spring. There was a call for protest in Wangfuji… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @CarlosGphoto: The scene at the Minneapolis 3rd Police Precinct. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Sometimes I wonder how many cycles of this we'll need to go through before we move beyond "is the day's online villain bad, because if so they deserve whatever they get" to "who do we want deciding the severity of the crime and the appropriate punishment." Not today, I guess. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Central Park lady is bad. The dentist who killed Cecil the Lion was bad. Justine Sacco's tweet was bad. But every time I see a decentralized internet collective tear down the day's internet villain, often with ostensibly neutral journalists participating, it makes me nervous. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
On one level I guess you can give Facebook credit for at least looking. I think a lot of the big social media companies just don't want to know what their platform is doing to humanity, so they never produce research like this that can then get leaked. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
I visited Facebook HQ around this time to ask about the growing instances of mass violence linked the platform. One executive after another looked me in the eye and said they had no reason to believe the platform itself drove bad behavior. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
With approval rates soaring for the leaders overseeing the worst death tolls, I dug into the “rally around the flag effect” Turns out nearly everything in the conventional wisdom about why it happens, how it works, and what we should expect is wrong —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @shutupmikeginn: My "Not involved in human trafficking" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt. —