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Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
What's disturbing about this hack: if some bitcoin idiots who don't even know how to scam correctly can pull this off, imagine what better-resourced actors – violent extremists, a hostile nation-state – could do with sudden simultaneous control of these accounts. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
This is such a bummer. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @ishaantharoor: This may be a controversial opinion, but the NYT op-ed section is good, publishes lots of interesting, thought-provoking… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@poniewozik This came up on the group chat and we agreed Paulie becomes a Gates/Soros conspiracist. It's Silvio. Secretly votes Biden after an asthma scare pushes him over the line —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @EmmaMAshford: Oooh, this Brezhnev joke really stings in the era of Trump. Also, a good counterintuitive piece on great power decline.… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
In reporting my book on how social platforms became accelerators of misinformation, polarization, and hate, people kept telling me: You have to look at the Silicon Valley venture capitalist culture that shaped those platforms. Today was a good illustration of what they meant. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@nicoleperlroth It feels like it explains a lot, given their role in funding and shaping these platforms! —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
If you want insight into Silicon Valley's relationship with American democracy: its all-powerful zillionaire venture capitalists hang out on a private $100M chat app sharing thoughts like journalists shouldn’t be allowed to examine successful companies —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @Max_Fisher: Hard to think of a better metaphor for the 21st century than China, South Korea, Singapore, Japan all on their way to getti… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Why would they need to? Money algorithm go brr —
Kevin Roose @kevinroose
My working theory is that no executives at YouTube actually watched YouTube until 2019.
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @kevinroose: Joel Kaplan was hired to lobby Republicans on behalf of Facebook, but this story makes it pretty clear that his actual succ… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @amandamull: To get some random person fired in the middle of a pandemic over a stupid thing she did at a media party two years ago and… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @ImUrHuckleJordy: The CIA doesn't need to coordinate a nationwide fireworks psy-op because they already have a website where the mere co… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Every once in a while some social media conspiracy will percolate up to a Twitter mega-threader, sparking a big debate about it. But this stuff is absolutely pervasive on Facebook, which is usually where it comes from, and where it typically spreads unchallenged to huge audiences —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
This is the co-author of the leading scholarly investigation of how democracies backslide into authoritarianism —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@MADarbyshire No but it looks incredible – just ordered it on kindle and can’t wait to read it. Really appreciate you sharing the suggestion —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@MADarbyshire Me too! I bring it up with people all the time —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @DLind: The difference, of course, is that the Census had a looming deadline that made it impossible for the government to just try agai… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@Oneoneder Credit where due —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @ABarnardNYT: Journalists should be executed, said Trump according to Bolton. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Echoes of Kissinger, Rusk et al encouraging Latin American and Asian leaders to commit human rights abuses against entire demographic classes imagined as shared enemies. Back then it was left-wing activists and voters, now it’s Muslims. —
Yaroslav Trofimov @yarotrof
Bolton: “Xi had explained to Trump why he was basically building concentration camps in Xinjiang. According to our…
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@SevaUT haunting —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @JeromeRoos: Holy shit: "An Indian officer was pushed and fell into the river gorge, leading to a call for reinforcements and 600 troops… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
An important question raised (but not answered) by this study: If social media platforms reward dogmatism with emotional gratification, does it train users to be more dogmatic? —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
People predisposed to political dogmatism — defined as "relatively unchangeable, unjustified certainty” — are likelier to find social media emotionally gratifying, and so use it more, and so play a greater role in shaping attitudes of more passive users. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@nathanking @SinicaPodcast @KaiserKuo Thanks man! —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
When your teachers told you that the US dropped the atomic bombs on Japan to end the war and avoid invading, they were unknowingly recycling "a postwar fabrication, developed by the people who used the atomic bomb.” —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
"This ‘decision' narrative, in which Truman unilaterally decides that the atomic bombing was the lesser of two evils, is a postwar fabrication, developed by the people who used the atomic bomb. … There was no ‘decision’ to use the bomb.” —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @ArmsControlWonk: The paper really isn't very convincing. Not sure why it's getting so much attention. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
I’m as frustrated by Bari Weiss’s tweets as anyone. But that shouldn’t mean turning a blind eye to a Daily Beast editor calling for her teeth to be knocked out. Threats of violence are not acceptable. —